Lecture 12: Teamwork in organisations Flashcards
Why teams work?
- A team is a unit of two or more people who regularly interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a specific shared goal
- Negatives of team work :
o Giving up independence
o Putting up with free riders
o Teams are sometimes dysfunctional - How to make teams effective based on three outcomes of satisfaction, productive output and capacity to adapt and learn
- Effective team leadership contributes to team success: rally people around a compelling purpose, share power and admit ignorance
Types of teams
- Formal teams
- Self-directed teams
types of teams: Formal teams
o Created by the organisation
o As a part of the formal organisational strucutre
o Vertical teams: manager and their employees
o Horizontal teams: generally same-level employees with different areas of expertise
types of teams: Self-directed teams
o Problem solving team: 5 to 12 employees from same department to improve quality, effiency and work environment
o Self-directed team: 5 to 20 multi skilled workers who rotate jobs
Team characteristics
- Size
- Diversity
- Member roles
how to build a team: 1. team size
- Small is best peaks at 5 with greater satisfaction, more discussion and tend to be informal
- Larger you get less satisfaction causing greater turnover of employees
how to build a team: 2. diversity
- Diversity is a source of creativity and can also cause health disagreement leading ti better decision making
how to build a team: 3. Member roles
- Task specialist roles eg giving opinions, seeking information, summarising
- Socio-emotional role: provides support for team members’ emotional needs and social unity
- Effective teams have both of these roles in them
Team processes
- stages of development
- team norms
team processes: stages of team development
o Forming: orientation, break the ice
o Storming: conflict, disagreement
o Norming: establishment of order and cohesion
o Performing: problem solving
o Adjourning: task complete
Team processes: Team norms
o A standard of conduct that is shared by team members and guides their behaivours
o Four ways team norms develop: 1. Critical events, 2. Primary, 3. Carryover behaivour, 4. Explicit statements
Managing team conflict
- Causes of conflict:
o Scarce resources
o Communication breakdown
o Power and statues difference
o Goal differences
o Lack of trust
o Boredom - Styles to handle conflict:
o Competing style
o Avoiding style
o Comprising style
o Accommodating style
o Collaboration st
Global teams
- an innovative use of teams
o Sometimes called virtual teams
o Made of members with different nationalities
o Intercultural teams
o Difficult to manage diverse values and norms
o Finding the right problem to solve and building the right team is key