[LEC] Biochem chapter 21 book Flashcards
Adenylate Cylase
which leads to production of active protein kinase A.
Protein Kinase Phosphorylates Triacylglycerols Lipase (PKPTL)
whichleaves the fatty acids from the glycerol backbone
Activation in lipid metabolism
involves the formation of a thioester bond between the carboxyl group of the fatty acid and thiol group of coenzyme A.
The activated form of fatty acid
- The enzyme that catalyzes formation of the ester bond.
- Requires ATP for its action
Acyl-CoA synthase
can cross the outer mitochondrial membrane but not the inner membrane.
in the intermembrane space, the acyl group is transferred to _______ by transesterification, this reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme __________, which is located in the inner membrane.
carnitine acyltransferase
- a compound that can cross the inner mitochondrial membrane is formed
- this enzyme has a specificity for acyl groups between 14 and 18 carbons long and is often called _______________.
- Acyl-carnitine
- carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT-I)
the acyl-carnitine passes through the inner membrase via a specific carnitine/ acyl-carnitine transporter called
carnitine translocase
once in the matrix, the acyl group is transferred from carnitine to mitochondrial CoA-SH by another transesterification reaction, involving a second ___________ located on the inner face of the membrane.
carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT-II)
A molecule used in fatty acid metabolism to shuttle acyl groups accross the inner mitochondrial membrane.
an enzyme that transfers a fatty acyl group to carnitine
carnitine acyltransferase
the primary fom of carnitine acyltransferase, found on the cytosol side of the inner mitochondrial membrane; it functions to transfer long chainm fatty acyl groups from Coenzyme A to carnitine.
Carnitine Palmi toyl transferase (CPT-1)
the enzyme that moves acyl-carnitine across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
another form of carnitine acyltransferase, found in the mitochondrial matrix; it functions to transfer long-chain fatty acuyl groups from carnitine to Coenzyme A.
Carnitine-Palmi toyl transferase (CPT-II)
- In a matrix, a repeated sequence of reactions successively cleaves two carbon units from the fatty acid, starting from the carboxyl ends. The process is called ________________.
- since the oxidative cleavage takes place at the B-carbon of the acyl group esterified to CoA.
the main pathway of catabolism for fatty acids