Lecture 11 Flashcards
The shift in the population of peppered moths from 10% dark moths prior to the advent of the industry to 80% dark colored moths after the advent of industry illustrates the process of
Microevolution acts ____ a species or population.
Macroevolution acts _____ or ______ species level.
At or Above
Example of Macroevolution.
Adaptive Radiation resulting in the creation of many new species.
(Critique of Macroevolution)
Irreducible Complexity
System composed of several parts that all contribute to a function where removal of one part leads to no function.
Critique of Macroevolution
______ is Rarely observed.
Critique of Macroevolution
________ (periods of evolutionary stasis interspersed by major change) not explained by Darwinian Theory
Punctuated Equilibrium
(Rebuttal for Macroevolution) Irreducible complexity
Pieces of complex systems have functions of their own.
Bacterial flagellum: has parts that are very similar to other functional proteins in the organism(_____)
______ range of Complexity still function.
______ can be reduced to two parts.
Basal Body
High range of Complexity
Mousetrap can be reduced to two parts.
(Rebuttal for Macroevolution) speciation
Human History spans ______ of biological history.
We have observed speciation in 3 ways 1) in a lab 2) _____. and 3) _______.
< .006%
(Rebuttal for Macroevolution) Punctuated Equilibrium
- Punctuation in fossil records can take >10,000 years
- Biochemical changes don’t show up in the fossil records.
- ______ genetic changes result in _____ phenotypic changes.
Slight, Large
Control body plans by controlling the anatomical fate of groups of cells ( found in plants/animal/both)
Homeotic Genes
Evolution of genes controlling development (encompasses all these terms)
Changes in the relative growth rates of different body parts. ex.______
Allometry , Ex. Skulls in humans and chimps.
Sexually mature adults with juvenile morphology ( a type of changes in the timing of reproductive vs somatic development) Ex.______
Axolotl Salamander, and some pets
Class of homeotic genes that provide positional information in animal embryos.
Hox Genes
ex. Suppresses leg formation in insects.
Changes in Rate and Timing ( encompasses Allometry)
Evolution is NOT____
goal oriented
Mutation is _____, ______ is not …
Random, Mutation is not
evolution is not a ladder from ______ to ____
Simple to complex
In comparison to humans, how long have archaea bacteria been evolving ?
Same amount of time.
Who’s gone through more evolutionary changes? humans or chimps
What disproves the 1 hole to 2 hole theory ?
Ctenophores with their complex digestive system.
Novel features often arise through intermediate stages , each of which serve a function. Give example.
Partial wings in chicks allows them to travel faster
Evolution recycles features and puts them to new use …what defines this
Exaptations _______
are some features that evolved for reasons that they are not longer used for
Proteins for cell adhesion found in unicellular organisms
Evolution leaves baggage behind , ex.?
Rabbit Digestion, and in humans; appendix, trachea, esophagus, blind spot.