Lecture 10: Objective 2 Flashcards
Wnt3: origin, target, effect. type
O: posterior epiblast
T: epiblast
E: induces expression of nodal
O: primitive streak
T: self?
E: induces expression of nodal
signaling molecule
Lefty 1 and Cer 1: origin, target, effect
O: anterior hypoblast
T: nodal
E: blocks expression of nodal in anterior epiblast, confines expression to the posterior epiblast
signaling molecule
Nodal: origin, target, effect. type
O: epiblast
T: multiple
E: establishes a posterior signaling center which induces formation of the primitive streak
signaling molecule
Cerebrus-like: origin, target, effect. type
O: anterior visceral endoderm
T: self
E: inhibits development of posterior structures
signaling molecule
Otx-2 and Lim-1: origin, target, effect. type
O: anterior visceral endoderm
T: self
E: associated with induction of anterior CNS
transcription factors
DKK-1: origin, target, effect. type
O: anterior visceral endoderm
T: blocks Wnt
E: inhibits development of posterior structures
signaling molecule
Noggin: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive node
T: ectoderm
E: neural inducer
signaling molecule
Chordin: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive node
T: ectoderm
E: neural inducer
signaling molecule
Nodal: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive node
T: ectoderm
E: induces primitive streak and helps to establish left-right symmetry
O: primitive streak
T: self?
E: induces primitive streak and helps to establish left/right symmetry
signaling molecule
Goosecoid: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive node
T: chordin and noggin (genes)
E: activates genes
transcription factor
Foxa-2: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive node
T: multiple
E: establishment of primitive node; initiates notochord function; establishes midline structures cranial to node
transcription factor
Brachyury: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive node
T: primitive streak
E: notochord formation; normal movements of cells through primitive streak
Shh: origin, target, effect. type
O: Prechordal plate
T: multiple
E: induces axial structures
signaling molecule
Cerebrus related 1: origin, target, effect. type
prechordal plate
normal head formation
goosecoid (again): origin, target, effect. type
O: prechordal plate
T: chordin, noggin (genes) in notochord
E: activates genes
transcription factor
Foxa-2 (again)
prechordal plate
chordin, noggin (genes) in notochord, activates genes
Foxa-2 (again, again)
chordin, noggin (genes)
activates genes
Shh (again)
primitive node
mulitiple targets
induces axial structures
signaling molecules
Foxa-2 (again, again, again)
primitive node
chordin, noggin in notochord
activates genes
Retinoic acid: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive streak
T: Cdx
E: Hox (gene)
signaling molecule
Wnt: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive streak
T: Cdx
E: Hox (gene)
signaling molecule
FGF: origin, target, effect. type
O: primitive streak
T: Cdx
E: Hox (gene)
signaling molecule
Goosechoid (cough cough)
primitive node
chordin, noggin (genes)
activates genes