Exam 3 Review Questions Flashcards
Which of the following statements concerning the anatomy of a typical rib is CORRECT?
A. The sternal end of each rib lies at a higher level than the vertebral end.
B. The tubercle of a typical rib articulates with the transverse process of
the vertebra with the same number.
C. Ribs 1-7 are referred to as vertebrochondral ribs.
D. The costal groove contains from superior to inferior: nerve, artery, vein.
E. The head of a typical rib articulates with the demifacets of its own
number vertebra and the vertebra below
The tubercle of a typical rib articulates with the transverse process of the vertebra with the same number
Which of the following structures would be penetrated first by a needle passing through the anterior chest wall just to the left of the sternum? A external intercostal muscle B internal intercostal muscle C transverse thoracis muscle D long thoracic nerve
Internal intercostal muscle
Mammary glands would NOT receive blood from which of the following arteries? A internal thoracic B nearby intercostal arteries C thoracoacromial artery D lateral thoracic artery
Thoracoacromial artery
Which of the following heart sounds is best heard in the second intercostal space along the right side of sternum?
The true intrinsic muscles of the back are innervated by dorsal (posterior) rami and are divided into 3 groups. Which of the following groups of true intrinsic back muscles includes the splenius capitis and splenius cercicus? A spinotransversalis B sacrospinalis C erector spinae D transversospinalis
The thoracolumbar fascia is a triangular-shaped sheet of tough connective tissue covering the lower back. It is the partial site of origin of the latissimus dorsi and abdominal oblique muscles. This fascia can be divided into three layer or laminae. Which of the laminae attaches to the lumbar spinous processes? A posterior B middle C anterior D all three layers attach
Which of the following muscle groups is part of the intrinsic musculature of the back
A trapezius
B erector spinae group
C latissimus
D serratus posterior group
Erector spinae group
Which of the following muscle groups is lateral to the others listed below?
A longissimus group B interspinales C spinalis group D transversospinalis group E iliocostalis group
Iliocostalis group
Anterior sacral foramina allow the passage of which of the following?
A dorsal rami of sacral spinal nerves
B ventral rami of sacral spinal nerves
C the lower thoracis nerves via the cauda equina
D the upper lumbar nerves via the cauda equina
Ventral rami of sacral spinal nerves
A typical thoracic vertebra includes all of the following components except:
A heart-shaped body
B inferior articular facets
C superior costal demifacets
D transverse foramina
Transverse foramina
The sacral promontory is formed by which of the following structures?
The centrum of S1
Which of the following ligaments extends along the roof of the neural canal A. Anterior longitudinal ligament B. Posterior longitudinal ligament C. Ligamentum flavum D. Supraspinous ligament
Ligamentum flavum
Transverse foramina are characteristic which of the following?
A all cervical
B only the first six cervical
C all cervical vertebrae plus the first thoracic vertebra
D only cervical vertebrae 2-7
All cervical
True statement regarding vertebrae?
A. Transverse processes arise from the vertebra at the intersection of the
lamina and the pedicel.
B. The spinous process of a vertebrae arises from the intersection of the
two pedicels.
C. Mammillary bodies are associated with the anterior articulating
processes of the lower thoracic vertebrae.
D. The articular facets of the typical thoracic vertebrae are organized in a sagittal plane
Transverse processes arise from the vertebra at the intersection of the lamina and the pedicel
How many cervical vertebrae are present in the human vertebral column?
An exaggeration of a secondary vertebral column curve is characterized by which of the following? A. Mostly occurs in the thoracic region B. Is referred to as (hyper-)kypophysis C. Mostly occurs in the cervical region D. Is referred to as (hyper-)lordosis
Is referred to as (hyper) lordosis
In the cervical region, which of the following ligaments is referred to as the ligamentum nuchae? A. Anterior longitudinal ligament B. Posterior longitudinal ligament C. Ligamentum flavum D. Supraspinous ligament
Supraspinous ligament
The anterior longitudinal ligament of the vertebral column has which of the following characteristics?
A. It anchors the emerging spinal nerves in place.
B. It limits the direction of nucleus pulposus extrusion during disk
C. It narrows anteriorly to the intervertebral disc.
D. It limits flexion.
It limits the direction of nucleus pulposus extrusion during disk herniation
True of denticulate ligaments?
A. They are found in the oral cavity and are part of the gomphoses.
B. They attach the serratus anterior to the ribs.
C. They help to stabilize the spinal cord.
D. They extend between the pia mater and the arachnoid layer
Help to stabilize the spinal cord
The spinal cord proper ends at which of the following levels?
How many pairs of cervical spinal nerves are present in the human?
Which of the following spaces or membranes around the spinal cord is superficial to all the others listed? A dura mater B pia mater C epidural space D arachnoid layer
Epidural space
Which of the following levels of the spinal cord form the cervical enlargement? A. C1-C5 B. C3-C6 C. C3-T1 D. C5-T2
Lateral horns of the spinal cord are found in which regions?
A. Cervical through upper sacral
B. Lower cervical through the upper lumbar
C. Upper cervical through the lower thoracicc
D. Thoracic through the upper lumbar
Thoracic through the upper lumbar
Cell bodies of the alpha motor neurons originate from which of the following regions of the spina cord? A. Posterior columns B. Lateral columns C. Lateral horns D. Anterior horns
Anterior horns
Which of the following characteristics is NOT characteristic of autonomic preganglionic neurons A always myelinated B originate from ganglia C utilize acetylcholine D synapse in ganglia
Originate from ganglia
The stellate ganglion is formed from which of the following fused ganglia? A. All three cervical plus T1 B. T1 through T5 C. Middle and inferior cervical plus T1 D. Inferior cervical plus T1
Inferior cervical plus T1
Splanchnic nerves are composed of preganglionic fibers and visceral sensory fibers. They supply abdominal viscera. The greater splanchnic nerve synapses in which of the following regions? A. Wall of upper GI tract B. Aorticorenal ganglion C. Celiac ganglion D. Superior mesenteric ganglion
Celiac ganglion
The parasympathetic supply to the thoracic cavity is via which of the following?
A. Paravertebral chain ganglion pairs T1-T5
B. Splanchnic nerves
C. Vagus nerves
D. Stellate ganglion
Vagus nerves
The medial arcuate ligaments of the diaphragm form the lumbocostal arches and anteriorly cross which muscles? A. Latissimus dorsi B. Quadratus lumborum C. Psoas major D. Transversus thoracis
Psoas major
The aortic opening of the diaphragm is located at which vertebral level?
Which of the following structures is/are found in both the superior and the inferior mediastinum? A. Thymus B. Vagus nerves C. Heart D. Trachea E. Phrenic nerves
The heart is found in which of the following locations? A. Anterior superior mediastinum B. Middle superior mediastinum C. Anterior inferior mediastinum D. Middle inferior mediastinum E. Posterior inferior mediastinum
Middle inferior mediastinum
Which of the following structures would NOT be found in the superior mediastinum? A. Esophagus B. Azygos vein C. Vagus nerves D. Thymus E. Trachea
Azygos vein
In aspirating material from the right costodiaphragmatic recess, care must be taken to not penetrate which of the following? A. Spleen B. The lower lobe of the right lung C. The middle lobe of the right lung D. The liver E. The right ventricle of the heart
The liver
Which of the following lobes would not be found in the right lung? A upper (superior) B middle C lower (inferior) D lingula
A CORRECT statement regarding to pulmonary veins
A. Pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to the left atrium and are
B. Pulmonary veins return deoxygenated blood from the lung interstitium to
the right atrium and are intersegmental.
C. Pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to the left atrium and are
D. Pulmonary veins return deoxygenated blood from the lung to the
interstitium to the right atrium and are intrasegmental.
Pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to the left atrium and are intersegmental
Which level of the tracheobronchial tree branchings supply bronchopulmonary segments? A. Primary bronchi B. Secondary bronchi C. Tertiary bronchi D. Respiratory bronchioles E. Terminal bronchioles
Tertiary bronchi
Statement is INCORRECT regarding the vascular supply to the bronchopulmonary tree?
A. Bronchial arteries that supply the left lung are branches off the thoracic
B. Bronchial veins on the right drain into the azygos vein.
C. Bronchial arteries supplying the right lung are branches off the thoracic
D. Bronchial veins on the left drain into the accessory hemiazygos vein.
Bronchial arteries supply the right lung are branches off the thoracic aorta
Which of the following structures lies anterior to the arch of the aorta? A. Left primary bronchus B. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve C. Left phrenic nerve D. Trachea
Left phrenic nerve
The posterior descending artery is a branch of the right coronary artery. T/F?
Arteries supplying the AV and SA nodes are branches from the right coronary artery/ T/F?
Which of the following is normally NOT a direct branch off the aortic arch? A brachiocephalic B left common carotid C left subclavian D right subclavian
Right subclavian
Which of the following veins is involved in draining the left posterior intercostal spaces? A. Left internal thoracic B. Azygos vein C. Hemiazygos vein D. Lateral thoracic vein
Hemiazygos vein
Which of the following structures would NOT be found in both the left and right ventricles? A papillary muscles B moderator band C chordae tendinae D trabeculae carnae
Moderator band
The fused sacral transverse processes form which of the following crests? A. Median sacral crest B. Middle sacral crests C. Lateral sacral crests D. Alae
Lateral sacral crests
Which of the following represents the proximal attachment of the inguinal ligament? A ASIS B AIIS C greater trochanter D intertrochanteric crest E pubic tubercle
The deep inguinal ring is formed by an evagination of the fascia of which of the following muscles A. transversus B. internal oblique C. external oblique D. sartorius E. rectus femoris
The inguinal ligament is attached to the ASIS and the pubic tubercle and is the inferior border of the aponeurosis of which of the following muscles? A. transversus B. internal oblique C. external oblique D. sartorius E. rectus femoris
External oblique
Remnants of the umbilical arteries are associated with which of the following landmarks on the posterior aspect of the anterior abdominal wall? A. falciform ligament B. medial umbilical folds C. median umbilical fold D. lateral umbilical folds E. ligamentum teres
Medial umbilical folds
Which of the following “ligaments” extends from the umbilicus to the liver? A. lesser omentum B. ligamentum teres C. falciform D. greater omentum E. epiploic
Ligamentum teres
The ligamentum teres hepatis is enclosed within which of the following ligaments? A. gastrosplenic ligament B. gastrohepatic ligament C. hepatoduodenal ligament D. falciform ligament E. coronary ligament
Falciform ligament
When full, the urinary bladder would be found in which of the following regions of the abdomen? A. Right hypochondriac B. Epigastric C. Hypogastric D. Right lateral
Which of the following types of hernias occurs primarily in older men, does not pass through the inguinal canal, and does not extend into the scrotum? A. Direct inguinal hernia B. Indirect inguinal hernia C. Femoral hernia D. Umbilical hernia
Direct inguinal hernia
The abdominal aorta gives off three pairs of visceral branches. Which of the following would NOT be included in this group? A renal B gonadal C middle suprarenal D phrenic
The superior suprarenal arteries are branches of which of the following vessels? A. inferior phrenic B. abdominal aorta C. renal D. superior mesenteric E. inferior mesenteric
Inferior phrenic
The short gastric arteries are branches of the left gastric artery. T/f?
Which of the following arteries is not a direct branch of the celiac trunk? A. splenic B. right gastric C. common hepatic D. left gastric
Right gastric
The vagus nerves pass through the diaphragm at which level? A. T6 B. T8 C. T10 D. T12
The lesser curvature of the stomach is supplied by the:
A. left gastric artery B. splenic artery C. common hepatic artery D. greater epiploic artery E. none of the above
Left gastric artery
The ascending colon is supplied by which of the following? A. celiac trunk B. superior mesenteric artery C. inferior mesenteric artery D. middle colic artery E. median sacral artery
Superior mesenteric artery
The inferior suprarenal arteries are branches of which of the following arteries? A. inferior phrenic B. common hepatic C. left gastric D. abdominal aorta E. renal
The bifurcation of the abdominal aorta into the common iliacs is associated with which of the following landmarks? A. L3 B. L4 C. L5 D. S1 E. S2
The inguinal ligament attaches to which pair of structures? A. ASIS and AIIS B. AIIS and ischial spine C. ASIS and pubic tubercle D. ASIS and inferior pubic ramus
ASIS and pubic tubercle
The inferior vena cava passes through the diaphragm at which vertebral level?
The greater splanchnic nerves pass through the diaphragm at which vertebral level?
The paired diaphragmatic crura are connected superiorly by which of the following structure? A. Pyloric sphincter B. Median arcuate ligament C. Medial arcuate ligaments D. Lateral arcuate ligaments
Median arcuate ligament
The right lateral arcuate ligament is formed from the deep fascia of which of the following structures? A. Psoas major B. Quadratus lumborum C. Falciform ligament D. Right renal
Quadratus lumborum
The porta hepatis lies between which two liver lobes? A. Right and left B. Right and caudate C. Left and caudate D. Right and quadrate E. Caudate and quadrate
Caudate and quadrate
Which of the following is the largest lobe of the liver? A. Right B. Left C. Quadrate D. Caudate E. Median
The lesser omentum separates which two lobes of the liver? A. Right and left B. Right and caudate C. Quadrate and caudate D. Left and caudate
Left and caudate
Which of the following is the largest visceral organ in the body? A. Liver B. Spleen C. Stomach D. Kidney
The hepatic portal vein is formed by the union of the superior mesenteric vein and which of the following? A. Inferior mesenteric vein B. Splenic vein C. Left gastroepiploic vein D. Right gastroepiploic vein E. Gastroduodenal vein
Splenic vein
Which of the following is true of the hepatic portal vein?
A. It is formed by the union of the superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric veins.
B. It receives venous blood form most of the gastrointestinal tract.
C. It passes to the live through the falciform ligament.
D. It forms anterior to the head of the pancreas.
E. It terminates directly into the inferior vena cava.
It receives venous blood from most of the gastrointestinal tract
Which of the following structures is NOT part of the portal triad? A. Hepatic portal vein B. Common hepatic duct C. Inferior vena cava D. Common hepatic artery
Inferior vena cava
A strong sphincter muscle is associated with which of the following structures? A. Fundus of the stomach B. Body of the stomach C. Spleen D. Pylorus of the stomach
Pylorus of the stomach
Which of the following is characteristic of the hepatoduodenal ligament?
A. It is part of the greater omentum.
B. It is part of the lesser omentum.
C. It contains the round ligament of the liver.
D. It attaches to the bare area of the liver.
E. It attaches to the neck of the gallbladder.
It is part of the lesser omentum
Which of the following parts of the GI tract is not suspended by a mesentery? A. Transverse colon B. Sigmoid colon C. Ileum D. Jejunum E. Duodenum
The neck of the pancreas is crossed by which of the following structures? A. Splenic artery B. Left gastric artery C. Common hepatic artery D. Abdominal aorta E. Super mesenteric artery
Superior mesenteric artery
The proximal end of the duodenum is begins at which of the following levels? A. T11 B. L1 C. L2 D. L3 E. L4
The junction between the sigmoid colon and the rectum is anterior to which of the following landmarks? A. S2 B. S3 C. S4 D. Pelvic brim E. Arcuate line
The small intestine is approximately 21 feet in length. Which of the following is the longest of the three subdivisions of the small intestine? A. Jejunum B. Duodenum C. Ileum D. Rectum
Taenia coli are associated with which of the following structures? A. Ileum B. Duodenum C. Jejunum D. Sigmoid colon
Sigmoid colon
The abdominal aorta gives off three pairs of visceral branches. Which of the following would NOT be included in this group? A. Renal B. Gonadal C. Middle suprarenal D. Phrenic
The lesser curvature of the stomach is supplied by the: A. Left gastric artery B. Splenic artery C. Common hepatic artery D. Greater epiploic artery E. None of the above
Left gastric artery
The vagus nerve passes through the diaphragm at which vertebral level? A. T6 B. T8 C. T10 D. T12
The aortic opening of the diaphragm is located at which vertebral level? A. T6 B. T8 C. T10 D. T12
Which of the following statements is CORRECT with regard to pulmonary veins?
A. Pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to the left atrium and are intersegmental.
B. Pulmonary veins return deoxygenated blood from the lung interstitium to the right atrium and are
C. Pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to the left atrium and are intrasegmental.
D. Pulmonary veins return deoxygenated blood from the lung to the interstitium to the right atrium
and are intrasegmental.
Pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to the left atrium and are intersegmental.