Lecture 17 and 18- population ecology Flashcards
Define population.
All the individuals of a species in a given area.
What does population structure describe?
The age distribution of individuals in a population and how they are spread over the environment
Why is population structure studied?
Spatial distribution influences population stability
What is the number of individuals of a population per unit area called?
Population density
What changes the structure of a population?
Demographic events
What are some demographic events?
Birth, death, immigration, emigration
What is the study of population dynamics called?
What do most field studies of animals require?
Tagging or marking the animal
How are birds typically tagged?
Colored bands on the leg
How are butterflies typically tagged?
Placing colored spots on their wing
How are bees marked?
By placing numbered tags on their bodies
How are mammals marked?
Tags or dyeing their fur
How is information about an animals physiology, feeding behavior and socialization recorded?
Microchips and other types of electronic tagging
How else can the movement of individuals across long distances be tracked?
molecular markers
The chemical composition of feathers of what bird can be tracked as they migrate south?
American redstart
What does the chemical composition of american redstart feathers tell scientists?
Where they molted
Strong latitudinal gradient of hydrogen isotopes in precipitation
How are population densities estimated?
Counting the number of individuals in a representative habitat and extrapolating the counts to the entire ecosystem
Why is it harder to count mobile organisms?
They move into and out of the census area- instead they are captured, marked and then released
What equation is used to calculate the number of organisms after capture, mark, release?
m2/n2=n1/N m2= no.marked in 2nd sample n2=total number of individuals in 2nd sample n1= no.marked in 1st sample N= estimated population size
What do ecologists use estimates of population densities to estimtate?
The rate at which births, deaths and movements take place, how these rates are influenced by the environment, life histories and pop.densities.
How can information about birth and death rates in a population be displayed?
In a life table
What is the group of individuals born at the same time called?
A cohort
What is a life table constructed with?
Cohort, survivorship (the numbers still alive)
What else do life tables sometimes contain?
offspring produced by cohort- fecundity
What can life tables be used for?
To predict future trends in populations
What life table is used in the book?
1978 cohort of the Cactus Finch on isla daphne (galapagos archipelago)
How many cactus finch were in the cohort?
How many of the cohort were alive in 1991 when the cohort stopped being followed?
What were the general patterns in the cactus finch cohort?
High mortality in 1st year
Dropped dramatically for several years
General increase in later years
Why was there year to year fluctuations in the cactus finch mortality rates?
Survival depends on seed production, correlated with rainfall
What survivorship curve is characteristic of songbirds?
The probability of surviving year to year is about the same over most of the life span after a few months, (straight line down)
What is the survivorship curve for offspring that produce many offspring which recieve little investment or prenatal care?
Survivorship is low among juveniles and high for the middle part of the life span
Give an example of an organism that produces many offspring with little investment.
Spergula vernalis- annual plant that grows on sand dunes in poland
Between what years did the united states experience the post world war II baby boom?
1947 and 1964
What was the average family size growth during the US’s post WWII baby boom?
from 2.5 to 3.8 children (4.3million babies in 1957)
What happened when baby boomers became parents in the 1980’s?
Produced another bulge in age distribution- baby-boom echo
What is a life history?
Describes how an organism allocates its time and energy among various activities
What is the latin name of the black rockfish?
Sebastes melanops
Where does Sebastes melanops live?
Off the pacific coast of North America
What does Sebastes malanops offer an example of
How life history traits influence growth of population that humans would like to manage
Why are female black rockfish more productive when they are older?
Larger- more eggs is proportional to size
More oil droplets in egg to give energy to hatchling
What happened when there was intensive black rockfish fishing off the coast of Oregon in 1996-1999?
Reduced average age from 9.5 to 6.5- less eggs produced, growth rate of larvae reduced 50%
What is the latin name for guppies?
Poecilia reticulata
Where do guppies live?
What was the guppies experiment for?
To test the influence of predation on the evolution of life history traits
How are predators and guppies distributed?
Guppies below the water fall are preyed on by large fish,
Guppies upstream of waterfall that cannot be sumounted by predators have low mortality rate
What is the difference between the guppies groups when in a lab?
Guppies in high predation site matured earlier, reproduced more frequently and produced more offspring per brood
What was the conclusion of the guppy study?
Predation favored early and frequent reproduction leading to change in guppy genotype