Lecture 11- Psychophysics Flashcards
in order to perceive, we must achieve a certain amount of neuronal excitation
momentary thresholds
thresholds are real but exist unchanged only within a very particular moment in time
why do thresholds shift within each person?
because person is responding to their environment, external and internal
phi-gamma hypothesis
assumption that momentary thresholds shifts are normally distributed
a photon is a “quanta” of light
quantum mechanics
“how much light is in a little bit of light?”
- light behaves as a particle and a wave
when an electron shifts from a high-energy state to a low-energy state it emits a:
Webers Law
is our physiological perception of the world PREDICTABLY different from the actual physical world?
- Just Noticeable Difference (JND)
Webers Law
start with a stimulus of certain intensity, how much would I have to change that stimulus to create JND?
- how much does the physical world have to change before we can perceive that it has changed?
Webers law
If there is a predictable relationship between
perception and reality, then the following should
hold true: ∆Φ= cΦ
Where ∆Φ is the change in stimulus strength
required to create a JND
- So the change required would be the intensity of
the original physical stimulus multiplied by some
constant (i.e. predictable) value “c”.
- This is known as Weber’s Law
Weber’s Law: ∆Φ= CΦ
Gustav Fechner
father of psychophysics
- JNDS on our ruler increase by a constant amount,
-physical stimuli associated with these JNDS increase geometrically - we have a way to make a ruler for perception
- 10^3= 10x10x10= 1000 -log101000= 3
stands for logarithms
Basic unit of measurement for ratio scale
Fechners Law
Ψ=k log Φ