Lecture 19: Photosynthesis Flashcards
• Define Photosynthesis
The biochemical process of building Carbohydrates from
Sunlight, Carbon Dioxide, and Water
• Describe the structure of chloroplasts and their role in Photosynthesis
- Enclosed by a double membrane (outer and inner membrane). • Thylakoid membrane: highly folded membrane inside the outer and inner membranes • Thylakoid membranes form Grana: flattened sacs that are grouped into stacks • Within the each grana is the lumen; the area outside is the stroma
• Know the Photosynthesis reaction, including the components of the reaction
that are reduced/oxidized
6 CO2 + 12 H2O + Light energy = C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O
- CO2 (e acceptor) is reduced to glucose (e donor)
- H2O (e donor) oxidized to Oxygen (e acceptor)
• Describe the experiment that showed how O2 is being generated during
- Place Chlorella (green algae) into 2 flasks.
- Wait 2 hours to allow photosynthesis to occur.
- Measure ratio of 18O2/16O2 in air above flasks.
• Know the main type of electron carrier in Photosynthesis
NADP+, gets reduced to NADPH
• Know the relationship between the light reactions and the Calvin Cycle
ATP and NADPH produced in light reactions are used in the Calvin cycle.
• Know and describe the three phases of the Calvin Cycle, including the
intermediates that we cover in class
Stage 1: Carboxylation:
- addition of CO2 to a 5C sugar, RuBP by the enzyme rubisco to produce a 6C intermdiate that is split into 2 molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate,
Stage 2: Reduction:
- 3-phosphoglycerate receives a sugar from ATP to produce 1,3bisphosphoglycerate. This then loses a phosphate group and is reduced to G3P. G3P leaves as a sugar to form glucose.
Stage 3: Regeneration:
RuBP is regenerated. 5 molecules of G3P rearranged into 3 molecules of RuBP.
• Describe the role of starch in plant cells
• Starch provides photosynthetic cells with a source of carbohydrates that
can be used in the absence of sunlight