Lecture 17 - How do genetic differences lead to disease? Flashcards
Translation overview
Each tRNA carries an amino acid (Met, Glu, Ala, Leu) to be added to the polypeptide chain and has a different base sequence with same overall shape.
The codons within the coding
region of the mRNA specifies amino acid sequence of polypeptide chain.
Mutation causing PKU
R408W mutation in PAH gene
R408W mutation in PAH gene
Mutation causing PKU
Codon 408 for Arginine (R) mutated into a codon for Tryptophan (W) in Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
Normal PAH (incl function)
folds correctly
Functions to break down phenylalanine
R408W mutation in PAH
protein results in
incorrect folding of protein
forms an aggregate that the cell degrades.
Hence no active PAH protein is made.
Types of mutations and their consequences on proteins
Point mutation (change 1 letter)
Frameshift mutation (loss 1 letter)
Frameshift mutation (gain 1 letter)
Pancreatic b cells
‘sense’ how much glucose is in blood
release insulin when glucose is high (feed state).
enzyme in glucose
determines how much glucose is broken down – therefore how much insulin is
Hows insulin released?
Glucose from meal In pancreatic b cells Glucose Glucokinase Glucose 6 phosphate Pyruvate Insulin release Insulin
Type of diabetes
Mutation in one glucokinase
gene (heterozygous)
persistent mild hyperglycaemia,
(maturity onset diabetes of
the young, type 2).
Decrease insulim
Increase Blood glucose
Homozygous mutations of glucokinase
severe diabetes
very high blood glucose levels
Genetic testing
Obtain some cells (e.g. mouth cells)
Isolate DNA
PCR amplify a specific gene sequence
Detect genetic difference of interest
Mutation that causes MODY2
G changes to A
Lys (instead Glu), Leu
What you need for PCR?
DNA from cells
DNA nucleotides
Primers (with sequences that can base pair with region of DNA that you want to amplify)
Taq DNA polymerase
PCR 3 steps with chosen DNA from cells
- Heat DNA to 95oC to separate DNA strands
- Cool to ~60oC to anneal (base pair) a DNA primer
- Heat DNA to 72oC to allow Taq DNA polymerase to copy the DNA