Lecture 19 11/12/24 Flashcards
What is the cycle of pancreatitis?
-trigger leads to inflammation
-inflammation causes cell damage +/- cell death
-cell damage/death leads to enzyme leakage
-enzyme leakage worsens the cell damage and causes more inflammation
What are the characteristics of pancreatitis?
-mostly seen in dogs and cats
-acute or chronic
-severity is highly variable
What are the clinical signs of pancreatitis?
-abdominal pain
-loss of appetite
What are the potential consequences of pancreatitis?
-affects peritoneum
-obstructive cholestasis
-secondary exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
-secondary diabetes mellitus
What are the components of pancreatitis diagnosis?
-clinical history
-physical exam
-minimum database
-specialized lab tests
-parasite/infection testing
-abdominal imaging
-possible pancreatic cytology/histopath.
What are the characteristics of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency?
-failure of pancreatic digestive function
-can be primary/breed-associated
-can be secondary to chronic pancreatitis
What are the steps of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency?
-acinar cell destruction
-lack of digestive enzymes and bicarb.-rich fluid
-inability to digest nutrients
-imbalance of intestinal flora
-maldigestion; weight loss and chronic diarrhea
What are the components of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency diagnosis?
-clinical history
-physical exam
-minimum database
-specialized lab tests
-parasite/infection testing
-possible abdominal imaging
-possible intestinal histopath.
How does pancreatitis differ from EPI?
-pancreatic inflammation
-enzyme leakage and further inflammation
-vomiting and abdominal pain
-destruction of acinar tissue
-pancreatic insufficiency and maldigestion
-chronic diarrhea and weight loss
What are the characteristics of lipase measurement?
-total lipase can be found on routine chem panels
-total lipase is not specific for pancreas alone
-3-5 fold increase above upper reference limit is consistent with pancreatitis
What are the characteristics of pancreatic lipase concentration?
-can be measured via pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity test
-ELISA (categorical) or radioimmunoassay (quantitative) options
-fasting serum sample
-increased values in pancreatitis cases
-specifically detects pancreatic lipase only
What is a positive and negative result on the Idexx SNAP cPL?
negative: patient spot being lighter than the control
positive: patient spot being as dark or darker than the control
What steps should be taken when working with SNAP tests to avoid error?
-don’t use expired tests
-warm components to room temp.
-place kit on horizontal surface
-measure drops carefully
-snap the test correctly
What is the take home regarding quantitative PLI results?
the higher the PLI conc., the more supportive of a pancreatitis diagnosis
What are the characteristics of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency lab. diagnosis?
-use trypsin-like immunoreactivity test
-fasting, non-hemolyzed serum sample
-TLI values are decreased in EPI patients
What are the general characteristics of enteropathy?
-many potential disorders
-can cause maldigestion, malabsorption, and protein loss
-chronic diarrhea and weight loss possible
-gut microflora may be abnormal
-vomiting may occur