Lecture 1 Flashcards
What makes the anatomical position?
Standing erect
Palms supinated
Toes directed forward
An axis is a…
Straight line
A plane is formed by?
2 intersecting axes
Nearer to surface
Between a superficial and a deep structure
Farther from the surface
Nearer to the median plane
Farther from the median plane
Nearer to back
Superior (cranial)
Nearer to head
Palmar vs dorsal
Anterior hand (palm) Posterior hand (dorsum)
Plantar vs dorsal
Inferior foot surface (sole)
Sup foot surface (dorsum)
Nearer to trunk or point of origin
Farther from trunk or point of origin
Anterior (ventral)
Nearer to front
Inferior (caudal)
Nearer to feet
Bony landmarks
Where you’re at in the human body
Neural assessment
I.e. sensory and motor deprivation
The epidermis is a…
Stratified squamous epithelium
Epidermis is made up of how many layers?
What is the deepest layer of the epidermis and what activity is high?
Stratum basale/germinativum and high mitotic activity
The stratum basale is… and…?
Innervated and avascular
Superficial layer of the epidermis?
Stratum corneum
How are cells like in the layer of the stratum corneum?
Dead and keratinized
Between the stratum germinativum and stratum corneum are?
Several transitional layers represented by cells from the stratum germinativum that are transforming into dead, keratinized cells
What is the deepest region of the integument?
4 characteristics of the dermis?
Classified as a dense irregular connective tissue
Has an abundance of collagen fibers
May also be some elastic fibers
The dermis is vascularized
2 layers of the dermis?
Papillary (closest to the epidermis)
Thick skin:
How thick?
1 characteristic
Palms of hands and soles of feet
0.4-0.6 mm
No hair follicles
Thin skin:
Total skin thickness?
Every where except palms of hands and sole of feet
0.075-0.150 mm
Total: 0.5-3 mm
Integument sits on a connective tissue referred as? (4)
Subcutaneous fascia
Superficial fascia
Superficial fascia:
Consist of?
May be…
Loose bundles of collagen and elastic fibers, as well as aggregate lipocytes
May be loosely or tightly attached
Supports cutaneous nerves and blood vessels
Deep fascia syn:
Membranous fascia
Investing fascia
Deep fascia made of?
Several thin layers of tough collagen material
Deep fascia adheres to?
Muscles, bones, tendons
Glands are what?
Epithelial structures
Secrete out through a duct
Secrete products into bloodstream (no duct)
Sudoriferous glands
Long, simple, tubular glands
Merocrine or apocrine
Apocrine glands found?
Labia majora, areola, axillary and anal regions
Characteristic of apocrine secretions?
Thick, viscous
Excretory duct opens into hair follicle
Apocrine innervation
Adrenergic innervation (odor) due to stress response from sympathetic NS
Special types of apocrine glands (2)
Ceruminous glands (ear wax) Glands of Moll (lubricant for eyes-oil)
Sebaceous glands are…
Holocrine glads
Secretion is thick
Secretory cell is destroyed in the process of secretion
Hair follicles associated with…
Sebaceous glands
Ceruminous glands located and secrete what?
In external auditory canal and secrete ear wax
Modified sweat glands
Both merocrine and apocrine
Mammory glands
Earliest fine embryonic hair that sheds before birth except around eyebrows, scalp, and eyelids
New downy coat of hair appears a few months after birth.
Hair shaft composed of…
Dead cornfield epidermal cells
Hair follicle derived from…
Both epidermis and dermis
A type of sensory receptor (a cutaneous derivative)
Hairs are found everywhere except?
Palms, soles, dorsal digit phalanges, anal and urogenital apertures
3 parts to a nail
Ungis: (4) characteristics
Modified stratum corneum
Avascular and not innervated
Travels over a nail bed guided by lateral nail grooves
Matrix (1 nail characteristic)
Stratum germinativum produces ungis
Types of specialized cell in the integument
Melanocytes Melanosomes Langerhans cells Merkel cells Meissner’s corpuscles Pacino corpuscles
3 melanocytes characteristics
Found in deep layers of epidermis
Derived from nervous system components
Form melanosomes
Characteristics of langerhans cells (6)
Aka dendritic cells Derived from monocytes Antigen presenting cells Primarily in stratum spinosum Migrate from epidermis to lymph nodes Birbeck granules (proteins involved in uptake and delivery of antigens)
Merkel cells characteristics (4)
Diffuse neuroendocrine cells
In stratum germinativum
Contain catecholamine like granules
Langers’s lines
Represent tension lines created by collagen fibers in dermis
Surgeons incise…to langer’s lines?
What layer rests on the dermis?
Basal membrane
What layer rests on the dermis?
Basal membrane
What layer rests on the basal membrane?
List, in order, the integument layers.
Basal membrane
Superficial fascia located?
between the dermis (overlaying skin) and underlying deep fascia
Define dermatome?
unilateral area of skin innervated by the sensory fibers of a single spinal nerve
What are the characteristics of epithelial tissues?
Most cellular tissue in the body
Simple (one cell layer thick) and stratified (more than one cell layer thick)
Classified by shape of cells (squamous, cubodial, and columnar)
Epithelial cells are tightly bound to form?
To form tissues by highly specialized molecular complexes that form tight junctions
Epithelial cells exhibit…
Apical domains and examples
Surfaces of the cells that are in contact with the lumen: kidney tubule cells and glandular duct cells or external environment: surface cells of the epidermis
Basolateral domains and examples
surfaces of the cells that are locked together and surface opp the apical domain that is in contact with the basal lamina
epithelial tissue sits on top?
A basement membrane
Basal membrane consists of what 2 components
basal lamina is next to the epithelial layer
reticular lamina is in contact with underlying connective tissue
Functions of the basement membrane:
Selective filtration barrier
scaffold for embryogenesis and regeneration
stabilization of tissue shapes
What are the surface modifications on the apical domains of the outermost cell layer?
microvilli (brush border)
Lightly keratinized epithelium in
esophagus and vagina
Heavily keratinized epithelium in
Pseudostratified epithelium:
type of simple epithelium
Median plane divides the body into
Left and right halves
Frontal plane divides the body into
Anterior and posterior
Transverse plane divide the body into
Superior and inferior
Median (saggital) plane is formed by what 2 intersecting axes
Cranial-caudal and anterior-posterior
Frontal (coronal) plane formed by what 2 intersecting axes
Cranial caudal and left-right axes
Transverse plane formed by what 2 intersecting axes
Anterior-posterior and left-right axes
Anterior-posterior axis rotation?
Abduction adduction
Left-right transverse rotation?
Flexion extension