Lecture #20 (Shoudler and Arm Rehab) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the shoulder?
To position the hand for function
What type of stability does the labrum add to the shoulder joint?
What plays a significant role in positioning the GH joint appropriately?
The scapula
True or false:
Rehab of structural instability issues (such as bony, labral, or RTC ligament injuries) is fairly successful.
False…its fairly unsuccessful and typically requires surgical repair
What is the definition of a force couple?
Two equal forces acting in opposite but parallel directions to produce rotary motion (example is the upper trap and levator scap)
Describe the joint instability cycle.
Joint injury–> static (structural) instability –> afferent receptor damage (muscle spindles, GTOs, pacinian corpuscles) –> dynamic instability –> functional instability –>joint injury
How does the GH joint tend to migrate when static or dynamic instability is is present? What does this often lead to?
It tends to migrate superiorly so this leads to impingement conditions
Where should initial impingement exercises be conducted?
Below the impingement arc
What type of joint mob would be helpful in a pt dealing with impingement?
Inferior mob
What are Jobe’s exercises?
Theraband shoulder work (flexion, lateral raises, IR, ET, scaption, reverse flys)
Where should isometrics for the shoulder be performed early on?
In the scaption plane (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, IR, ER)
What are Codman’s exercises?
Pendulum swings
With a Bankart repair, what joint mobs do you avoid? What ROM do you avoid?
Joint mobs= anterior/anteior-inferior mobs
ROM= extension, ER
With a SLAP repair, what joint mobs do you avoid? What ROM do you avoid?
Joint mobs= superior mobs
ROM= anything that utilizes the biceps
How does a tight levator affect the scapula?
Downwardly rotates it
How does a tight upper trap affect the scapula?
Upwardly rotates it
What are Bueller exercises?
Pinkies on the wall
How much more activation is present when using the bolster during Jobe’s exercises?
True or false:
Empty can and full can are both equally effective at strengthening the supraspinatus. Could one hurt the patient more than the other?
True…empty can may hurt the pt (especially with impingement)
When do you typically want ROM back for a SLAP repair? A Bankart repair?
SLAP- 8 weeks
Bankhart- 10 weeks
What should you avoid with a Bankart repair?
Internal rotation because they’ll cut through the subscap
What is often associated with a SLAP tear?
GIRD (Glenohumeral internal rotation deficit)