Lecture 15: Generativity Flashcards
What is the definition of generativity?
An adult’s concern and commitment to the well being of the youth. This can be shown by teaching, mentoring and other activities aimed at passing a positive legacy to the next generation.
Given Erikson’s Psychosocial stages, what stage is generativity on?
It is the 7th stage
What is a keyword for generativity?
What is the age range for generativity?
30 - 70 years old
What is the definition of fidelity?
Faithfulness to a person, cause or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
According to Erikson, what is generativity and why is it important in development?
“Erikson’s (1963) schema, […] mastered […] identity […] [then] intimacy […] [and then] develop a sense of caring responsibility towards the next generation. […] a dynamic tension exists between […] “care” against “rejectivity”.”
What are some of the challenges regarding generativity?
- Generative adults are expected to:
- have leadership
- engage in multiple social spheres
- provide guidance
- support the next generation
In the movie, Win win, what is the situation with the main character?
- He is a 45 year old lawyer
- He is struggling economically
- Regardless of all his personal problems:
- he coaches a youth wrestling team
- he helps a teenager
What are the generativity statuses that Marcia established?
How did Marcia measured generativity?
- With a semi-structured interview that assessed:
- Level of deep involvement
- Scope of care-giving concern
What is McAdams model of generativity?
- It has 3 components:
- Generativity concerns
- Generativity Acts
- Generativity strivings or commitments
What are generative concerns?
- What is important for the generative person.
What is generative acts?
- Actions that aim to help the youth.
What is generative strivings or commitments?
- They are goals that a generative person might have.
How are generative concerns and generative acts measured?
Through a questionnaire of 60 and 50 questions respectively.
What does the image below tell you about generativity?
- There is an increase of generativity from young adulthood to middle life in all of the aspects of the model of generativity.
Explain the study that looked into generativity strivings and well being over time. (Lekes et al. 2015)
- Longitudinal study
- Sample:
- college students
- teachers
- Noticed that
- college students had identity strivings
- if this was the case, their well-being improved
- teachers focused on generativity
- if this was the case, their well-being improved
- college students had identity strivings
- Conclusion:
- what is best for us depends on the psychosocial stage.
What is McAdams’ conclusion on development of generativity?
He concluded that Erikson might be correct in supposing that midlife is the prime time for generativity BUT he doesn’t believe that it is neatly situated within a discrete midlife stage.
What is associated with generativity?
- From a study where the sample:
- 50% white americans
- 50% Africanamericans
- Generativity was associated with:
- Extensive network of friends
- Social support in community
- Greater satisfaction with social relationships
- Greater involvement in church activities
What is the link between generativity and parenting?
- Having a child or not does not affect generativity
- Your level of generativity will determine how you parent
Autoritative parenting
- High structure
- High support of autonomy
- More involved in schooling
- Attend to schools functions
- Knowledge about children’s friendships
Autoritative parenting
Besides from parenting, how does high generative parents affect their college age children?
- Peterson 2006
- College students will be likely to:
- increase on A and C over university years
- greater positive emotions in daily life
- greater involvement in politics and religion
- achieve an identity in university
What is Successful Aging?
- To keep your cognitive, mental and physical functions well into old age.
Can generativity predict outcomes?
- Yes
- Study by Peterson and Duncan, 2007
- Followed 100, 50-year old women over 10 years
- Measured generativity:
- Predicted:
- Satisfaction with life
- general, maternal, marital
- Successful aging
- identity certainty, less concern about aging
- Positive Personality development:
- Increased A, O
- Decreased N
- Satisfaction with life
- Predicted:
Does the evel of generativity can predict changes in the Big 5 traits?
Yes, it shows and increase of A and O and a decrease of N
Does generativity affects health?
- Yes
- Study by Gruenwald et al. 2012
- 2000 participants in the 60s
- Followed 10 years later
- Results:
- ¼ died
- ¼ reduced activities
- Signitifcant greater risk (doubles) of disability and death even after controlling for health and demographic factors.
- Conclusion:
- Adults in their 60s who feel more generative are less likely to show increases in physical disability or to die as they age into their 70s
True or False
To be benevolent, we benefit from it. The benevolence motivation does not matter.
benevolent acts do benefit us but it depends on the motivation.
How do you measure generativity in midlife?
With an interview
Why is generative important?
It is important for health and well-being