Lecture 13, 14, 15 , 16 Musculoskeletal structures of the neck. accessory nerve Flashcards
T/F - Although there are seven cervical vertebrae, first two are considered to be atypical
T/F - Atlas has a spinous process with anterior and posterior tubercles
False, it has no body or spinous process, just anterior and posterior tubercles
T/F - Axis hasa dens which is an odontoid process
T/F - upper surface of rib 1 has tubercle for attachment of scalenus posterior
False, it is rib 2
T/F - Hyoid bone has unpaired body
T/F - Hyoid bone’s greater horn (paired) is superior and smaller, and it is a cartilagenous joint with body
False, it is inferior and larger,
T/F - Lesser horn (paired) of hyoid bone is small and projects above junction of body & greater horn
T/F - Lesser horn of hyoid bone has a synovial joint with body and fibrous joint with base of greater horn
False, fibrous joint with body, synovial joint with base of greater horn
Which five structures is the hyoid attached to?
1) strap muscles (supra & infrahyoid muscles) of neck
2) middle pharyngeal constrictors
3) Thyrohyoid membrane (between hyoid bone & upper thyroid cartilage of larynx)
4) via a fibrous sling to intermediate tendon of digastric
5) stylohyoid ligament
T/F - Anterior triangle of neck is actually a pair of triangles
List boundaries of each triangle (3 boundaries)
1) SCM
2) Mandible
3) Midline
T/F - Digastric/submandibular triangle is bounded by anterior & posterior belly & intermediate tendon of digastric muscle. contains submandibular gland.
T/F - Carotid triangle is bounded by SCM, anterior belly digastric & inferior belly of omohyoid.
False, posterior belly digastric and superior belly of omohyoid
T/F - Carotid triangle contains neurovascular bundle of neck - carotid - internal jugular - vagus within carotid sheath
T/F - Muscular triangle has boundaries midline, posterior belly digastric, inferior belly of omohyoid, inferior SCM
False, anterior belly digastric, and superior belly omohyoid
T/F - Muscular triangle contains supra and infrahyoid muscles and thyroid gland
T/F - Posterior triangle is bound by SCM, trapezius, clavicle & is crossed by superior belly of omohyoid.
False, inferior belly omohyoid
T/F - Posterior triangle roof (most superficial and lateral part) is deep cervical fascia
T/F - Floor of posterior triangle consists of fascia and muscles
Which muscles can you identify with fascia of triangle removed ?
1) Scalenus anterior, medius and posterior
2) Leavtor scapulae
3) Splenius capitus
Name the two subdivisions of posterior triangle
1) occipital triangle
2) supraclavicular triangle
T/F - Occipital triangle is below omohyoid and contains subclavian artery and vein
False, it is above omohyoid and contains upper deep cervical lymph nodes and accessory nerve
T/F - Supraclavicular triangle is above omohyoid and contains upper deep cervical lymph nodes and accessory nerve
False, it is below omohyoid and contains subclavian artery and vein
T/F - Sternocleidomastoid extends from manubrium and medial 1/3 of clavicle to anterolateral mastoid
What are the actions of SCM?
- On own it tilts and rotates head
- together it flexes head and raises sternum
T/F - Trapezius connects from external occipital protuberance and superior nuchal line to T12 in the midline and laterally to lateral clavicle and acromium
What are the actions of trapezius muscle?
Pulls shoulders back, also rotates shoulder, raises arm and extends head on neck
What is motor nerve for trapezius muscle and SCM?
spinal accessory which runs deep to both muscle
What is sensory innervation for trapezius and SCM?
Ventral cervical rami (travels with accessory)
Digastric ___________ attaches to digastric fossa on medial surface of mandible near midline.
Anterior belly
Digastric _____________ runs through a fibrous sling attached to body and greater horn of the hyoid. _________ pierces stylohyoid which attaches to the styloid process
Intermediate tendon, intermediate tendon
Digastric __________ is attached to mastoid notch (mesial to mastoid)
Posterior belly
What are the two actions of digastric bellies and intermediate tendon?
- Depresses mandible
- Elevates hyoid
Which nerve innervates posterior belly, and anterior belly?
- Facial nerve for posterior belly
- Mylohyoid nerve for anterior belly
T/F - Omohyoid superior belly goes from body of hyoid to intermediate tendon
T/F - Omohyoid inferior belly stretches from tendon to upper body of scapula and is attached to clavicle and rib 2 by a fascial sling
False, it’s rib 1
What are the two actions of omohyoid?
Depresses hyoid, tenses deep cervical fascia during prolonged inspiration
What are the innervations of omohyoid?
Ventral branches of cervical nerves (ansa cervicalis) - sensory & motor)
T/F - SCM delineates triangles of neck and superficial and deep lymph nodes
What are the features lateral to SCM?
- External jugular
- lesser occipital nerve
- greater auricular nerve
- transverse cutaneous nerve of neck
Which features is deep to/supplying SCM?
- Spinal accessory nerve
- Intermediate tendon omohyoid
T/F - (Digastric belly) hypoglossal nerve is superficial to intermediate tendon
False, it’s deep to intermediate tendon
T/F - posterior belly digastric is used to distinguish descending pharyngeal artery (Below) from occipital (behind) from posterior auricular artery (above)
False, it’s ascending pharyngeal artery
T/F - Digastric posterior belly is closely associated with stylohyoid
T/F - Jugulodigastric nodes is deep/just inferior to digastric posterior belly
T/F - Omohyoid belly divides muscular and supraclavicular triangle in anterior triangle
False, it divides muscular and carotid triangle in anterior triangle
T/F - Omohyoid muscle divides posterior triangle into occipital and supraclavicular triangle
T/F - Omohyoid arbitarily divides superficial cervical lymph nodes into upper/superior and inferior/lower
False, it’s deep cervical lymph nodes