Lecture 11 and 12 Flashcards
Natural physiologic, psychological and spiritual response to the presence of a stressor
-feelings set into motion an immediate emergency response to real or perceived threats
stress turns off when immediate danger gone
A demand, situation, internal stimulus or circumstance that threatens a persons personal security or self-integrity
Mild, moderate, severe
Negative or positive
Angers and hostility
- Anger & hostility are the most common stress emotions associated
- We need to recognize hostility as a cry for help
- A client who is angry still needs understanding, comfort, and human caring
-Anger has pain underneath (underlying reason)
Strategies with difficult situations
- Maintain reasonable, neutral & friendly tone
- Deal with disruptive behaviours immediately
- Set up consistent rules & expectations, and avoid blame
- Try to build trust, allow time to adjust, slow down
- Anticipatory guidance (what, when, why, how)
- Control your emotions, don’t take things personally, show openness to resolve conflict (deal with difficult situations fast) (if unsafe let others cool down)
Five A’s of Angry pts
- Acknowledge the problem
- Allow the pt to vent uninterrupted
- Agree on what the problem is
- Affirm what can be done
- Assure follow through
Stay calm and focused- other will stay calm
Patient Transfering experience they felt from a previous encounter on you from a bad experience (someone who looked like you wronged them)
Health care professionals make generalizations from previous health experience
MEdically futile care
Providing care that you know wont do anything
Ehtical dilemma
You know the right choice but feel limited by constraints
Are health care pros immune to traumatic experiences
What is burn out
- Change of work setting may help *
Psychological response to excessive and prolonged stress
Work overload = High job demands lower job resources
high personal demands contribute
Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)
High Exhaustion
High Depersonizatinicismon
Low accomplishment/ inefficacy
Compassion fatigue
• Emotional and physical burden created by the impact of helping others in distress. which leads to a decreased capacity for empathy toward suffering in the future”
Running on empty
Warning SIgns continuum
Compassion fatigue
- Exhaustion/ Absenteeism
- Reduced sense of empathy
- Anger and irritability
- ↑ use of alcohol or other substances
- Heightened anxiety/ fears
- Difficulty separating work and personal life
- Dread working with certain clients/patients
People are stressed on a continuum
Personal Strategies
Improve self care
Recognize warning signs
embrace personal resources
rely on social supports
Organizational Strategies
- Transparent dialogue
- Timely debriefing
- Relevant PRofessional Development
- Modify work loads
- peer support
- mental health breaks
Mindfulness as a superpower
- Knowing what’s going on your head at any given moment
- Mindfulness is the buffer between stimulus and your reaction
- Learn how to respond wisely
- Meditating is how you reach mindfulness
Part 1 - Nursing Values and ethical responsibilities
A. Providing Safe, Compassionate, Competent & Ethical Care
B. Promoting Health & Well-Being
C. Promoting & Respecting Informed Decision-Making
D. Honouring Dignity
E. Maintaining Privacy & Confidentiality
F. Promoting Justice
G. Being Accountable
Part 2 - ethical endeavours related to societal issues
social inequalities