Lecture 1-Exam 1 Flashcards
Organ systems designed to regulate body’s internal environment. What is this called?
HOMEOSTASIS: The ability to maintain a relative consistency in the chemical and physical environment
surrounding the cells of our body, in the face of a variable external environment
Provides a communication network to tissues and organs
What are the different regulatory systems?
- Negative feedback
- Positive feedback
- Feed forward
What is the thermorugation when cold and hot?
What is the reguation of BP?
What is the reguation of child birth?
What is the feed-forward reflexes?
Are not loops, but serve to prepare the body for upcoming changes or events
What is the example of feed-forward?
The gastrocolic reflex causes an increase in large intestine motility in response to food in the stomach “prepares” the large intesting for incoming food
What can happen in order to help maintain blood volume during hemorrhage?
Fluid can move freely from the interstitial to plasma compartments and helps to maintain blood volume during hemorrhage
- Because approximately 80% of the ECF is interstitial fluid and 20% is blood plasma, how does the ECF and plamsa volume decreases?
- What about the reverse?
- Because approximately 80% of the ECF is interstitial fluid and 20% is blood plasma, a hemorrhaging patient must lose about 5 L of ECF before the plasma volume is decreased by 1 L.
- The reverse is also true; to replace 1 L of plasma volume, approximately 5 L of intravascular isotonic saline must be infused
How much water in each population?
– Infants: 73% or more
– Adult males: ~60% water
– Adult females: ~50% water
– Old age: declines to ~45%
What does interstitial fluid include?
Water continuously exchanges between what?
- Intersitital fluid also includes lymph, CSF, synovial fluid, aqueous and vitreous humor (eyes), pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial fluids
- Water continuosly exchanges between fluid compartments
What are the the components of the mosaic model of plasma membrane?
What are receptors, enzymes, Channel, gated channel, cell-identity marker, cell-adhesion molecule (CAM)
What are tight junctions and what are proteins involved?
- Prevent fluids and most molecules from moving between cells
- Interlocking junctional proteins
- What are desmosomes?
- What are the proteins?
- “Rivets” that anchor cells together
- Intermediate filament (keratin) and linker glycoproteins (cadherins)
- What are gap junctions?
- What does it allow?
- What does it consist of?
- Gap Junctions: Transmembrane proteins form pores that allow small molecules to pass from cell to cell
- Allows spread of ions between cardiac or smooth muscles cells
- Connexons
What are examples of extensions of plasma membrane?
- Microvilli
- Flagella
- Pseudopods
- Cilia
* Purpose?
* Best developed in cells specialized in what?
* Some microvilli contains what?
- Gives 15 to 40 times more surface area
- Best developed in cells specialized in absorption
* On some absorptive cells very dense
* Appear as a fringe “brush border” - Some microvilli contain actin filaments that are tugged toward center of cell to milk absorbed contents into cell
* What is it?
* What type of structure?
* Movement is what?
- tail of a sperm
- only functional flagellum in humans
- whip-like structure
- movement is undulating, snake-like
* What it is?
* What can it be used for?
- continually changing extensions of the cell that vary in shape and size
- can be used for cellular locomotion, capturing foreign particles
What is Cilia (general)
hairlike processes 7–10 μm long
Nonmotile cilium:
* Found where?
* what is it used for?
* Helps with what?
* Found on?
- found on nearly every cell
- “Antenna” for monitoring nearby conditions
- Helps with balance in inner ear; light detection in retina
- Found on sensory cells of nose
Motile cilia:
* Found where?
* How many?
* Beats how?
* Power stokes followed by what?
- respiratory tract, uterine tubes, ventricles of brain, ducts of testes
- 50 to 200 on each cell
- Beat in waves sweeping material across a surface in one direction
- Power strokes followed by recovery strokes
What is the normal physiology of cilia?
- Cilia beat freely within a saline layer at cell surface
* Chloride pumps pump Cl- into ECF
* Na+ and H2O follow - Mucus floats on top of saline layer
- What is a Ciliopathies?
- What is an example?
- defects in structure and function of cilia
- e.g. Cystic fibrosis: hereditary disease in which cells make chloride pumps, but fail to install pumps in plasma membrane. Chloride pumps fail to create adequate saline layer on cell surface. Thick mucus plugs pancreatic ducts and respiratory tract. Inadequate digestion of nutrients and absorption of oxygen. Chronic respiratory infections. Life expectancy of 30.
What inserts aquaporin?
ADH-> distal+collecting duct
Most water moves across membranes via a protein called what?
What is the difference between simple diffusion and carrier-mediated transport?
Facilitated diffusion involves what?
Ion channels:
* Integral membrane proteins facilitate diffusion of solutes across the plasma membrane.
What are the three types of ion channels?
Non-gated ion channels
* like membrane pores; always open
Voltage-gated ion channels
* open when the membrane potential changes beyond a certain threshold value.
Ligand-gated ion channels
* cannot open unless they first bind to a specific agonist.
Facilitated Diffusion – Carrier-mediated involve?
Carrier-mediated transport moves a range of ions and organic solutes passively across membranes.
What are the types of active transport proteins?
i. Calcium pumps
ii. The H+/K+-ATPase
iii. Proton pumps or H+-ATPases (GERD)
iv. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters
v. Organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs)
vi. F-typeATPases
- The action of sodium pumps accounts for what?
- What does it help to create?
- The action of sodium pumps accounts for high Na+ concentration in ECF and high K+ concentration in ICF.
- Helps to create Resting Membrane Potential in cells.
3 Na out and 2 K in
What are examples of secondary active transporter?
The three transport mechanisms that use carriers: list them
facilitated diffusion (passive), primary active transport, and secondary active transport
The three transport mechanisms that use carriers have properties of what?
properties of specificity and saturation
The three types of carrier protein differ in what? (2)
- The direction they move solutes
- The number of solutes the can move
What are the three kinds of carrier?
Uniport — carries one type of solute
* Example: Calcium pump
Symport — carries two or more solutes simultaneously in same direction (cotransport)
* Example: sodium-glucose transporters
Antiport — carries two or more solutes in opposite directions (countertransport)
* Example: sodium-potasium pump removes Na, brings in K
Explain an example of primary and secondary transport
What are the different types of vesicular transport?
Explain the steps of endocytosis
Explain the process of exocytosis?
What are examples of soulte transport mechanism (exo)
Hormone secretion, NT release and mucus secretion
What is filtration?
What is paracellular, transcellular, transcytosis?
Facilitated diffusion - Osmosis:
* What is it? What does water follow? What does water travel through?
* What is osmolality
* body fluids contain what?
- Water movement across plasma membrane driven by differences in osmotic pressure. Water follows the solutes. Water travels through Aquaporins.
- Osmolality = total solute concentration of a solution per 1 L of solvent
- Body fluids contain a mix of many chemicals, and osmolarity is the total osmotic concentration of all solutes
Facilitated diffusion - Osmosis
* Blood plasma, tissue fluid, and intracellular fluid are what?
* What are the three types?
* What is osmotic pressure?
- Blood plasma, tissue fluid, and intracellular fluid are 300 milliosmoles per liter (mOsm/L) (0.9% NaCl solution)
- Isosmotic, hyposmotic, hyperosmotic
- Osmotic pressure = pressure necessary to stop the net movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane that separates the solution from pure water
What is osmolar gap? what is it caused by?
- A difference between the measured and estimated osmolarity is called an osmolar gap and is caused by the presence of additional solutes in plasma.
- Patients with alcohol intoxication or ethylene glycol poisoning will have an increased osmolar gap.
* What is it?
* Depends on what?
* Determines what?
- ability of solution surrounding cell (ECF) to affect fluid volume and pressure in cell
- Depends on concentration of nonpermeating solutes
- Determines cell volume
What are isotonic solutions?
– causes no change in cell volume
– Concentrations of nonpermeating solutes in bath and ICF are the same
– Normal saline (o.9% NaCl) is an example
What is a hypotonic solution?
(<300 mosm)
– causes cell to absorb water and swell
– Has a lower concentration of nonpermeating solutes than intracellular fluid (ICF)
– Distilled water is an extreme example
What is a hypertonic solution?
- > 300 mOsm
- causes cell to lose water and shrivel (crenate)
- Has a higher concentration of nonpermeating solutes than ICF
What are the volume regulation mechanism?
(RVD & RVI)-> counteract changes
sorbital in cell so water will not leave
What is steady state and equilibrium?
are both stable conditions, but energy is required to maintain a steady state
What is an example of steady state?
- In most body cells, there is a steady state for Na+ ions; the amounts of Na+ entering and leaving
cells per unit time are equal. - But intracellular and extracellular Na+ ion concentrations are far from equilibrium. Extracellular [Na+] is
much higher than intracellular [Na+], and Na+ tends to move into cells down concentration and
electrical gradients. - The cell continuously uses metabolic energy to pump Na+ out of the cell to maintain the cell in a
steady state with respect to Na+ ions. - In living systems, conditions are often displaced from equilibrium by the constant expenditure of metabolic energy e.g. resting membrane potential.
Explain the concept of steady state with the picture
What does it mean when chem and electrical gradient is in equilibrium for K
Explain what happens when Ek=-94mV and Vm=-70
Explain what happens when Ek=-94 and Vm=-100
What is equilibrium potential?
(EX)- membrane potential at which the electrical driving force is equal and opposite to the chemical driving force
– Electrochemical gradient=zero
– Equilibrium–no net movement of the molecule (ion)
What is cell to cell, autocrine, paracrine, nervous, endocrine and neuroendocrine communication?
What are mitogens?
Growth factors
What are examples of cell surface receptors? How do they worK?
* G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs)
* ion channel–linked receptors
* enzyme-linked receptors
Cell surface receptors activate signal transduction pathways via second messengers
What are examples of intracellular receptors? How do they work?
- Steriod and thyroid hormone receptor
- Work by altering gene expresion
What are the hydrophobic, hydrophilic and gases classses of second messengers?
What are examples of cellular signal amplicification?
Explain the activation of G-protein coupled receptor and the production of cAMP
Explain the signaling pathway for enzyme lined (tyrosine kinase) receptors?
Explain the general mechanism of action of steroid hormones
What are the subdivisons of the nervous systems?
What is the difference from peropheral capillary and brain capillary ?
What are the different glial cell types in CNS?
What are the two types of axonal transport?
What are the different neuronal structure and function relationship?
What do each one of these parts have in channels:
* Dendrites
* Axon
* Nerve termini
- Dend: ligand-gated and/or GPCR gated ion channels
- Axon: Voltage gated Na and K channels
- Nerve: voltage gated Na, Ca, K channels
What is the difference of ligand gated and G-protein coupled receptors?
- ligand-gated (ionotropic)-> open channel
- G protein–coupled
receptors (metabotropic)-> 2nd messager
What are the difference of EPSP, IPSP and the build ip of EPSP?
Explain what happens to the different ion channels during AP?
all action potentials reaching the same peak, thus strength of a signal via increase in what? How is this accomplished?
- frequency of action potentials
- accomplished by decreasing the time that the membrane is in the resting state
Conduction velocity is influenced by what?
- Conduction velocity is influenced by myelination and fiber diameter.
Myelination allows for what type of conduction?
- Unmyelinated fibers are particularly sensitive to what? how?
- Larger fibers are more sensitive to what? What does that cause?
- Unmyelinated fibers are particularly sensitive to local anesthetics, which block sodium channels.
- Larger fibers are more sensitive to compression, which can then cause loss of sensitivity to stimuli carried by those fibers
What are the steps in synaptic transmission?
What are the mechanisms of recycling molecules
- reuptake of NT into neuron
- Enzymes that degrade NT
- Lost in intisital fuild
- Neurotransmitter actions can be terminated via diffusion, degradation, or cellular uptake.
How can receptor activation produce inhibitory or excitatory effects?
- CNS neurotransmitters interact with ionotropic or metabotropic receptors.
What are classical NT, Non classical NT and neuropeptides?
* Histamine
* Purines
Non-classical neurotransmitters:
* Eicosanoids
* Cannabinoids
* Opioids (endorphin, enkephalin, and dynorphin)