Lecture 11: Enzymes Flashcards
Enzymes have varying degrees of —- for their substrate
Papin (3)
- low specificity
- cleave any peptide bond of any peptide
- Add water to bond to release carboxylic acid/ amino group
Trypsin (2)
- found in small intestine and degrades protein after a meal
- Bind next to lys or Arg and cleave peptide bond on carboxy side of those residue
Thrombin (2)
- More specific
- Only cleave peptide bond on the carboxyl side of Arg
Group specificity
- Enzyme is specific for substrates with a particular functional group in common
- It can catalyze reaction for a number of different substrate as long as those substrate have some functional group in common
Absolute specificity +ex
- Enzyme is specific for only one substrate (ex: lactase cleaves galactose and glucose)
Enzymes do not shift the —– of a reaction. Explain….
- equilibrium
- The same equilibrium point is reached but it is reached faster with an enzyme
- The concentration of your product is not changing but the reaction is still happening in both direction
Gibbs free energy (2)
- The difference in free energy between products and reactants
- a measure of useful energy, or the energy that is capable of doing work
ΔG is negative (3):
- The reaction is spontaneous
- Exergonic
- More energy in the reactants then products
At equilibirum, ΔG is —, cells want to ….
- 0
- Avoid this as theres no energy to do work
ΔG is independent of
the path of transformation. Its value is dependent on the product and reactant difference.
ΔG tells us nothing about
The rate of the reaction
Standard free energy change ΔG0
- at standard conditions
- Reactants and products have concentration of 1M
- 1 atm for gas
- Temperature is 298K
Standard free energy change ΔG0’ (2)
- Convention for biochemistry: ΔG0’
- PH of 7- when H+ is a reactant, it has a concentration of 1M
How to determine ΔG0’
- By measuring concentration of products and reactants at equilibrium
K’eq + formula (2)
Equlibirum concentration of products and reactants
Whether ΔG is larger, smaller or the same as ΔG0’ depends on —
the concentration of reactants and products
For a reaction to be energectically favourable (spontaneous), ΔG must be
Spontaneous reactions are not
Can take hundreds of years to happen
Enzymes can make spontaneous reactions happen faster so they are —–
kinectically favourable
How do enzymes accelerate reactions?
- Enzymes decrease the activation energy to overcome the activation energy barrier
- Enzymes lower the activation energy by stabilizing the transition state
With enzymes, —- doesnt change, only —-
- free energy
- activation energy
Where does the energy come from to lower the activation energy (4)?
What it is+ also called+ maximize it?+ tightly?
- There is free energy released when many weak interactions form between the enzyme and substrate (H-bond, electrostatic, vander waals). The negative binding energy compensates for the positive energy necessary to “bend” the substrate into the higher energy transition state
- This free energy is called binding energy
- Only the correct substrate can maximize the amount of binding energy (specificity) by making the maximium # of weak binding
- Maximal binding energy occurs during the transition state (bind tightly) as in the begining its bound loosely)
Features of the Enzyme’s active site (5)
- Residues forming the active site come from different positions in the sequence
- Small volume of the total protein
- Unique micro-environment (active site compatible with substrate, ex: hydrophobic)
- Forms multiple weak interactions with substrates (electrostatic, H-bond, electrostatic)
- Specificity of substrate binding depends on percise arrangement of atoms in the active site
Enzyme present in tear, saliva, helps protect us against bacteria as it destryoys the carbohydrates in the cell wall of the bacteria
Co-factors (2)
- non-protein compounds that bind to proteins and are needed for biological activity
- can be organic or inorganic (co-enzyme or metals)
- vitamin-derived organic molecules
Enzyme without the cofactor
Enzyme with the cofactor
Prosthetic group
What it is/removability+ what can it be
- Co-factor is very tightly bond to active site
- can be small organic molecules or metal ions. Due to the tight binding to the enzyme, prosthetic groups are difficult to remove from the enzymes. Hence, it is considered that the bond between prosthetic group and enzyme is permanent unlike in coenzymes.
Cofactor bind losely, and with every chemical reaction, the cofactor and product is released
NAD+ and NADH cofactor/coenzyme + ex (2)
- an important coenzyme for redox reactions
- Ex: electron from NADH transferred with H+ to reduce pyruvate to lactate
Lock and key
The substrate is a perfect fit for the enzyme’s active site. The lock-and-key model portrays an enzyme as conformationally rigid and able to bond only to substrates that exactly fit the active site.
Induced fit
The induced fit model portrays the enzyme structure as more flexible and is complementary to the substrate only after the substrate is bound. Enzyme’s active site becomes complementary to substrate after substrate binding.
The enzyme’s atcive site stabilizes the ——. This lowers the —– which allows enzymes to speed up the reaction. —- provides most of the energy used to lower the atcivation energy
- transition state
- activation energy
- binding energy