Lecture 14 Flashcards
Search image
“refers to a mental representation or template formed by predators to recognize and effectly locate a specific type of prey within their environment”
Functional response
“a relationship between the density of prey and an individual predator’s rate of food consumption”
Type I functional response
- Linear increase with prey density
- Sometimes saturates at high prey densities
Predators - Do not face handling constraints
- Can consume prey at a constant rate
Type II functional response
- Rate increases with density
- Starts to slow down at higher prey densities
- Plateaus at high prey densities
Predators - Have limited handling capacity or encounter prey defenses
Handling time
“the duration of time required for a predator to capture, subdue, and consume its prey after successfully locating and capturing it”
Type III functional response
- Low prey consumption under low prey densities
- Rapid increases at moderate prey densities
- Plateaus at high prey densities
Predators - Switch between prey types of when prey have compex anti-predator defenses/use limited refuges
Search time
“the duration of time spent by a predator actively searching for its prey within a given habitat or area”
“location or habitat that provides protection or shelter to individuals or populations of organisms”
How do Types I,II,III differ visually on a plot?
Type I = constant linear increase
Type II = plateauing effect
Type III = delayed increase followed by a plateau
Numerical response
“a change in the number of predators through population growth or population movement due to immigration or emigration”
What is N in Lotka-Volterra model?
prey biomass (resource)
What is P in Lotka-Volterra model?
predator biomass (consumer)
What is r in Lotka-Volterra model?
intrinsic rate of growth for the resource
What is c in Lotka-Volterra model?
capture rate (efficiency) of predatory on the prey
What is “a” in Lotka-Volterra model?
conversion efficiency of the predator
What is “m” in Lotka-Volterra model?
mortality rate of the predator
What is the equation for Lotka-Volterra model?
dN/dt = rN - cNP
dP/dt = acNP - mP