Lecture 10 - Vision (Part 2) Flashcards
What is a receptive field?
A receptive field of a neuron refers to the specific region of sensory space (like an area of the retina, for visual neurons) where a stimulus can trigger the neuron’s activity. For visual neurons, this includes the location and specific properties of light (such as brightness, color, or direction of movement) that will cause the neuron to fire. In essence, it defines what a neuron “responds to” in its sensory environment.
How is a receptive field defined in visual processing?
A receptive field is the specific area in the visual field where a stimulus (such as light or color) can activate a response in a particular sensory neuron. It’s defined in relation to the fixation point—the spot where the observer is focusing. The receptive field includes the portion of the visual field that affects how neurons respond when the observer looks at that spot.
What are the steps involved in identifying a cell’s receptive field in visual processing?
- Record activity while the animal focuses on a spot: Monitor the cell’s activity to establish a baseline response to visual stimuli.
- Expose light to different areas: Systematically shine light on different areas of the visual field to identify the cell’s receptive field.
- Assess color and pattern sensitivity: After locating the receptive field, test the cell’s sensitivity to specific colors and patterns.
What happens to a neuron’s activity when light is presented in its receptive field?
When light hits a neuron’s receptive field, its response depends on the type of neuron and the light’s position.
- On-center neurons fire more when light hits the center and less when it hits the surround.
- Off-center neurons fire more when light hits the surround and less when it hits the center.
This change in firing rate helps the brain process visual information based on light location and intensity.
How do photoreceptor cells differ from most retinal cells in terms of action potentials?
Photoreceptor cells differ from most retinal cells because they do not generate action potentials. Instead, they respond to light by changing their membrane potential, which leads to a decrease in the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate. This graded release of glutamate allows them to communicate the intensity of light rather than producing an all-or-nothing action potential.
What occurs in photoreceptor cells in the dark?
In darkness, photoreceptor cells have a resting membrane potential of -40 mV and continuously release glutamate.
What happens to photoreceptor cells when they are activated by light?
When activated by light, photoreceptor cells hyperpolarize to -70 mV and stop releasing glutamate.
If a neuron’s receptive field is found to be sensitive to specific colors, what does this indicate about the cell?
This means that the neuron is specialized to detect and respond to different wavelengths of light, allowing it to differentiate between colors. The cell’s response varies depending on the color of light within its receptive field, indicating its role in processing color information.
In a hypothetical experiment, a researcher finds that a cell’s activity increases when exposed to blue light but decreases with red light. What can be inferred about this cell’s receptive field?
It can be inferred that the cell has a receptive field that is specifically responsive to blue light, indicating color sensitivity.
What are sodium ion channels in photoreceptor cells?
Sodium ion channels in photoreceptor cells are unique “leak” channels that remain open in darkness, allowing sodium ions to flow into the cell.
What is the dark current?
The dark current is the influx of sodium ions through open channels in photoreceptor cells, which depolarizes the cell (makes it more positive) and maintains a resting membrane potential around -40 mV in the dark. This constant depolarization enables continuous glutamate release to the downstream neurons.
How does light affect the sodium channels in photoreceptor cells?
Light activates an opsin protein, triggering a signaling cascade that closes sodium channels, causing hyperpolarization to -70 mV and stopping glutamate release.
What type of receptors are opsin proteins responsible for conscious vision perception?
Opsin proteins are inhibitory metabotropic receptors that hyperpolarize photoreceptor cells when activated by light, stopping glutamate release.
How do bipolar cells respond to changes in membrane potential?
Bipolar cells release glutamate in a graded manner based on membrane potential; they do not generate action potentials.
What distinguishes OFF bipolar cells from ON bipolar cells?
OFF bipolar cells express excitatory ionotropic glutamate receptors and mirror the activity of connected photoreceptor cells, while ON bipolar cells express inhibitory metabotropic glutamate receptors and exhibit the opposite response pattern.
How do OFF bipolar cells behave in darkness?
In darkness, when photoreceptors are depolarized at -40 mV and releasing glutamate, OFF bipolar cells are also depolarized and release glutamate.
What happens to OFF bipolar cells in light?
In light, when photoreceptors hyperpolarize to -70 mV and stop releasing glutamate, OFF bipolar cells hyperpolarize and cease glutamate release.
How do ON bipolar cells behave in darkness?
In darkness, ON bipolar cells hyperpolarize and do not release glutamate because they express inhibitory glutamate receptors.
What occurs in ON bipolar cells when light is present?
When photoreceptors hyperpolarize in light, ON bipolar cells depolarize and release glutamate.
What are retinal ganglion cells (RGCs)?
Retinal ganglion cells are typical neurons that generate action potentials and express excitatory ionotropic glutamate receptors.
How does the activity of photoreceptor cells affect retinal ganglion cells?
Photoreceptors detect light and adjust their release of glutamate accordingly. When light is present, photoreceptors release less glutamate, exciting ON bipolar cells and inhibiting OFF bipolar cells. This modulation of bipolar cell activity influences the retinal ganglion cells, either increasing or decreasing their firing. The retinal ganglion cells then transmit these signals to the brain via the optic nerve for visual processing. The photoreceptors’ glutamate release controls the activity of bipolar cells, which in turn affects the retinal ganglion cells, ultimately shaping the visual information sent to the brain.
What is the function of horizontal cells?
- Horizontal cells are neurons in the retina.
- They connect neighboring photoreceptors (rods and cones).
- They regulate the release of glutamate via lateral inhibition (suppression of nearby photoreceptor activity)
- Horizontal cells help fine-tune signals from photoreceptors, enhancing contrast and sharpening the overall visual image.
- Refined signals are passed to bipolar cells for further processing.
How do horizontal cells enhance the difference in activity between photoreceptors?
Horizontal cells enhance contrast by comparing the activity of neighboring photoreceptors. They inhibit dimly lit photoreceptors more strongly, amplifying the difference in activity between bright and dark areas, which improves brightness perception and contrast sensitivity.
What happens to a center photoreceptor cell when it senses dim light?
The center photoreceptor cell slightly hyperpolarizes when it senses dim light.
How do neighboring photoreceptors respond to bright light in relation to horizontal cells?
Neighboring photoreceptors activated by bright light become more hyperpolarized, which horizontal cells use to regulate the response of the center photoreceptor.
What is the role of glutamate release in horizontal cells?
Horizontal cells do not release glutamate; instead, they release GABA, which inhibits nearby photoreceptor and bipolar cells, helping to fine-tune visual signals through lateral inhibition. Horizontal cells, like photoreceptors and bipolar cells, communicate in a graded manner based on their membrane potential and do not generate action potentials.
What is the membrane potential when ON bipolar cells release more neurotransmitter?
More neurotransmitter is released from ON bipolar cells when the membrane potential is less negative (more positive than -45 mV).
How does the membrane potential of ON bipolar cells change in response to light?
When the upstream photoreceptor cell detects light, the membrane potential of ON bipolar cells approaches around -45 mV.
What is the membrane potential of ON bipolar cells in darkness?
In darkness, ON bipolar cells are depolarized to approximately -60 mV due to the constant release of glutamate from photoreceptors.
How do neighboring brightly lit photoreceptors affect the membrane potential of ON bipolar cells?
When the center photoreceptor is in darkness and the neighboring surround photoreceptors are brightly lit, the surround ON bipolar cells become hyperpolarized, leading to less neurotransmitter release from these cells. Meanwhile, the center ON bipolar cells will depolarize if the center photoreceptor is illuminated.
If a person is in a dimly lit room and suddenly steps into bright light, how would horizontal cells respond?
Horizontal cells would enhance the difference in activity by counteracting the hyperpolarization in dimly lit photoreceptors while depolarizing axon terminals of photoreceptors exposed to bright light.
What is the role of OFF bipolar cells in the visual pathway?
OFF bipolar cells detect decreases in light intensity and respond with changes in neurotransmitter release, influencing the activity of downstream retinal ganglion cells.
How does neurotransmitter release in OFF bipolar cells change with membrane potential?
More neurotransmitter is released when the membrane potential is less negative (more positive than -45 mV), similar to ON bipolar cells.
What happens to the membrane potential of OFF bipolar cells in darkness?
In darkness, the resting potential of OFF bipolar cells is approximately -45 mV.
Describe the response of OFF bipolar cells when the upstream photoreceptor cell detects light.
When the upstream photoreceptor cell detects light, the membrane potential hyperpolarizes to around -75 mV, resulting in less neurotransmitter release.
What is the “centre-surround” organization in bipolar cell receptive fields?
The “centre-surround” organization is created by the influence of horizontal cells, allowing bipolar cells to respond differently to light in the center versus the surrounding area of their receptive fields.
How do ON retinal ganglion cells respond to light in their receptive field?
ON retinal ganglion cells increase their spiking rate when light is in the center of their receptive field and decrease their spiking rate when light is brighter in the surrounding area.
How do OFF retinal ganglion cells react to light in their receptive field?
OFF retinal ganglion cells decrease their spiking rate when light is in the center of their receptive field and increase their spiking rate when light is brighter in the surrounding area.
In a scenario where a person is looking at a bright light in the center of their vision, how would OFF retinal ganglion cells behave?
OFF retinal ganglion cells would decrease their spiking rate because the light is in the center of their receptive field.
What occurs when the entire receptive field is illuminated?
When the entire receptive field of a retinal ganglion cell is lit up, the response becomes less sensitive to differences in light, as the activation of both the center and surround of the receptive field cancel each other out. This makes it harder to detect contrasts or edges, causing a reduced ability to see details. In real life, this might look like a scene that is evenly lit, where objects appear less distinct and harder to tell apart, similar to how everything looks blurry or flat on an overcast day.
How does foveal processing in retinal ganglion cells differ from peripheral processing?
In the fovea, retinal ganglion cells process color information and receive input from fewer bipolar cells, resulting in smaller receptive fields. This leads to less compression of visual information and allows for higher visual acuity, meaning the ability to see fine details. In contrast, retinal ganglion cells in the periphery often integrate input from multiple bipolar cells, leading to larger receptive fields and more compression of the visual information. While this reduces visual acuity, it increases sensitivity to light and motion, which is important for detecting movement and seeing in low-light conditions.
What are photoreceptor cells?
Photoreceptor cells are specialized cells in the retina, including rods and cones, that detect light and convert it into electrical signals.
How do rods and cones respond to light?
Rods and cones hyperpolarize and release less glutamate when they detect the appropriate wavelength of light within their receptive field.
What defines the receptive fields of photoreceptor cells?
The receptive fields of photoreceptor cells are defined by a specific location in space and the wavelength of light.
How do bipolar cell receptive fields differ from those of individual photoreceptors?
Bipolar cell receptive fields are larger because they sum the receptive fields of multiple photoreceptor cells that provide input.
What is the significance of ON and OFF responses in bipolar cells?
ON and OFF responses in bipolar cells refer to how they react to light: ON cells are activated by light, while OFF cells are activated by darkness.
Why do bipolar cells in the fovea have smaller receptive fields?
Bipolar cells in the fovea have smaller receptive fields because each bipolar cell is connected to just one photoreceptor (like a cone). This direct connection allows for more precise processing of visual information, giving a sharper and more detailed image, which is essential for tasks like reading or recognizing faces.
What is the role of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs)?
RGCs transmit visual information from the retina to the brain and exhibit receptive fields similar to those of bipolar cells with centre-surround structures.
How do receptive fields of thalamic neurons compare to those of retinal ganglion cells?
The receptive fields of thalamic neurons are similar to those of retinal ganglion cells, as both process visual information. However, thalamic neurons refine and relay these signals to the primary visual cortex for further processing.
What is the function of simple cells in the primary visual cortex (V1)?
Simple cells are considered feature detectors in the visual system. They detect specific features, like the orientation of edges and lines, in the visual field. This ability to respond to particular angles or edges helps the brain build a detailed map of the shapes and structures in what we see.
How does orientation preference vary among V1 neurons?
Neurons in V1 have varying orientation preferences; some respond best to vertical lines, others to horizontal lines, and some to intermediate angles.
What is a cortical column in the primary visual cortex?
Cortical columns are groups of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) that are specialized to process information from a specific area of the visual field. Each column processes various aspects of that area, like orientation, movement, or color, and integrates the information into a broader understanding of the visual scene.
How do sharp transitions in contrast or color contribute to object recognition?
Sharp transitions in contrast or color highlight the borders, edges, and corners of objects, helping the visual system detect distinct shapes and boundaries. These visual cues make it easier for the brain to separate objects from the background and recognize them accurately.
Imagine a person looking at a landscape with distinct edges between the sky and mountains. Which visual processing structures are involved in detecting these edges?
The photoreceptor cells detect the light, bipolar cells integrate the signals, retinal ganglion cells transmit the information to the thalamus, and neurons in the primary visual cortex analyze the edges for object recognition.
What is the visual association cortex?
The visual association cortex refers to the entire occipital lobe, excluding the primary visual cortex, and is responsible for processing visual information.
What percentage of the cerebral cortex is dedicated to processing visual information?
The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the brain involved in complex functions like sensory perception, cognition, and decision-making. Over 25% of the cerebral cortex is dedicated to processing visual information.
What is the striate cortex, and what is its significance?
The striate cortex, also known as the primary visual cortex (Area V1), is the region where initial visual processing occurs before information is relayed to the visual association cortex.
What is the extrastriate cortex?
The extrastriate cortex is another term for the visual association cortex, which includes areas V2, V3, V4, etc., responsible for further processing of visual information.
Describe the dorsal stream and its primary function.
The dorsal stream originates in the primary visual cortex and extends to the posterior parietal lobe, primarily involved in identifying spatial locations, including where objects are situated and their movement.
Describe the ventral stream and its primary function.
The ventral stream starts in the primary visual cortex and extends to the inferior temporal lobe, focusing on identifying forms (shapes) and encoding what the object is, including its color.
How do the dorsal and ventral streams differ in terms of visual processing?
The dorsal stream processes “where” information related to spatial location and movement, while the ventral stream processes “what” information related to object identity and form.
Imagine you are trying to catch a ball. Which visual stream is primarily involved in helping you locate the ball and determine its trajectory?
The dorsal stream is primarily involved, as it helps identify the spatial location and movement of the ball.
If you were asked to describe the color and shape of an object, which visual stream would you be utilizing?
You would be utilizing the ventral stream, as it focuses on identifying the form and color of the object.
Why is it important for the visual association cortex to have different regions sensitive to various visual features?
Different regions of the visual association cortex are specialized to process specific visual features, like shapes, colors, and movement. This specialization helps the brain to interpret and understand visual information, which is important for recognizing objects and interacting with the environment.
What is depth perception?
Depth perception is the ability to perceive the distance and three-dimensionality of objects in the environment.
How does the dorsal stream contribute to depth perception?
The dorsal stream, known as the “where” pathway, is involved in processing spatial information and depth perception, located in the parietal lobe.
What is monocular vision?
Monocular vision refers to depth perception that can occur with input from just one eye, where some V1 neurons respond exclusively to visual input from that eye.
What is binocular vision?
Binocular vision occurs when most V1 neurons respond to visual input from both eyes, enhancing depth perception through the combination of images.
What are depth cues?
Depth cues help us judge how far away objects are. Examples include:
1. Relative size: Closer objects look larger, farther ones smaller.
2. Amount of detail: Farther objects appear blurrier.
3. Relative motion: Closer objects move faster than distant ones when we move.
These cues allow us to estimate depth and distance in our environment.
How does relative size serve as a depth cue?
Relative size serves as a depth cue by indicating that larger objects appear closer to the observer than smaller objects.
What role does the amount of detail play in depth perception?
The amount of detail seen in objects helps gauge their distance; closer objects exhibit more detail than those that are farther away.
How does relative movement contribute to depth perception?
Relative movement is a depth cue where objects appear to move at different speeds depending on their distance from the observer. Closer objects seem to move faster across the field of view, while farther objects appear to move more slowly. This difference in motion helps us judge how far away something is.
What is stereopsis?
Stereopsis is the perception of depth created by combining two slightly different images received from each retina, enhancing depth perception accuracy.
What is retinal disparity?
Retinal disparity refers to the slight difference between the images seen by each eye due to their horizontal separation, contributing to depth perception.
How does stereopsis benefit activities like sports?
Stereopsis improves depth perception accuracy, which is crucial for activities requiring precise judgment of distance, such as sports and pouring liquids.
What is agnosia?
Agnosia is a neurological disorder where a person has difficulty recognizing or interpreting sensory information, despite having intact sensory abilities (such as sight, hearing, or touch) and no significant memory loss. For example, someone with visual agnosia may be able to see objects but not recognize them, while someone with auditory agnosia may hear sounds but struggle to identify them. This impairment is specific to processing sensory information and not due to a general cognitive or memory problem. Agnosia is often caused by strokes, brain damage, or neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.
How is agnosia linked to the sensory cortex?
Agnosia is caused by damage to the sensory association cortex (the part of the brain that processes and interprets sensory information from the primary sensory areas like the visual or auditory cortex). This impairs the brain’s ability to process and interpret sensory information, even though primary sensory areas remain intact. This results in an inability to recognize or understand sensory input despite normal sensory function.
How does visual agnosia differ from general blindness?
Visual agnosia arises from damage to the visual association cortex, while general blindness can result from damage anywhere from the eye to the primary visual cortex.
What is akinetopsia?
Akinetopsia is a specific type of visual agnosia characterized by the inability to perceive movement, resulting from damage to the dorsal visual stream in the parietal lobe.
What is cerebral achromatopsia?
Cerebral achromatopsia is a visual agnosia caused by damage to the ventral visual stream in the cerebral cortex, leading to a complete lack of color perception, with individuals reporting only “shades of grey.”
How does cerebral achromatopsia differ from regular achromatopsia?
Unlike regular achromatopsia, which is total color blindness due to defective cone opsin signaling, cerebral achromatopsia involves awareness of color but a complete inability to perceive it due to brain damage.
What kind of experience do individuals with cerebral achromatopsia report?
Individuals with cerebral achromatopsia report seeing only “shades of grey” and express an awareness of color, unlike those born with regular achromatopsia who lack any concept of color.
What causes prosopagnosia?
Prosopagnosia is a visual agnosia that results in the inability to recognize familiar faces, caused by damage to the fusiform gyrus (fusiform face area) in the ventral visual stream.
How does damage to the ventral visual stream affect visual processing?
Damage to the ventral visual stream disrupts the processing of visual information related to object recognition and color perception, leading to conditions like cerebral achromatopsia and prosopagnosia.
What is the role of the fusiform gyrus in visual processing?
The fusiform gyrus is involved in the recognition of faces, and damage to this area can lead to prosopagnosia, impairing the ability to recognize familiar faces.
Imagine a person can see objects but cannot recognize their friend’s face in a photo. What condition might this person have?
This person might have prosopagnosia, a condition that impairs the ability to recognize familiar faces while still allowing for visual perception of objects.
If someone who has experienced a stroke can see colors but cannot identify what those colors represent (e.g., they can see a red apple but do not recognize it as an apple), what might they be experiencing?
They might be experiencing visual object agnosia, where there is impaired object recognition due to damage in the ventral stream, despite intact color perception.