Lecture 18: Clinical Microbiology Flashcards
7 sample types
- Blood
- Swabs
- Transudates/Exudates
- Urine
- Feces
- Vomitus
- Tissues
Venipuncture sites
- Jugular
- Femoral
- Cephalic
- Saphenous
- Caudal vein
- Ear veins
- Wing
- Cranial vena cava
Blood can be used for
- Culture
- Serology
- Molecular diagnostics
Red vacutainer
No additive or with clot activator
Red/gray “tiger” vacutainer
Clot activator and serum separator
Lavender vacutainer
K-EDTA anticoagulant
Green vacutainer
Lithium or sodium heparin anticoag
Green/gray “Green tiger” vacutainer
Lithium heparin and plasma separator
Light blue vacutainer
Sodium citrate anticoagulant
Swabs are used in what areas?
- Ears
- Wounds
- Abscesses
- Conjunctiva
- Joint
- Genitourinary areas
Transudates/exudates/misc fluids
- Abscess
- Peritoneal fluids
- Thoracic fluids
- Oral fluids
- Nasal fluids
- Joint fluid
Ways to get urine
- Cystocentesis
- Catheter
- Free catch
- Environmental
Ways to get feces
- Fecal loop
- Fecal swab
- Environmental
4 types of stains
- Histopathology
- Romanowsky/Wrights/Giemsa/Diff-Quik
- Gram stain
- Acid fast stain
Bacteria requires what two elements in large amounts
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
Peptones provide bacteria with what?
Nitrogen, phosphate, sulfate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron
Obligate anaerobes live by
Fermentation, anaerobic respiration, photosynthesis, methanogenesis, and chemosynthesis
Facultative anaerobes/aerobes
Can switch between aerobic respiration and fermentation
Non-fermenters, require some O2 but are killed by high concentrations
Grows best with a CO2 enriched environment
Three ways to culture
- Agar
- Broth
- Biochemical testing
Three types of agar
- Nutrient media
- Selective media
- Differential media
Two types of broth
- Nutrient broth
- Enrichment broth
Two types of biochemical testing
- Enzymes
- Fermentation
Three types of basic nutrient media agar
- Tryptocase soy agar
- Luria Bertani agar
- Mueller-Hinton agar
Three types of enriched nutrient media agar
- Blood agar
- Chocolate agar
- Lysed-blood agar
Three types of selective media agar and what they select for
- PEA: gram positive
- SabDex: fungi
- Antibiotics: resistant organisms
MAC agar selects for
- Gram negative
- Lactose fermentation
MSA agar selects for
- Gram positive
- Mannitol fermentation
4 types of molecular diagnostics
- Nucleic acid multiplex or microarrays
- MALDI-Toff
- 16S ribosomal RNA PCR
- Real-time PCR
What is the gold standard for bacterial ID and classification
16S ribosomal RNA PCR
What uses serology to detect a specific anitgen or antibody
Testing anitibiotic resistance is based on
Minimum inhibitory concentration