Lecture 1 Flashcards
behavioural data science aims to…
facilitate understanding, prediction, and change of human behaviour through the analysis of behaivourally defined variables as they arise in large datasets (big data) typically gathered using modern digital technology and analyzed with techniques for detecting patterns from high-dimensional data
what does bds fuse
mathematical modeling and statistical data analysis ideas with substance from social sciences.
wat moet bds altijd hebben
iets te maken met behaviour
3 goals of science
understanding, predicting and control (now called change)
understanding =
construction of psychological theories to explain behaviour
prediction =
application of statistical models to predict behaviour
change =
development of interventions to change behaviour
why do we need bds
- human behaviour is the root of many problems
- human behaviour is complicated to study, but standard methods to study it are remarkably simple (tests, questionnaires etc)
- new sources of data -> need new ways of approach
the golden age of social science:
social science is transforming from a largely qualitative or experimentally oriented field, to a more data driven field wherein formal theories of human behaivour will become much more important
data =
representations of observations, specific to a particular person at a particular time
phenomena =
robust features of the world, patterns in data, bv associations and correlations.
theory =
set of principles that aim to explain a phenomena
why dont we try to explain data, only phenomena
omdat je dat alleen bij fraude bv doet, observaties zijn heel individueel en dus hoeven die niet uitgelegd te worden
data are structured in..
rows = cases
columns = variable/features/properties etc.
variables =
abstract structures that represent the differences between cases
verschil variables and data
data is meer specific, tested at one person at a certain time point. here we create variables from.
can you generalise data
no, but we can form phenomena
what describes a world in which the phenomena would follow as a matter of course
= theory
coming up with a good theory is a creative act, but it can be systematized and practiced
the relationship between data, phenomena and theory
data establishes -> phenomena <- theory explains
hoe kom je van data naar theory stappenplan
- data are used to represent observations
- statistical models are used to detect patterns in observations: phenomena
- theories aim to explain phenomena
- theories describe a world in which phenomena would follow as a matter of course
- if theories are to explain statistical patterns, they are ideally cast in mathematical form
the lexical decision task =
In the lexical decision task, a participant is presented with a single word, usually visually in the center of a computer screen. The participant’s task is to decide, as quickly and as accurately as possible, whether the word is a real word of his or her language.
press keyboard key w/ index fingers
meestal 50% real words and 50% non real words
performance on ldt measures
how well which lexical representations are activated from memory
welke woorden leiden tot betere performance
high freq. words (more common) is better than low freq
what are 2 key variables of interest bij ldt
response time
accuracy (proportion correct responses)
wat voor mensen zijn beter in ldt
jonge mensen beter dan oudere