Lecture 12-13 Outline Flashcards
CNS develops from a…
hollow tube
At the 3rd week of development, the human brain starts as a…
hollow tube
- the egg has been fertilized, it’s a ball of cells starting to organize
- called neuralation
By the 4th week it (hollow tube)…
specializations in the anterior end
Human brain at ~4 weeks
Hollow tube with
- forebrain
- midbrain
- hindbrain
- spinal cord
Human brain at ~4-6 weeks
- MASSIVE increase in the # of cells & they are starting to move/migrate around these new structures
- forebrain –> cerebrum & diencephalon
- midbrain –> midbrain
- hindbrain –> pons & cerebellum, medulla oblongata
- spinal cord
Human brain at ~11 weeks
all of this has really started to enlarge & start to bend & there is a massive increase in the # of cells in the cerebrum
- cerebrum expands so much that it wraps around the diencephalon
Pons is found _____, & cerebellum is _____
The medulla oblongata is the
transition into the rest of the spinal cord
What does the Sagital Section/Slice show
if someone cut from the nose straight through the back of the head & right down the middle so it’s bisecting the left half & right half of an adult
Cerebellum is called this b/c
it looks like a little brain
Early names for the brain sections
- forebrain
- midbrain
- hindbrain
Late names for the brain sections
forebrain –> cerebrum & diencephalon
midbrain –> midbrain
hindbrain –> pons/cerebellum & medulla
Derivatives for the brain sections
Cerebrum –> cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia, lateral & 3rd ventricles
diencephalon –> thalamus & hypothalamus
midbrain –> superior, inferior colliculi & substantia nigra
pons/cerebellum –> pons & cerebellum
medulla –> medulla (nucleus of the solitary tract)
What does the medulla play a huge role in?
in regulation of homeostasis (nucleus of the solitary tract)
Define Ventricles
fluid filled cavities within the brain, remnants of the “hollow tube” from which the brain developed
- fact that their filled with fluid is imp. for part of the protection of the brain
Central Canal
hollow tube in the spinal cord; continuous with the ventricles
What are the ventricles & central canal lined by?
ependymal cells (glial cells)
- ventricles & central canal are aligned by these
- glial cells that form a water tight barrier b/t the fluid filled cavity of the ventricle & the central canal & the rest of the brain tissue
- specialized for transport
How are the ependymal cells (glial cells) specialized for transport?
- allow the MOVEMENT of certain SOLUTES across
2. PROTECT the NEURAL CELLS on one side from the constituents within the CSF
Lateral ventricles
1 on each side
1st & 2nd
Lateral ventricles
1 on each side
1st & 2nd
Third ventricle
around the area of the hypothalamus
Fourth ventricle
found in the hindbrain
Where is the central canal formed?
in the spinal cord
Grey matter
UNmyelinated cell bodies, axon terminals & dendrites
- neuronal cell bodies are most often found clustered together in groups called nuclei, or on the outer surface of the brain as the cerebral cortex
What does nuclei imply?
implies that groups of neurons that do similar things are grouped together & that group of neurons is called a nucleus
White matter
myelinated axons
- kind of like wires - sending info from 1 place to the other (lot of processing being done)
knot of cells (often used for collections of neurons outside the CNS, but there are some within the brain & spinal cord)
- kind of the same as nucleus (mean the same)
- “groups of neurons”
What is a coronal slice?
sliced from one side of the head straight through the other
Where is there a lot of grey matter in the brain?
in the pons & cerebellum
In the BRAIN, grey matter is found ______
In the BRAIN, white matter is found ______
- axons from neurons that have their cell bodies in the grey matter
- myelinated axons in the white going to various places
What is used as support & protection for CNS?
- bony skull & vertebral column
- wrapped by 3 protective & nourishing membranes called MENINGES
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- Blood-Brain barrier
What is the bony skull & vertebral column?
- both made of bones
- very hard structures
- 1 of the main jobs is to form a protective layer over the CNS (b/c CNS is fragile & needs to be protected)
3 protective & nourishing membranes that wrap the CNS to support & protect it
What is a CAT/CT Scan?
- specialized X-ray that takes pics sequentially (so 1 after the other)
- X-rays are digitalized & a special computer program assembles them & allows us to get an idea of the 3-D structure
- series of images starting from back of someones head, moving to the front
Describe Dura Matter
- “HARD mother” in Latin
- tough, leathery layer
- immediately inside the skull
- helps HOLD your brain & spinal cord IN PLACE/hold still
- also a PHYSICAL protection
- if someone has a skull injury (fractured skull), this is helping PREVENT that object that hit their head from PENETRATING into the brain itself
- FORMS RESERVOIRS which is important for the circulation of your brain
Describe Emissary Vein
- lots of veins that are draining blood that collects in the dural sinus (so blood thats been circulating in your brain), & some of that is pushed out through the skull through these these emissary veins
If you’ve hit your head & it causes a small cut in your scalp, it will bleed a lot more then you’ll expect. Why?
b/c your skull is one of the places where some of your blood vessels/veins draining your brain are actually collecting that blood & will eventually get recirculated back to the rest of your body
Describe Dural sinus/cavity
- middle of Dura Matter
- part of the circulatory system
- it’s venous - so it is continuous with the veins that are draining the blood from the brain
- a reservoir where blood is collecting after being drained from the brain itself
- a # of small veins that exit from the Dural Sinus & will eventually go out through the skull (exit) & out through your scalp
Describe Pia Matter
- soft & delicate
- directly ontop of the surface of the hemispheres of the brain of the cerebrum
- another 1 of the meningia layers
- very tightly & closely associated with the neural tissue underneath
Arachnoid Membrane
- called this b/c the hashes on diagram look like spider webs
- layer in middle
- connected to the Pia matter by very fine fibrous structures
Describe Arachnoid trabeculae
- bits connecting Arachnoid membrane to the Pia
- fine spider web like processes that hold the Arachnoid to the Pia
Describe Arachnoid Villus (villi)
projections from the Arachnoid membrane, into the dural sinuses & other sinuses within the dura matter that will play an imp. role in the movement of CSF
Getting a cut on your scalp could be dangerous if it’s deep & bleeding. Why?
b/c if you get an infection there it is a really good pathway for bacteria to make it into your CNS, causing a life threatening infection
A deep cut in the scalp can be dangerous:
some veins pass thru the skull (b/c you can get bacteria in there)
What is meningitis?
is a contagious bacterial, virus or fungal infection of the meninges cause swelling & pressure on the brain
- which is bad b/c neurons don’t like to be subjected to pressure (bad implication for circulation & the way they fire APs)
- gets bad fast
- if untreated can end in death
- concern in young adults (hs or uni)
- more common in large groups of people
Traumatic head injury can cause:
- epidural bleeding (b/t the skull & dura)
- subdural bleeding (b/t the dura & arachnoid)
- subarachnoid bleeding (b/t the arachnoid membrane & the pia matter)
What is epidural bleeding?
b/t the skull & dura
- Natasha Richardson had this from skiing injury & died
What is Subdural bleeding?
b/t the dura & arachnoid
What is Subarachnoid bleeding?
b/t the arachnoid membrane & the Pia matter
Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted into the…
ventricles (lateral–>3rd–>4th) & flows throughout the subarachnoid space (& subdural space) where it cushions the CNS (b/t the brain & skull)
- stops the brain from smashing up against the side of skull where it gets tossed around (think egg in water vs egg no water in jar)
Choroid plexus of 3rd ventricle (also in 4th & 2nd lateral)…
- secretes CSF
- within the neurons, there are specialized cells derived from the ependymal cells
Arachnoid villi
pushing through dura & into dura sinus (like a blister)
The CSF that is…
circulating around the brain is getting collected up the venous drainage of the brain & from there its going to make it back out into your blood stream
Why would the CSF move out through these arachnoid villi?
b/c it keeps the fluid in constant motion
- in that way the CSF can collect up some of the waste from the brain & bring it out & dump it into the circulation to be dealt with appropriately