Lecture 1 - Week 1 - Intro To Clinical Reasoning And General Examination Flashcards
Clinical reasoning
The ability to sort through a cluster of features presented by a patient and accurately assign a diagnostic label with the development of an appropriate treatment Strategy as the end goal.
Symptom analysis
1- Symptom 2- causes for symptoms 3- distinguishing features 4- explanations for features 5- questions help gather information
Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
Health literacy skills
Are the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health.
Some facts about health literacy
43% of adults in UK are below expected literacy level at the age of 16 so it’s important for Doctors to use language that patients can understand
Key competencies of general physical examination
1- jaundice 2- cyanosis 3- Anaemia 4- clubbing 5- lymphadenopathy 6- thyroid enlargement 7- peripheral oedema 8- hydrated status
Hands examination 1- clubbing
1- change in nail fold angle 2- softening nail bed 3- Rock nail 4- Rounded tip 5- longitudinal curvature
Causes of clubbing
- pulmonary sepsis
- bronchial carcinoma
- bacterial endocarditis
- inflammatory bowel disease
Hands 2- splinter haemorrhages
Tiny blood clots/spots running vertically under the nails . Occurs when capillaries along the nail bed are damaged and burst. Injury or trauma to the nail bed can cause this . Also underlying conditions I.e. Bacterial endocarditis, vasculitis , fungal infection of nail , diabetes, cholesterol etc
Hands 3- Oslers nodes
Painful red raised lesions found on hands and feet associated with infective endocarditis , caused by immune complex deposition.
Hands 4- palmar erythema
Reddening of the palms of the hands - commonly caused by - pregnancy ( physiological ) And pathological (liver disease and thryotoxocosis)
Colour - pallor
Pallor - unhealthy pale appearance - cardinal sign of anaemia .
Colour - cyanosis
- central (lips and tongue )
- peripheral (fingers and toes) - bluish discolouration to hands and feet - low oxygen levels in RBC
Bluish cast to the skin and mucous membranes ,
Central is caused by any severe respiratory disease I.e pneumonia , lung edema, , lung thromboembolism.
Peripheral - all common ones of central and reduced cardiac output , COPD , arterial obstruction , DVT etc
Colour 3- jaundice
Yellowing of skin and eye
Too much bilirubin - yellow pigment
Causes could include :
- alcoholic liver disease
- bile duct obstruction
- cirrhosis
Liver cancer - Hepatitis
Etc etc
Enlargement or disease of lymph nodes . Can be caused by infection, inflammation and malignancy.
- cervical
- occipital
- supraclavicular
- -Axillary
- femoral
- -Inguinal
Thryoid gland
- examine from behind
- normally not palpable
- moves on swallowing
- enlargement
- irregularity
Peripheral oedema
- Accumulation of interstitial fluid
- ankles
- sacrum
- press behind medial malleolus
Hydration status
- inspect tongue and note whether mucosa is wet/ glistening
- look in the eyes - should be glistening and shiny - lost in dehydration
- loss of skin turgor - gently pinch a fold of skin on the neck or anterior chest wall.