Lecture 10 - Relational practice, Loss & Grief Flashcards
What is the definition of loss?
“…is an actual or a potential situation in which something
that is valued is changed, no longer available, or gone”
What is greif?
The experience of loss
What is the definition of ‘grieving’?
“…a normal, complex process that includes emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and intellectual responses and behaviours by which individuals, families, and communities incorporate an actual, anticipated, or perceived loss into their daily lives.”
What is an actual loss?
The loss of a person or object that can no longer be heard, felt, known, or experienced by the individual.
It can be identified by others.
What is a perceived loss?
Any loss that is defined uniquely by the grieving individual, it is less obvious to others.
What are Kubler-Ross’s stages of greif?
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
*Criticized for focusing research only on dying patients
What are Bowlby’s phases of mourning?
- Numbing
–> Protects - Yearning and searching
–> Acute distress, trying to assign meaning - Disorganization and despair
–> Examines loss and tries to assign blame, expressed anger - Reorganization
–> Begins to accept change, new role, or skills
*Applies to the grieving person or those grieving for them
What are Worden’s four tasks of mourning?
- To accept reality of the loss
- Experience and work through pain of grief
- Adjust to the environment in which the deceased is missing
- Emotionally relocate and reinvest in the new reality
What is normal/uncomplicated grief?
The normal, expected, human reaction to a loss.
What is complicated grief?
Grief that is prolonged (chronic), delayed, exaggerated, masked
What is anticipatory grief?
Commonly experienced during the terminal stage of an illness. Grieving starts before individual has passed.
Sometimes a person has already experienced the phases of grief before the individual passes, death may be a relief in some ways.
e.g., a caregiver grieving who a person used to be before dementia or illness
What is disenfranchised grief?
Grief that is not accepted, acknowledged, or legitimized by society.
e.g., loss of a pet, loss by suicide, divorce.
How do young children experience grief?
Young children do not comprehend the permanence of death, but experience distress and anxiety about being separated from their loved one.
How do older persons experience grief?
Often they are more resilient in responding to grief.
Critical thinking requires…
- Knowledge
- Previous Experiences
- Standards of Care & Evidence
–> CNA code of ethics
–> Dying person’s bill of rights
–> CNO (regulatory bodies) - Critical Thinking Qualities
–> Risk taking, accountability, openness, perseverance
Anticipatory grieving, dysfunctional grieving, hopelessness, powerlessness, and spiritual distress are examples of what?
Nursing diagnoses associated with grief
In the nursing process, what would you do after assessing a nursing diagnosis for a grieving family?
Begin planning:
–> Goals and outcomes
–> Priority setting
–> Continuity of care
What might a nurse to to implement care and emotional assistance with grief?
Therapeutic communication, facilitating mourning, and promoting hope.
What are the major components of palliative care?
Physical and emotional symptoms control
Managing dignity and self-esteem Preventing abandonment and isolation
Providing a comfortable and peaceful environment
Fear of death and dying
Supporting grieving and family
What is hospice care?
an alternative, family-centered care delivery model for terminally ill patients with the goal of maintaining a satisfactory lifestyle until death.
What is relational practice?
The building of a therapeutic relationships that is based on trust, respect, empathy, and professional intimacy, and requires an appropriate use of the power of inherent in the care provider’s role
What is considered to be the fundamental or foundation of all nursing practice?
Relational practice and the therapeutic relationship.
What is denotative language?
A word with multiple meanings, depending on the domain.
What is connotative language?
According to the CNO, what are the five principles of the nurse-client relationship?
Professional Intimacy
Power - Inherent power dynamic of the relationship
According to the CNO which four things are nurses accountable for in a therapeutic nurse-client relationship?
- Therapeutic communication skills to establish the therapeutic relationship
- Client-centred care
- Maintaining boundaries
- Protecting clients from abuse
What are the three recommendations from RNAO concerning therapeutic relationship practice recommendations?
- The nurse must acquire the necessary knowledge to participate effectively in therapeutic relationships
–> Background, interpersonal and developmental theories, diversity, the person, health and illness, systems & policy - Reflective Practice
–> Self-awareness & knowledge, empathy, awareness of boundaries and limits of the professional role - Nurse must understands the current phase of the relationship with the client.
What are the four phases of a therapeutic relationship, according to the RNAO
–> Records, Hx,
–> Speaking to past caregivers
–> meeting, sets tone, goal setting and prioritizing
–> Establishing goals and working together
–> Ending the relationship, smooth transition towards other caregivers