Lecture 20 Flashcards
What does the political spectrum do?
Categorizes people’s political beliefs.
True or false? Radical is further towards the edges than extremist.
False. Extremists further towards the edges than radical.
Conserving aspects of the past.
Right wing is ___ looking.
Left wing is ___ looking.
Belief in a social hierarchy based on what individuals produce for society. Those who do not provide net benefits for society are considered a drag on society. Favours people who do hands-on work.
Who are producers hostile to?
Logic is hostile to most other kinds of work like politicians, academics, elites, entertainment industry, unemployed, criminals.
Demonization and Scapegoating
Involves dehumanizing an Other and rhetorically constructing the Other as a source of the in-group’s suffering.
A belief in theories which elevate the Other to the role of an organized planner of the harms and evil deeds that threaten the in-group.
Apocalyptic Narratives
Belief in narratives which allow the group to anticipate a future apocalyptic event. Members of the in-group are assumed to possess crucial insights not shared by outsiders.
4 principles of right-wing politics:
- Producerism.
- Demonization and scapegoating.
- Conspiracism.
- Apocalyptic narratives.
Example of a symbols that have changed meaning.
- Swastika was a symbol of good fortune before the Nazis adopted it.
- Celtic cross was a symbol of the sun, now used for white pride.
- Pepe became a symbol for the alt-right.
Composition of alt-right:
- Online movement.
* Supporters tend to be young and tech-savvy.
Tactics of alt-right:
Trolling and provocation on social media.
Ideology of alt-right:
- Rightist counter-culture.
- Pro-Trump.
- White nationalism.
- Anti-establishment (right-populist).
- Anti-political correctness.
- Anti-feminist.
- Anti-social justice.
- Anti-Islam.
Trump was seen as ___ in the GOP for the alt-right.
White Nationalism
- Advocates establishing a white ethno-state (a white national identity).
- Interested in keeping the country predominantly white and Christian.
Hypermasculinity in white nationalism:
Men position themselves as warrior figures as defenders of heritage.
“This is still white supremacism”
Belief that whites are superior and should have the most power and influence in society.
What are secular WN beliefs based on?
Race science and contemporary junk science.
Race Science
Belief in discredited race science that posits whites as biologically superior. Social Darwinism, eugenics and racial purity, phrenology.
Examples of the secular arm of white nationalism:
New White Nationalists, Identitarians, Neo-Nazis, and the Alt-Right.
Example of contemporary junk science:
Heavy reliance on IQ/aptitude tests and crime stats as “proof” of racial inferiority.
Social Construction of Race
There is no valid biological basis for defining racial categories. Race categories depend on social and historical contexts.
Religious arm of white nationalism:
White supremacism derived from religious belief and interpretation of scripture (usually Christianity).
What racial interpretation of Christianity does the KKK use?
Christian Identity
Christian Identity
If you want to identify as Christian, you must also be white.
Racial Odinism
- Alternative to/rejection of Christianity in the white power movement.
- Uses symbols and lore of pre-Christian Nordic religion.
Post-Modern Religion
- Usually not a literal interpretation of theology.
- No obvious rules or texts to adhere to.
- Religious rules are loosely enforced.
Are all Odinists racist?
Traditional WN movement framing tactics:
- Demonizing the other (hate).
- Fostering divisions.
- Crudeness and intimidation.
New WN movement framing tactics:
- Love of white race/European heritage.
- Fostering (white) community.
- Sophistication and reasoning.
- Science, stats free speech.
Effect of Canadian hate speech laws:
Have forced WN to adopt New WN strategies.
Canadian hate speech laws:
- Sections 318-320.
- Restrictions on Charter.
- Cannot promote genocide.