Lecture 16 Outline Flashcards
Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands & the effector organs (made up of muscle & gland tissue) as well as the visceral stimuli are…
- may or may not be aware of this (unconscious)
- it’s detected & sent back to the CNS & ultimately processed again (ex: not aware of min to min blood pressure, heart rate ex)
key role in homeostasis
Describe the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Innervates organs whose functions are not usually under voluntary control
Reflexes are important for autonomic control
For homeostatic control, effectors are often visceral organs and blood vessels
- changing diameter of blood vessels through the action of smooth muscle - dilating or constricting smooth muscle
Autonomic means self-governed
Most visceral effectors do not need the ANS to function, only to adjust their activity to match the body’s needs to maintain homeostasis
– Heart rate for example.
Why are reflexes important for automonic control?
– Sensory info may be processed within hypothalamus, limbic system, or even at the level of spinal cord
– Reflex (stimulus) may evoke CHANGES in autonomic output,
• in order to RETURN to a SETPOINT (negative feedback - homeostasis usually)
• In order to “FIGHT or FLIGHT” (feedforward - intended to prevent change in setpoint)
Why do we need sensory info?
need sensory info with regard to what’s happening inside your body in order to make decisions about autonomic control
What does autonomic means self-governed imply? And what are examples of “conscious control”?
its actions usually INvoluntary (without conscious intent or awareness - happen by itself)
there are examples of “conscious control)
- micturation (to pee or not to pee)
- control of heart rate (with practice), biathlon for ex
Most visceral effectors do not need the ANS to function…
only to adjust their activity to match the body’s needs to maintain homeostasis
– Heart rate for example.
*beats by itself, does not need the ANS to beat (you can remove all autonomic input - sympathetic/parasympathetic from the heart & it will continue to beat just fine
- issue is the ANS allows your heart to speed up or slow down
Describe the ANS anatomy
general autonomic nerve pathway output
- extends from CNS to an innervated organ
- 2-neuron chain
What is the 2-neuron chain? List and describe
- Preganglionic fiber (synapses with cell body of second neuron)
- will excite postganglionic fiber b/c the synapses happen in the autonomic ganglion
- Postganglionic fiber (innvervates effector organ or tissue)
What is a ganglion?
mass or group of neuronal cell bodies knot-like mass of tissue
Describe the synaptic terminals in the ANS
- no signal terminal
- end of synaptic region is a series of varicosities on the axon
- specialized in exactly the same way you would call a typical synaptic terminal (secretion of n.t., but it’s not the terminal end of the axons)
- contact
- axon meanders over that surface of the tissue but at regular intervals we’ll see these bulges called varicosities
What is the key difference b/t what we see in the CNS & what we see from the action from the postganglionic neurons on their targets?
Varicositities - specialized for releasing n.t. from that postganglionic neuron
*the synapse & synaptic connections are seen as these varicosities or chain like connections from that postsynaptic tissue
specialized for releasing n.t. from that postganglionic neuron
What is the Sympathetic Chain Ganglia?
- ganglia (enlargements) that run parallel to the spinal cord
- a lot of the sympathetic NS uses these paravertebral ganglion
Describe the SYMPAthetic Nervous System
T1-L2 (1st thoracic to the 2nd lumbar)
Cell bodies & axons of PREganglionics originate in THORACIC & LUMBAR regions of spinal cord
- will send out axons & those axons or the preganglionics will make a synapse somewhere on the cell bodies of the post ganglionics & then from there, the postganglionics will make a synapse on the target organ
What are the defining characteristics of the SYMPAthetic Nervous System
Most PREganglionic fibers are SHORT
LONG POSTganglionic fibers
therefore not a long axon of this preganglionic, but the axon of the postganglionic is really quite long going from chain ganglionic all the way to the heart
For the SYMPAthetic Nervous System, the axons do 1 of 3 things after exit spinal cord:
- Pass thru SCG & synapse in the Adrenal Medulla
- Pass thru SCG & synapse in a collateral ganglion
PREganglionic fibers (of the SYMPATHETIC) release _____ ALWAYS
MOST POSTganglionic fibers (of the SYMPAthetic) release…
The adrenal medulla is a…
modified sympathetic ganglion
- truly & dev. neurons?
- true part of the sympathetic NS b/c developmentally the adrenal medulla cells really are modified neurons (grew up/born as neurons)
Describe the path of the SYMPAthetic NS with the adrenal medulla
- Spinal cord innovated by a PREganglionic sympathetic neuron
- Adrenal medulla (modified neurons - born as neurons) release ACh onto those neurons
- the chromaffin cell is a modified postganglionic sympathetic neuron - When stimulated they’ll release Epinephrine (primarily) is a neurohormone that enters the blood
- To target tissues
Describe the PARAsympathetic Nervous System
fibers originate from CRANIAL & SACRAL areas of CNS
- many of the cell bodies of those neurons will either be found as 1 of the cranial nerves OR they’re far away in the sacral region of the spinal cord
What are the defining characteristics of the PARAsympathetic nervous system?
PREganglionic fibers are LONGER
VERY SHORT POSTganglionic fibers (hard to find sometimes (ex: on heart)
PREganglionic fibers (of the PARAsympathetic NS) release…
POSTganglionic fibers (of the PARAsympathetic NS) release…
What is a similarity within the PARAsympathetic NS compared to the SYMPAthetic NS in terms of what they release?
the PARA uses ACh for BOTH synapses in contrast to that the SYMPA uses ACh b/t the pre & post but usually uses neuroepinephrine at the post ganglionic
What is true for SYMP/PARAsympathic in terms of convergence & divergence in ANS?
each POSTganglionic neuron receives synapses from many PREganglionics (=convergence)
What is convergence & divergence like in the SNS?
Each preganglionic neuron branches many times to synapse on many different postganglionic neurons (= divergence).
Ratio of pre:post neurons is 1:10 -1:30 (more post)
What is convergence & divergence like in the PNS?
Each preganglionic neuron branches to synapse on postganglionic neurons (= divergence).
Ratio of pre:post neurons is 1:4 (lower than SNS)
- can activate selective branches more easily
MORE DIVERgence in…
- SNS tends to respond as a unit
What are cranial nerves?
series of nerves found emanating mostly FROM the BRAINSTEM, not all but many eminate from the brainstem, a SERIES OF 12
- can either be output axons; so the nerve is a bundle of axons
Output axons
control things like MOVEMENT of MUSCLE in the EYE, can be SENSORY: can receive from the eye or olfactory for ex, or they are mixed so the nerves contain axons that carry info away from the CNS to the target organs or it carries info back into the CNS (so sensory info)
List & describe 4 of the cranial nerves have PARAsympatethic function
– OCULOMOTOR NERVE: control the lens and pupil of the eye.
– FACIAL NERVE: tear glands, salivary glands, nasal glands
*– VAGUS NERVE: 70-90% of all parasympathetic fibres. Innervates the viscera.
What is the vagus nerve?
70-90% of all PARAsympathetic fibres. Innervates the viscera (organs)
Describe the Vagus Nerve (tenth CN)
someone who wonders (wonders through visera)
- 10th cranial nerve
- “wandering”
- many branches
- innervates ALL organs except adrenal medulla & some parts of the colon
The vagus nerve is part of a…
reflex arc
Describe the Vagus nerve pathway
- Vagus nerve (mixed nerve) CARRIES SENSORY INFO FROM most of the VISCERA
- many of these sensory afferents project topographically to Nucleus of the Solitary Tract (NST or NTS) in the brainstem - The sensory info is PROCESSED WITHIN the NTS.
- The NTS may also project axons to “higher” parts of the brain, hypothalamus and cortex - Vagus nerve CARRIES EFFERENT (parasympathetic) information TO REGULATE/MODULATE ORGAN FUNCTION
- both efferent (are preganglionic of the parasymp & afferent info)
Sympathetic recap
short pre
long post
usually NE release from post
occasionally ACh
Parasympathetic recap
long pre
short post
also nicotinic receptors occasonally…
Which autonomic branch tends to have a longer lasting effect on target organs?
The SNS tends to have a longer lasting effect than PNS (on target organs).
The SNS tends to have a longer lasting effect than PNS (on target organs). Why?
- ACh QUICKLY broken down by acetylcholinesterase
- NE more persistent than Ach, because breakdown mechanisms are slower for NE than for ACh
• NE Transported back into the neuron (reused & recycled quickly)
• NE Degraded by
– catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT)
– Monoamine oxidase (MAO)
*these 2 enzymes are not as efficient as acetylcholinesterase
• NE Picked up by blood (no DEGRADATIVE enzymes present in blood)
Describe the SNS (nor epi) receptors on target organs for the ANS
SNS (nor epi) – α1 (phospholipase c) – α2 (DEcrease cAMP) – β1 (INcrease cAMP) – β2 (BOTH INcrease and DEcrease cAMP)* – β3 (INcrease cAMP)
Think: Pdibi
Describe the PNS (ACh) receptors on target organs for the ANS
PNS (ACh) – Nicotinic AChR (ligand gated ion channel) – Muscarinic AChR (GPCR) • M1 (phospholipase c) • M2 (decrease cAMP) • M3 (phospholipase c)
SNS activates the ______ ______ to release ______ amounts of epinephrine (some norepi)
adrenal medulla
Remember that 2nd messenger signaling often affects…
ion channels
Hard to predict effect of SNS vs PNS activation. Helps to relate back to:
fight or flight - strenuous activity, threats
rest & digest - housekeeping, relaxing
What are the effects of ANS on the HEART?
- INCREASED rate, INCREASED force of contraction (of whole heart)
- activated when stressed
- purpose of those are to increase the circulation of blood & to defect skeletal muscle blood for ex
- DECREASED rate, DECREASED force of contraction
What are the effects of ANS on the EYE?
- DILATION of pupil
- not significant for refocusing lens
- (plays key role for) adjustment of eye for near vision
What are the effects of ANS on the EXOCRINE PANCREAS?
- INHIBITION of pancreatic exocrine secretion
- STIMULATION of pancreatic exocrine secretion (imp. for digestion)
What are the effects of ANS on the SALIVARY GLANDS?
- stimulation of SMALL VOLUME of THICK saliva rich in MUCUS (mouth gets dry if nervous)
- stimulation of LARGE VOLUME of WATERY saliva rich in ENZYMES (useful for digestion)
Exocrine pancreas
production of enzymes such as trypsin, pancreatic lipase, & pancreatic amylase
Homeostasis is a dynamic balance b/t…
the autonomic branches (balance of para & sympa)
- rest & digest: para activity dominates
- fight or flight: sympa activity dominates
*usually some activity of both of them simultaneously but it’s all about the balance
Describe Dual Innervation
most of your organs have dual innervation
- input from both SNS interval & PNS
NOT always balanced
- digestive has much more PNS than SNS
Dual innervation effect can be…
antagonistic or complimentary
Antagonistic Dual Innervation
– The heart is innervated by BOTH
• SNS increases heart rate and force of contraction
• PNS decreases heart rate and force of contraction
– The iris innervated by BOTH
• SNS innervates the pupillary dilator
• PNS innervates the pupillary constrictor
Complimentary Dual Innervation
– Activation of SNS and PNS produce similar results
• Salivary glands are innervated by both SNS and PNS
– Both increase saliva production, but different kinds of saliva » SNS stimulates mucus production
» PNS stimulates watery, enzyme rich saliva
• Male sexual response PNS responsible for erection, SNS responsible for ejaculation* (point and shoot)
Describe control WITHOUT dual innervation
adrenal medulla, sweat glands, smooth muscle of most blood vessels receive ONLY SYMPAthetic innervation
- NOT an ex of balance of BOTH branches
List the CNS centres contributing to autonomic regulation (PNS & SNS)
- The Limbic System
- Hypothalamus
- Brain Stem
- Spinal Cord
The Limbic system
Integration of sensory and emotional responses with autonomic output
– The major control center for autonomic output
– Hunger, thirst, thermoregulation, emotions, and sexuality
Brain stem
– Gives rise to nuclei of cranial nerves that mediate several autonomic responses
Spinal cord
Autonomic responses as the defecation and micturation reflexes are integrated in the spinal cord