lecture 12 muscular and articular systems Flashcards
Closed Kinetic Chain Occurs when the body moves over a _____
fixed distal segment
Open Kinetic Chain Occurs when the distal segment _____
moves in space
Open Kinetic Chain Motion at adjacent joints often ____
Advantages of Closed Kinetic Chain Tend to generate ____ _____forces through joints
stabilizing, compressive
Advantages of Closed Kinetic Chain Weight bearing positions stimulate _______
Closed Kinetic Chain Mechanoreceptors activate _____ muscles promoting stabilization
Closed Kinetic Chain enhance _____ thus enhancing neuromuscular control
proprioceptive feedback
Disadvantages of Closed Kinetic Chain Decreased ability to _____
isolate a single muscle group
Disadvantages of Closed Kinetic Chain Allows _____ of distal joints which is often key in athletic performance
minimal acceleration
Advantages of Open Kinetic Chain Muscle activity occurs predominately in prime mover thus easier to isolate _____
single muscle group
Advantages of Open Kinetic Chain Allows for free movement and ______
rapid acceleration of distal segment
Disadvantages of Open Kinetic Chain May introduce______ ______ across joints
shearing forces
Disadvantages of Open Kinetic Chain Less co-activation of agonistic _____ and _____
synergists and antagonists
Arthrokinematic Movements Small, involuntary movements between the _____
articulating joint surfaces
Arthrokinematic three Movements
roll, slide, spin
Arthrokinematic Movements all three movements happen during
knee extension
If convex surface moves over stationary concave surface, slide occurs in ____ as movement of bony lever
opposite direction
If concave surface moves over stationary convex surface, slide occurs in ____ as movement of bony lever
same direction
Conjunct Rotation This rotation (spin) tends to occur as bone moves near it’s _____
end ROM
Conjunct Rotation Involuntary arthrokinematic movement that occurs with another main movement at a joint
Closed Packed Joint Position Joint surfaces are _______
maximally congruent
Closed Packed Joint Position This is the position for ______
greatest stability of the joint
Open Packed Joint Position Joint surfaces are relatively_______ in relation to one another
free to move
Joint Play Refers to small amount of motion available within the joint which is not under ____
voluntary control
______ Used as an assessment technique to establish the integrity of joint capsule
joint play
If surrounding capsule and ligaments are too lax, joint may become _____
Slow Oxidative muscles Slow rate contraction but not ____
easily fatigued
Slow Oxidative Rich in _____, perform aerobic cellular respiration
Slow Oxidative Found abundantly in muscles ____(tonic)
Fast Glycolytic _____ contraction but fatigue easily
Rapid rate
Fast Glycolytic Perform ____ cellular respiration; Glycolysis
Fast Glycolytic Found in higher concentrations in muscles used to achieve____ or generate great force
large ROM
muscle shortening so Z-lines approximate
muscle lengthening so Z-lines separate
muscle generates equal force while length changes
muscle generates force without lengthening or shortening
____occurs in a muscle that crosses two joints when one end contracts eccentrically while other performs concentric contraction
______Angular velocity produced by muscle remains same through contraction has to be produced by a machine
____ does not aggravate sensitive joint surfaces
______ not efficient in terms of strength or endurance building
best strength and endurance enhancements
concentric/ eccentric
highest likelihood of injury
concentric/ eccentric
safest form of exercise
costly and not functional
______muscle responsible for producing the desired motion; may be more than one for a given movement
____muscle having an action directly opposite the desired motion initially relaxes to accommodate motion (reciprocal inhibition) then acts as a “brake” to control the completion of the movement
______ A muscle that contracts at the same time as the agonist
A synergist which assists the prime mover when great force is required
Assistant Mover
______Partially antagonistic muscles that control extraneous actions of the agonist
______Support a joint so that another muscle may act effectively at neighbouring joint
pronator teres controls supination action of biceps during resisted elbow flexion in neutral position
brachioradialis assists brachialis with unresisted elbow flexion
Assistant Mover
rhomboid stabilize the scapula to optimize GH movements
____Origin is far from the joint so there is a greater rotary (vertical) component to the muscle force vector ex. biceps, brachialis, etc.
spurt muscles
______Origin is close to the joint so there is a greater stabilizing (horizontal) component to the muscle force vector ex. brachioradialis, ECRB, etc.
_____Amount of force a muscle can generate
In______ muscles crossing multiple joints (generally)
active insufficiency
______ Occurs when sarcomeres are maximally overlapped so no further force can be produced
Active Insufficiency:
Passive Insufficiency Occurs in ____ muscles
________ Stretch in muscle and tendon is large enough to limit full ROM
Passive Insufficiency:
Velocity of contraction is maximal when _____
resisting force is zero
Force is maximal when velocity is ____ ie. isometric contraction
Concentric Contraction:
As velocity increases, force _____
Eccentric Contraction:
As velocity increases, force _____