*Lecture 21 - Toward New Treatments for Early Onset Conduct Disorders in Children with Limited Prosocial Emotions Flashcards
What is one way that Attention, recognition and responsiveness in emotion processing has been tested in child psychopathy?
(Dadds MR et al, 2006)
Eye gaze hotspots
What emotions are callous and antisocial children good at processing?
Which ones are they bad at processing?
Fear, neatral
- Emotional engagement and warmth
The Eye-Love-You Game
- Mirroring, sensitive parenting, mentalising
What are the 2 key components of Emotional Engagement Intervention?
1) Emotional Engagement or Child Centred Play Exercises
- A wide range of brief activities
- Performed in session at clinic (Practice Sessions)
- Daily at home (i.e., 10-15 minutes per day)
2) Video Based Guidance
- Parents watch positive moments from Practice Sessions
- Videos show parent doing well/child doing well/successful interactions
How many Emotional Engagement (EE) or Child Centred Play (CCP) sessions are there and what do they entail?
Six sessions:
1) Intro
2) Practice session
3) Video review session
4) Practice session
5) Video review session
6) final
Conclusions - Implications for future treatments
High CU traits are a risk for poor outcomes
Parenting interventions remain the central EB approach
Specific parenting strategies could be refined in terms of specific emotional attention proclivities of the child. e.g.
Attention, recognition, responsiveness to emotion
Warmth and emotional engagement
Mirroring, mentalisation (Child centred play)
This study shows evidence that mechanisms can be targeted, can change, and can be disaggregated
No evidence of specific effects on response to PMT
General effects – warmth?
Little evidence that they impact on CU yet! (NB stable high CU criterion)
Hard to change? Temperament, goes to our humanity.