Lecture 2-Exam 3 (cardiac) Flashcards
What is the mean arterial pressure equation?
- What drives blood flow?
- What is systolic blood pressure?
- What is diastolic blood pressure?
- The pressure difference across the circulation from the arteries to the veins drives blood flow.
- Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is the peak pressure recorded in the central arterial system and occurs during ventricular ejection.
- Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is the minimum pressure recorded in the central arterial system and occurs just before the start of ventricular systole.
What is pulse pressure? What is PP reflected by?
Pulse pressure (PP) is the difference between SBP and DBP. PP is reflected by the strength of the arterial pulse wave palpated in the peripheral arteries.
What is the MAP? How are the values weighted?
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is a time- weighted average of SBP and DBP. Systole occupies about one-third of the cardiac cycle under resting conditions and diastole occupies about two-thirds, giving rise to the following estimate of MAP
Blood pressure measured by cuff inflation in the upper arm of a healthy person is 120/80 mm Hg
* What is the SBP, DBP and PP?
SBP = 120 mm Hg; DBP = 80 mm Hg; and PP = 120 – 80 = 40 mm Hg.
Fill in the values
What are the three determinants of SBP?
SV, Diastolic blood pressure and aortic compliance
Hoe does stroke volume affect SBP?
Increased SV (dt more stretch) increases SBP and PP
How does Diastolic BP relate to SBP?
The absolute value of SBP must be interpreted with respect to DBP, since this is the baseline pressure before systole. For this reason, PP is a useful guide to SV.
How does aortic compliance affect SBP?
If compliance is low (i.e., stiff aorta), the SV produces a large SBP.
What is aortic compliance?
Aortic compliance is not physiologically regulated but often declines with age due to loss of elastic tissue, atherosclerosis, and calcification; SBP typically increases 1 mm Hg for each year after age 60.
What are the three determinants of DBP?
Vascular resistance, runoff of blood from the aorta, diastolic time interval
How does vascular resistance affect DBP?
- Main determinant of DBP
- Blood flow through the circulation continues throughout diastole because the arterial pressure exceeds the venous pressure and due to recoil of the elastic aorta.
- DBP is determined by the size of arteriolar resistance encountered by blood flow. Higher arteriolar resistance (vasoconstriction) increases DBP.
- How does runoff of the blood from the aorta affect the DBP?
- What is an example?
- DBP decreases if blood flow into the circulation during diastole is reduced or decrease in diastolic blood pressure at a reduced heart rate due to increased run-off time (different ways to say it)
- Aortic valve insufficiency is an example where aortic pressure rapidly decreases during diastole because backflow of blood into the left ventricle reduces forward flow into the circulation.
How does diastolic time interval affect DBP?
- Aortic pressure decreases with time between heart beats because blood continues to flow into the circulation from the aorta throughout diastole.
- DBP is lower when the HR is slow because more time elapses between beats. DBP is higher at faster heart rates because there is less time for a decline in aortic pressure between beats aka increases DBP with increase HR dt reduced run off time
What happens when there is a slower HR? (What happens to SV, PP, DBP?)
CO is the same
What happens when there is a faster HR? (What happens to SV, PP, DBP?)
CO is same
What is total peripheral resistance?
The collective resistance to blood flow presented by the systemic vasculature is called systemic vascular resistance, or total peripheral resistance (TPR).
Systemic vascular resistance is mainly determined by what?
changes in the diameter of the arterioles
- What is vaccular tone?
- What is arteriolar tone affected by?
- How is TPR increased?
i. Arterioles are partially constricted under normal physiologic conditions, called vascular tone, and are the sites of active regulation of blood flow in the circulation.
ii. Arteriolar tone is affected by many factors, including sympathetic tone and hormones and endothelial and metabolic factors.
iii. Systemic vascular resistance is increased by vasoconstriction and reduced by vasodilation.
Large compliance in veins allows what?
Large compliance in the veins allows them to accommodate high volumes with little change in pressure.
o Systemic veins are ~20 times more compliant than systemic arterie
What happens in arteries when there are changes in volume and pressure?
In arteries, small changes in volume cause large changes in pressure…and large changes in pressure result in a small degree of expansion
What is venous return?
is the volume of blood returning to the central venous compartment (i.e., thoracic venae cavae and right atrium) per minute.
- What is central venous pressure?
- What does low CVP promotes?
- CVP has a strong influence on what?
Central venous pressure (CVP) is the pressure of venous blood in the thoracic vena cava and the right atrium.
* Low CVP promotes venous return into the central venous compartment, whereas high CVP reduces venous return.
* CVP has a strong influence on cardiac preload and, through the Frank-Starling mechanism, determines ventricular SV.
- What drains the blood from the head and neck regions? Low pressure gradient from arms, abdomen and lower extremity requires what?
- Gravity drains blood from head and neck regions
- Low pressure gradient from arms, abdomen, and lower extremity, thus other mechanisms also required
Low pressure gradient from arms, abdomen, and lower extremity, thus other mechanisms also required. What are the 4 mechanisms?
What increases venous return?
- Dynamic exercise increases venous return
When described using cardiac and venous function curves, dynamic exercise increases venous return and cardiac output for three reasons. Explain
- Activation of the sympathetic nervous system increases cardiac contractility (shifting the cardiac function curve left).
- Sympathetic activation (release NE) increases venous return due to venoconstriction (shifting the vascular function curve right).
- Release of local metabolites in working muscle causes vasodilation (increasing the slope of the vascular function curve).
What alters arterial pressures?
Interactions among stroke volume, heart rate, and systemic vascular resistance
If an increase in HR is balanced by a proportional and opposite change in SV, what happens to MAP and why?
MAP does not change because CO remains constant
- The influence of a change in CO on MAP is _ of the cause of the change - whether it comes from HR or SV.
- In contrast, the effect of a change in CO on PP greatly depends on what?
- Independent since both HR and SV can be affected
- In contrast, the effect of a change in CO on PP greatly depends on whether and how SV or HR change
Dynamic exercise
* Produces little change in MAP because why?
* What causes the increase in CO?
* Increase to SV results in what? How does this effect PP?
- Produces little change in MAP because ↑ CO is balanced by ↓ SVR (systemic vascular resistance).
- The ↑ CO is caused by ↑ in both HR and SV
- ↑ SV results in a ↑ SBP, whereas DBP is ↓ because the fall in SVR allows greater runoff from the aorta during diastole. – thus PP increases
What happens during static exercise to SVR, SBP, DBP, PP?
Increases SVR, increased systolic pressure and diastolic pressure – thus PP constant
Compliant arteries does what do cardiac work?
reduce cardiac work
- Arteries in the human body are neither what?
- This example serves to demonstrate that decreased arterial compliance increases what?
- Arteries in the human body are neither totally rigid nor infinitely compliant.
- This example serves to demonstrate that decreased arterial compliance increases cardiac work and oxygen demand
Increase in afterload=increase contraction so increase in metabolic pro.
- By extension, myocardial oxygen demand will be increased by any factor that does what?
- For this reason, because arterial compliance decreases as we age, the heart of an older person is confronted by what?
- any factor that reduces arterial compliance, even if all other factors, such as arterial pressure, stroke volume, and heart rate, do not change.
- For this reason, because arterial compliance decreases as we age, the heart of an older person is confronted by increased oxygen demand compared to a younger person even if all other variables affecting cardiac oxygen demand are the same between the two individuals.
- When cardiac output is held constant by what? What does this affect?
- Effect of increased HR and stroke volume with no change in mean arterial pressure because why?
- What increases around an unchanged MAP?
- Systolic pressure is higher due to what? What is that associated with?
- DBP is lower than the control becasue why?
- When cardiac output is held constant by lowering HR, there is no change in mean arterial pressure (93 mm Hg), but systolic pressure increases while diastolic pressure decreases.
- Effect of increased HR and stroke volume with no change in mean arterial pressure because of decreased SVR. After the first two beats, stroke volume and HR are increased
- PP changes
- Systolic pressure is higher due to higher ejection associated with the increased stroke volume
- Diastolic pressure is lower than the control because the lower SVR allows more rapid runoff of blood out of the arterial system during diastole.
What are extrinsic and intrinsic regulations?
- Extrinsic regulation (MAP, heart, brain flow)
- Intrinsic regulation (individual flow
What does the microciculation regulates (4)
- blood flow to individual organs
- the distribution of blood flow within organs
- diffusion distances between an organ’s blood supply and tissues
- as well as the capillary surface area available for exchange of materials between the plasma and tissues.
In conjunction with cardiac output, microcirculation helps maintain what?
In conjunction with cardiac output, it helps maintain arterial blood pressure by altering total peripheral vascular resistance and diastolic filling of the heart.
If needed, the body will reduce blood flow to where? Why?
If needed, the body will reduce blood flow to most organs, such as the skeletal muscles and splanchnic organs, in order to sustain arterial pressure to preserve flow to the heart and brain.
What happens when you contract or relax precapillary sphincters?
- Contract: Then blood flows via metarteriole
- Relax: then the blood can flow through the capillary bed
Arterioles control what?
control blood flow into a region of tissue and, along with precapillary sphincters, control the distribution of blood flow within the capillary network
For capillaries:
* What are the endothelial cells held together by?
* What can pass through?
* What provides other pathways for exchange?
- Adjacent endothelial cells are held together by tight junctions, which have occasional gaps.
- Water-soluble molecules pass through pores formed where tight junctions are imperfect.
- Vesicle formation and the diffusion of lipid-soluble molecules through endothelial cells provide other pathways for exchange.
What are the different factors (or characteristics) of capillaries
- Surface area: increase or decrease
- Velocity of flow: decreases in capilaries to have time to exchange
- No vascular smooth muscle
- RBC taco if vessel is really small
- Fick’s law: Diffusion diameter
What are the different type of capillaries we have and where to find them? (3)
- Contiunous capillary (regulated): Fat, muscle, NS
- Fenestrated cap (semi-regulated): Intestinal villi (for absorbion), endocrine gland (to secrete) and kidney glomeruli (for filtration)
- Discont. cap: Liver, BM and spleen