Lecture 1- Flashcards
What is artistotles view of development?
Education should meet needs of the child
All knowledge comes from experience
Infant mind is an empty blackboard
( think artist)
What is plato’s view of development?
Self control and discipline are the most important elements in eduction.
Think of Plato as no playing
Middle age view of children?
People saw children as fully formed miniature adults
As seen in paintings
Socially children treated like adults
Other Middle age views?
Children ‘God given purity and innocent that is late corrupted’
Vs. children near humankind a original sin
Performatiotionist views
Scientists thought that a tiny full formed human was present
Debated if these tiny humans were present in the sperm or the egg
Dates back to 5th c bc and even as late as the 18th century
Children are neither inately good or bad, but are nothing at all (a blank slate)
- fitted well with the ideals of the European entitlement- equality for all
- Pavlov and skinner theoretical heirs
- focus on growth of character of child, self control, rewards and punishment. Underpinned his educational philosophy.
- children not empty containers but have their own modes of feeling and thinking
- they grow according to natures plan which urges them to develop different capacities and different stages
- people are inherently good and could live happily according to their spontaneous passions but are enslaved by social forces
- urged parents to give children maximum freedom as they will learn sponteously
Charles Darwin
- theory of evolution inspired research on nature of child development as this understanding might help develop insights into nature of humans
- conducted careful observations of his son- noting motor sensory and emotional growth
- baby biography one of the first methods of studying children
- pioneered systematic testing of Children’s intelligence
- among the first to investigate differences among children of the same age
Hall and Gesell
- presented questionaires to hundreds of patients. Children and teachers to detail aspects of development
- feeding schedules of infants
- toilet training techniques
- activities of pre schoolers
- social relationships of children
- adolescent changes
Freud and Watson
Freud: psychodynamic theories of development from his analysis of patients dreams and childhood recollections.
Watson: behaviouralist theory, children’s development determined by environmental factors, especially rewards and punishment that follow particular events or stimuli
Seven enduring themes
- Nature and nature- relation between nature and nurture in child development?
- Childrens roles in their own development- what role do children themselves play?
- Continuity vs discountiy in development
- mechanisms for developmental change
- Socio-cultural context
- Individual differences in child development
- Research and children welfare
Cross sectional design
Features: people of different ages are studied at a single time
Advantages: yields useful data about differences among age groups
- quick and each to administer
Disadvantage: - uninformative about stability in individual differences over time
- uninformative about similarities and differences in individual people’s patterns of change
The longitudinal design
Features: people are examined repeatedly over a prolonged period of time
Advantages: indicate the degree of stability of individual differences over long periods
- reveals individual change over long periods
Disadvantages: - difficult to keep all partisans in the study
- repeatedly testing people can threaten external validity of the study ( generalising results to broader community) - if testing on same construct
The micro genetic design
Features: people observed intensively over a relatively short period while a change in occurring
Advantages: - intensive observation of changes while they are occurring can reveal processes of change
- reveals individual change patterns over short periods in considerable details
Disadvantage: - does not provide info about typical patterns of change over long periods
- does not reveal indivudal change patterns over long periods
Ethical research
- do no psychological or physical harm
- obtain informed consent
- preserve participant anonymity
- take action to counteract unforeseen negotiable results that arise from the research
- be honest with the participant and explain the aims of the reasearch in a way s/he can understand