Lecture 17: Socio Emotional Development Flashcards
What is the ethological theory of attachment (Bowlby 1969)
Focuses on after 9months of age
It states that Infant’s emotional tie to mother is an evolved response
(I.e. Babies are born with built-in behaviours that keep parent nearby)
What is attachment?
Strong affectional tie that humans feel toward special people in their lives
Forming strong relationships in 1st year is a major developmental task
Mother-infant or primary caregiver-infant relationship is the most studied
What are the main features of infant attachment?
Selective attachment observed from 6-8 months to 18 months-2years
Intensified by anxiety provoking situations
Serves to reduce anxiety in stressful situations
Evidence of separation anxiety
Caregiver provides a secure base
What is the mother infant bond?
A set of genetically prewired behaviours which facilitate the basic processes of parenting
E.g. Caregivers natural tendency to hold, talk, smile and respond to infants cry
The motherese, infant directed speech
The release of oxytocin
What is the serve and return relationship?
A form of contingent reciprocity
This may be influenced by difficult temperament, parental mental illness
What are factors that affect the development of attachment?
Opportunity to establish close relationship
Quality of caregiving
Baby’s characteristics
Family context
What is the foundation of an infants later relationships?
Its emotional tie to mother
What has research shown on this attachment bond?
It is not only dependent on hunger
What is Harlow’s study?
Conducted in 1958, 1965 with Zimmerman.
Tested primary drives theory in Rhesus monkeys.
There were two surrogate mother options
1) wire surrogate which fed the infant
2) cloth surrogate which did not feed the infant
What were the results of the Harlow study?
Despite wire surrogate supplying food, the infant monkeys formed an attachment with the cloth surrogate
What are the main patterns of attachment?
Insecure avoidant (15%) Insecure resistant (10%) Secure (60-65%)
What is insecure avoidant attachment?
Infants are not attached at all
Parental responsiveness is the lowest
What is insecure resistant attachment?
Anxious, ambivalent responses.
Infants first seek and then avoid caregiver
Parental responsiveness is inconsistent
What is secure attachment?
Use caregiver as a secure base
Parental responsiveness is highest
What is the result of secure attachment in infancy?
More complex exploratory behaviour (2years)
More high level symbolic play
Better cognitive skills in middle childhood&adolescence
Better social skills at preschool
Internalised controls
Prosocial orientation
Intellectual achievement