Lecture 1 done Flashcards
Advisory committee on Immunization Practices
What does the ACIP do?
provide external advice to CDC and dept of health on the use of vaccines
ACIP composition
15 voting members, 8 ex officio members, Representatives
How many meeting does ACIP conduct?
meet three times a year, may call emergency meetings
What tasks does ACIP have?
Publish immunization schedules anually and run vaccines for children program
What are success of immunizations?
Saves 33,000 lives anually, 14 million cases of disease, reduce healthcare costs by $9.9 billion, save 33 billion indirect costs
What work with vaccines still needs to be done?
Increase immunization rates and make new vaccines for other diseases
What were health people 2020 goals for vaccines?
80% immunization for 6 months to 64 years 90% for healthcare, >65
What is licensure process for vaccines?
pre-clinical, phase 1, 2, 3, and pos marketing
Vaccine surveillance systems
Use a large linked database to minitor vaccine saftey
What does screening entail?
obtaining vaccine history, age, lifestyle, and medical condition, and allergies
School immunization rates
All state requie vaccination for school entry but allow medical exemption
How to log immunizations
pen and paper, oftware options
What should be reccorded during immunizations?
none yet in wisconsin
How are vaccines reccorded?
no specific requirments, pen and paper or spreadsheet work
Where should all vaccines be entered?
What is the WIR?
wisconsin immunization regristry. It has a list of all vaccine received in the state of wisconsin
What is the national vaccine injury compensation program?
compensation for loss or damage from vaccine related injury, protects vaccinator from personal liability
How is the VICP funded?
funded by tax on vaccines
Who determines how much money is given for vaccine injury?
court determines compensation
What are vaccine information statements?
provide information on risks and benefits of vaccine, must be given at time of immunization