Lecture 10 - Dentition Flashcards
why is dentition important for physical anthrology
- > there is an abundance of teeth among human remains (i.e. there is only 1 sacrum per human but 32 teeth)
- > teeth are resistant to chemical and physical destruction
- > can provide insight into. the individuals age, sex, health, diet and evolution
T/F? Dentition is the only part of the skeleton that directly interacts with the environment
- > mastication
what is a crown
- > the visible part of your tooth, covered in enamel
what is the root of the tooth
- > it anchors the tooth
what is the enamel of the tooth and why is it important
- > covers the crown of the tooth
- > it is 97% mineralized, this is imporant if we consider that bone has inorganic and organic components but with enamel being so mineralized, it is very resistant to wear and tear
can we regenerate enamel
bone-like tissue that covers the tooth roots, helps anchor it
pulp/pulp cavity of the tooth
- > soft tissue space within the tooth which houses nerves and blood supply
- > forms the core of the tooth, supported by pulp cavity
- > produced by odontoblasts (dentin-producing cells)
projection of the crown on the occlusal surface (bumps on the molars are cusps, canines have one cusp)
periodontal ligament
- > holds the tooth in place within the jaw
- > scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) causes this ligament to break down, which is why ppl with scurvy/pirates lost their teeth
ameolblasts vs odontoblasts
- > enamel forming cells
- > dentin forming cells
surfaces of teeth
- > all teeth have a lingual surface (inside, facing tongue)
- > outside surface changes depending on location (front teeth have a lingual surface and molars have a buccal surface)
- > mesial surface is the surface closer to the front teeth/ middle
- > distal is the surface further back in the mouth
explain dental development across a persons life
- > dental development starts in utero
- > tooth buds are developed in their crypts
- > formation begins at the crown and the eruption from the crypt occurs when the crown is complete and there is some root development
- > deciduous (baby) roots are then reabsorbed before they are lost and replaced with permanent teeth
what are the different types of teeth and how many do we adults have
Incisors (8)
Canines (4)
Premolars (8)
Molars (12)
Dental formula of adults vs children
Adult (32 teeth)
- > (each side)
- > incisors.canine.premolar.molars (some variation, especially with molars)
Children (20 teeth)
- >
characteristics of incisors
- > 8 total (4 maxillary, 4 mandibular)
- > central (4) and lateral (4)
- > found in the anterior portion of the mouth
- > sharp, thin cutting edges for ripping off food to be crushed by molars
characteristics of canines
- > 4 total (2 maxillary, 2 mandibular)
- > posterior extension to incisors
- > conical shape
- > longer root than incisors (big strong incisors were a form of dominance so we need a big root to support it )
characteristics of premolars
- > bicuspids (2 cusps)
- > 8 total (4 maxillary, 4 mandibular)
- > intermediary between canines and molars
- > only found in adults
characteristics of molars
- > 12 total (3 maxillary, 3 mandibular)
- > largest teeth
- > extensive chewing surface
- > multiple roots ( 3 for maxillary and 2 for mandibular)