Lecture 15 Flashcards
What is Lotka-Volterra model used for?
Commonly used to understand dynamics of predatory-prey relationships.
“lines on a graph that indicate where the population growth rate is zero for one or more species”
* Represent equilibrium conditions in population dynamics models
* Particularly in predator-prey interactions or competition between species
The Weak Interaction Effect
(Hypothesis) Weak interactions mute strong excitable interactions by:
* Deflecting energy away from them and inhibiting population cycles
* Weakening generalist interaction strength on any one prey due to trade-offs
Interspecific competition
“the interaction between two species where the increased abundance of any one species causes the population growth of the other species to decrease”
* Between individuals or populations of different species
Intraspecific competition
Competition between individuals of the same species
Exploitative competition (quality)
“competition between organisms where individuals compete indirectly through the consumption of a limited resource”
Inference competition
“competition between organisms where individuals directly interact with one another to access or control resources”
Competitive exclusion
one species outcompetes the other species, causing extirpation or local extinction.
* One species may be better adapted to a particular resource
Resource partitioning
exploit different resources in some way such that each species specialized on a different resource or in a different location.
Character displacement
competition between similar species can lead to the evolution of distinct difference, reducing competition.
Niche overlap
“the extent to which the ecological niches of two or more species in a community share similar resources”
Niche/resource partitioning
“different species within a community adapt to use different subsets of resources or occupy different ecological niches to reduce competition and coexist within the same habitat”