Lecture #21 (Scapulothoracic Rehab) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the scapula?
To position the GH joint into proper mechanics so shoulder and the hand can be used to work
What is scapula dyskinesis?
A muscular imbalance/loss of coordination/loss of rhythm due to force couple imbalances and proprioception deficiets
What are two force couples of the scapula?
1) serratus anterior-upper & lower trap-pec minor (rotation an dstability for sliding)
2) rhomboids- middle trap- levator (sliding and stability for rotation)
What is the main cause of shoulder dysfunction (such as impingement, anterior instability, and pain)?
Scapular mechanics
What muscles are tight in upper cross syndrome? What muscles are weakened?
Tight= Upper trap/levator scap and pec major/minor Weak= Deep neck flexors and rhomboics/middle & lower trap
What is weak when the levator is tight? How does it rotate the scap?
Weak serratus anterior and lower trap; downward rotatin/eelevation of the scap
What is weak with a tight upper trap? How does it rotate the scapula?
Weak lower trap, middle trap, and rhomboids; upwardly rotates the scapula and elevates it; need serratus anterior to stabilize
What is weak with a tight pec minor? How does that rotate the scapula?
Weak rhomboids and middle trap; anterior tilting and protraction of the scapula (rounding); need upper and lower trap to stabilize
What force couple weakness results in winging of the scapula?
Serratus anterior, middle trap, and rhomboids (they are weak and thus cannot pull the medial border of the scapula back down)
What is a SICK scapula?
S-scapular malposition
I-inferior medial scapular winging
C- coracoid tenderness
K- scapular dyskinesis
What are Sarah Meeks exercises?
The ones done on a foam roller to keep the scapulas suspended in the air