Lecture 1 (endocrine)-EXAM 5 Flashcards
What does pineal gland, parathyroid glands, thymus and kidneys do?
- pineal: melatonin
- Para: Ca regulation
- Thymus: T cell immunocomp.
- Kidneys: renin and EPO
What are non classical hormone producing glands?
- Central nervous system
- Kidneys
- Stomach
- Small intestine
- Skin
- Heart-> ANP
- Lung-> ACE with RAAS
- Placenta
- Adipocytes-> Leptin
For me to remember: CLASPS HS
- What is the definition of a hormone?
- Although many hormones travel by this mechanism, we now realize that there are many hormones or hormone-like substances that play important roles in what?
- Definitions of hormones usually included a phrase indicating that these substances were secreted into the bloodstream and carried by the blood to a distant target tissue.
- Although many hormones travel by this mechanism, we now realize that there are many hormones or hormone-like substances that play important roles in cell-to-cell communication that are not secreted directly into the bloodstream.
Many hormones or hormone-like substances that play important roles in cell-to-cell communication that are not secreted directly into the bloodstream. What do they do instead?
Instead, these substances reach their target cells by diffusion in the interstitial fluid
What are the different types of hormones?
- Hormones initiate a cell response by what?
- What are target cells/receptors?
- Hormone chemically bind to what?
- Only target cells for a given hormone have what
- What can there be?
- Hormones initiate a cell response by binding to specific receptors.
- Target cell: a cell whose activity is affected by a particular hormone.
- Hormone chemically binds to specific protein receptors on/in target cell
- Only target cells for a given hormone have receptors that bind and recognize that hormone
- There can be local transformation of a hormone within its target tissue from a less active to a more active form.
- How do water soluble hormone work?
- What base type is it?
- second messenger activates various proteins inside cell
- protein-based hormone structure e.g insulin
Hydrophillic or lipophobic
For lipid soluble hormones, what does it cause and what are examples?
- direct gene expression
- e.g. steroid/thyroid hormones
What are the four major types of receptors?
- Ligand-gated ion channels (“ionotropic receptors”-> bind and open). For example, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
- G-protein coupled receptors. (bind+ enzyme rxn)
- Catalytic receptors. (plasma receptor)
- Intracellular receptors. (lipid hormones)
Hormone binding to a receptor can lead to changes in cellular function via what (3)
i. Altered membrane voltage.
ii. Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of target proteins. (via kinases + phophases)
iii. Altered gene expression (open up DNA for specific gene to make specific protein)
What are the functions of intracellular second messengers? (3)
- Connect the process of hormone-receptor binding to changes in cell function.
- Amplify the hormone signal. (increase enzymes, increase proteins)
- Provide integration of simultaneous hormone signals.
There are several second messenger pathways controlled via what?
heterotrimeric G-proteins
Coupling of the hormone-receptor complex to generation of intracellular second messengers by heterotrimeric G proteins. How does this work (think of picture)?
What are the three major eicosanoid synthesis pathways?
- Cyclooxygenase pathway produces thromboxanes, prostaglandins, and prostacyclins (big in regulating inflammation+trigger mucus-> reason why when we take a lot of nsaids, you get ulcers)
- Lipoxygenase pathway produces leukotrienes
- Epoxygenase pathway produces hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE) and cis-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (EET) compounds.
Several anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the synthesis or actions of eicosanoids.
* What are examples?
- corticosteroids inhibit arachidonic acid
- NSAIDS inhibit cyclooxygenase
- lukast” drugs inhibit lipoxygenase
What are hormone receptors that do not interact with G proteins?
Explain how signal amplification is part of the overall mechanism of hormone action
Hormones can have multiple, and share some, actions with other hormones.
* What are pleiotropic effects?
* What is multiplicity of regulation?
- Pleiotropic effects: when a single hormone regulates several functions in a target tissue. Most hormones have multiple actions in their target tissues. Some hormones are known to have different effects in several different target tissues. (EX. Angiotension II)
- Multiplicity of regulation: The input of information from several sources allows a highly integrated response, which is of ultimate benefit to the whole animal
- Hormones are extraordinarily _ _
- One hormone molcule can do what?
- Very small stimulus can produce what?
- Hormone concentrations in blood are _
- Hormones are extraordinarily potent chemicals
- One hormone molecule can activate many enzyme molecules
- Very small stimulus can produce very large effect
- Hormone concentrations in blood are low (do not want a lot dt desensitivity and negative feedback)
What are the three hormone rhythmic patterns we need to know + examples?
Assessment of plasma hormone concentration requires what?
Assessment of plasma hormone concentration requires knowledge of any rhythmic patterns of secretion
Cortisol has what type of pattern? When is the concetration the highest?
Cortisol has a circadian (day/night) pattern of secretion, with the highest hormone concentration in the early morning hours
What are dynamic tests?
Dynamic tests to measure changes in hormone levels are often more useful than single blood samples (e.g., ACTH-stimulation test to assess cortisol secretion).
What are the three stimuli for hormone secretion? +examples
hormone regulation usually occurs via what
The mechanism is usually negative feedback, although a few positive feedback are known
What does hormone regulation through feedback control enable?
Enables endocrine cell to adjust its rate of hormone secretion to produce the desired level of effect, ensuring the maintenance of homeostasis (although sometimes this is not the goal).
Endocrine disorders can be classified as what? (3)
lassified as primary, secondary, or tertiary.
1. A primary disorder is an excess or deficiency of secretion by the target gland/cells.
2. A secondary disorder is an excess or deficiency of secretion by the pituitary gland.
3. A tertiary disorder is an excess or deficiency of secretion by the hypothalamus
What are the three classes of hormones?
Amines are kinda in the middle of peptide and steriod
Catcholamines (amines) have properties more like what? What about thyroid hormone?
Cat: peptides
Thyroid: steroids
Other small molecule hormones include what (4)
a. Serotonin, derived from amino acid tryptophan.
b. Gaseous transmitters (e.g., nitric oxide).
c. Nucleotides (e.g., adenosine at kidney).
d. Ions (e.g., Ca2+)
- Amine-derived hormones consist of what?
- Size+type?
- Formed by what?
- Synthesized by what?
- Amine-derived hormones consist of one or two modified amino acids
- small in size and often hydrophilic
- formed by conversion from a commonly occurring amino acid e.g. tyrosine
- synthesized by particular sequence of enzymes primarily localized in endocrine gland
- Polypeptide-derived hormones are what?
- Families have homolgy with what?
- Polypeptide hormones are what in advance of need?
- Polypeptide-derived hormones are diverse in size and complexity.
- families have homology with regard to amino acid sequence and structure.
- polypeptide hormones are synthesized and stored in advance of need
- Steroid hormones are derived from what?
- Steroids are type of hormone?
- Steroids are on demand or stored?
- What are examples?
- Steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol.
- Steroids are lipid-soluble, hydrophobic molecules synthesized from cholesterol.
- Steroid hormones are synthesized and secreted on demand
- Examples include aldosterone, cortisol, and androgen, secreted by the cortex (outer zone) of the adrenal glands; testosterone, secreted by the testes; and estrogen and progesterone, secreted by the ovaries and Vit D3 for Ca2+
Hormone elimination strongly influences plasma hormone concentration. Hormones removed from plasma by what (4)?
i. Metabolism.
ii. Binding in the tissues.
iii. Hepatic excretion.
iv. Renal excretion.
Hormone binding to proteins influences what?
Plasma hormone concentration
- What type of hormone is biologically active?
- Free hormone molcules can do what?
- Binding of hormone to what? what does this cause?
- Only free hormone is biologically active – this relationship is in constant flux.
- Free hormone molecules can diffuse out of capillaries and bind to their receptors at the target cell.
- Binding of a hormone to plasma proteins reduces the free concentration available.
- What are examples of hormones what are highly protein bound?
- What does protein binding increase?
* Steroids and thyroid hormones, and some peptides such as IGF-1, are highly protein bound.
* Protein binding increases half-life and provides a more stable reservoir of the hormone in plasma.
- What is half-life?
- What is metabolic clearance rate?
- Half-life is the time it takes to reduce the plasma hormone concentration by one half.
- Metabolic clearance rate is the volume of plasma cleared of a hormone per minute, calculated by dividing the rate of hormone removal from plasma by the plasma hormone concentration.
Explain the relationship between hormone secretion, carrier protein binding and hormone degradating
- Hormones can circulate how?
- Some plasma proteins that bind have higher what?
- Others, such as serum albumin bind many what?
- What does the liver synthesize?
- What do transport proteins provide?
- Hormone assays are reported in terms of what?
- Hormones can circulate either free or bound to carrier proteins.
- Some plasma proteins that bind have higher affinity for one hormone over another
- Whereas others, such as serum albumin, bind many hydrophobic hormones.
- The liver synthesizes and secretes these proteins. Changes in various nutritional and endocrine factors influence their production.
- Transport proteins also provide a relatively large reservoir of hormone that buffers rapid changes in free hormone concentrations and prevents large loss of free hormone by kidney filtration
- Hormone assays are reported in terms of total concentration (i.e., the sum of free and bound hormone)
- More than one hormone may be capable of what?
- What can this cause?
- More than one hormone may be capable of binding to a specific transport protein and can compete for a limited number of binding sites on these transport proteins.
- Thus, levels of the displaced hormone can rise due to out-competition by another hormone (Ex. important bc increase T3 will kick off T4)
Biologic response is partly determined by hormone–receptor binding kinetics
* What are the general characteristics of hormone-receptor kinetics? (3)
- The more receptors available the greater the likelihood of a response.
- The higher the receptor affinity for a hormone, the greater chance of interaction
- Circulating hormone concentration = hormone secretion vs. hormone degradation
- target cells exhibit graded responses proportional to what?
- minimal threshold concentration must be present before what?
- maximal response by the target cell is produced, and increasing what?
- target cells exhibit graded responses proportional to the concentration of free hormone present.
- minimal threshold concentration must be present before any measurable increase in the cellular response can be produced
- maximal response by the target cell is produced, and increasing the hormone concentration cannot elicit greater response.
Dose–response curves determine changes in responsiveness and sensitivity.
Changes in responsiveness are indicated by an increase or decrease in what? What are the factors that cause this?
Changes in responsiveness are indicated by an increase or decrease in the maximal response of the target tissue and may be the result of changes in one or more factors:
* number of functional target cells in a tissue
* number of receptors per cell for the hormone
* change in the specific rate-limiting postreceptor step in the hormone action pathway.
Changes in sensitivity reflect what? (2)
- an alteration in receptor affinity or, if submaximal concentrations of hormone are present
- a change in receptor number.
What is up-regulation?
Up-regulation may occur when certain conditions or treatments cause an increase in receptor number compared with normal, or if receptor number has declined.
What is down regulation?
Exposing cells to an excess of hormone for a sustained period of time typically results in a decreased number of receptors for that hormone per cell. This phenomenon is referred to as down-regulation
Example: giving exogenous hormones
- In addition to changing receptor number, many target cells can what?
- What is desensitization?
- In addition to changing receptor number, many target cells can regulate receptor function.
- Chronic exposure of cells to a hormone may cause the cells to become less responsive to subsequent exposure to the hormone by a process termed desensitization.
How do anterior pituitary hormones adenohypophysis work?
Anterior pituitary hormones are synthesized and secreted in response to hypothalamic-releasing hormones carried in the hypophyseal portal circulculation
How do posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) hormones work?
Magnocellular neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus, whose axons terminate in the posterior lobe, synthesize posterior pituitary hormones.
The neurohormones antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin are synthesized where and how?
synthesized in neurons located in the hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei from the precursor peptides prepropressophysin and preprooxyphysin, respectively.
ADH and oxytocin are secreted into what?
ADH and oxytocin are secreted into the systemic blood from axon terminals in the posterior pituitary gland.
arginine vasopressin
- What does arginine vasopressin do?
- What are the two stimuli?
- Chemical mediators of AVP release what?
- AVP increase water reabsorption by what?
- Low blood AVP levels lead to what?
- Arginine vasopressin increases the reabsorption of water by the kidneys.
- Stimuli (humoral): 1) a rise in the osmolality of the blood 2) decrease in blood volume
- Chemical mediators of AVP release include catecholamines, angiotensin II, and ANP.
- AVP increase water reabsorption by the collecting ducts of the kidneys, decreased water excretion and the formation of osmotically concentrated urine.
- Low blood AVP levels lead to diabetes insipidus and the excessive production of dilute urine
- What does oxytocin do?
- Sensory nerves are where?
- What does oxytocin stimulate? What does this aid in?
- Where are stretch receptors? What does oxytocin stimulate in this situation?
Oxytocin stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle in the mammary glands and uterus.
Stimuli (nervous):
1) Sensory nerves in the nipple. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cells, which surround the milk-laden alveoli in lactating mammary gland, aiding in milk ejection - Let-down reflex
2) Stretch receptors in cervical dilation. Oxytocin release stimulates contraction of smooth muscle cells in the uterus
What is the let down reflex?
Sensory nerves in the nipple. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cells, which surround the milk-laden alveoli in lactating mammary gland, aiding in milk ejection
a physiological response to your baby’s sucking
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