LECTURE 21 - information processing (stage 2) Flashcards
what is stage 2 of the information processing model ?
response selection
what are the two response selection stages :
- number of stimulus-response (SR) alternatives
- stimulus (or spatial) compatibility
what does increasing the number of alternatives increase …
the time required to process and select an appropriate response
between 2-SR and 4-SR alternatives which has an increases reaction time (typically in ms) ?
what is Hick-Hyman’s Law ? (1952)
a psychological principle which states that the more options are available to a person, the longer it will take for him or her to make a decision about which option is best
the following three points are in regards to which law ?
- choice RT is determined by index of difficulty
- ID = index of difficulty in bits of information
- choice RT = a + b [log2(N)]
hick-hyman law
what is Shannon’s information processing theorem ?
that older adults take longer to process info
which law let’s us determine prediction of RT through this equation; RT = a + b [log2(N)] ?
hick-hymans law
in which law are we reducing uncertainty by half ?
hick-hymans law
what is spatial compatibility ?
the situation where the selection of a response is directly related to the position of the related stimulus
what does spatial compatibility do ?
facilitates response selection time and accuracy
what is the fitts posner theory ?
- two choice reaction experiment
- the lights go on and you have to press the associated key
- issue associated with the response selection
- people are going to be prone to making errors
what does the fitts posner theory tell us ?
when we see a cue, visual attention is oriented towards that cue, which has the effect of enhancing visual processing at the cued/attended location
which experiment was the fitts posner theory ?
the light stimulus associated with keys A and B (spacial compatibility)
what does spacial compatibility facilitate ?
response selection time and accuracy
what is the stroop task ?
way to test speed and accuracy
what does the stroop task test ?
tests inhibitory control of individual
what is done during the stroop task experiment ?
meaning of the word vs colour of the ink/wording
having the word “green” in the colour green is what form ?
having the word “yellow” in the colour red is what form ?
what does non-standard evoke ?
what is DLPFC ?
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
what is the DLPFC responsible for ?
a brain area associated with domain general executive control functions such as task switching and task-set reconfiguration, prevention of interference, inhibition, planning, and working memory
what did Henry and Rogers (1960) want to understand ?
understand how the complexity of a movement affected reaction time (RT)
what does SR stand for ?
stimulus response
what were the three steps of the Henry and Rogers (1960) experiment ?
- lift finger following stimulus
- lift finger and move 33cm to grasp a tennis ball
- lift finger and move 33cm to grasp a tennis ball then move in the opposite direction to grasp a second tennis ball
when will reaction time increase …
reaction time increased as a function of the number of movements performed in a sequence
is reaction time the independent or dependent variable ?
what is motor program ?
all the neurological code needed for a reaction
what does it mean if a motor program is more complex ?
longer to plan response
what is the frontal parietal network important for ?
response programming processes
who’s study was used to demonstrate stage 3 (aka response programming) ?
henry and rogers
what are the three stages within the three stage model of information processing ?
- stimulus identification
- response selection
- response programming