Lec 70: Stress and Social Support Flashcards
William Beaumont
18th - 19th Century - Stress with digestive tract
5th Century BC - Disease is different than dealing with the “toil” of that disease (stress)
Claude Bernard
19th century - Internal environment influences ability to deal with the external
Walter Cannon
Late 19th - 20th Century - Homeostasis and Fight or Flight.
Hans Selye
Mid 20th Century - Used word “Stress” - Nonspecific response of the body to a demand
Good Stress - New job, new relationship, marriage
Negative - Death, Divorce
Who came up with Eustress/Distress?
Hans Selye
John Mason
Late 20th Century Army/VA physician - Endocrine System + cognition + personality + environment + situation +… = Stress concept
Lazarus and Folkman
Late 20th Century - Stress is due to something happening that exceeds are ability to handle properly, a “threat”
Glass and Singer
Late 20th Century - Maximal stress not experienced until you are no longer required to cope with the stress (i.e., stay healthy 2 weeks before exam, get sick right after)
ALSO - Perceiving control of the stressor makes you feel less stressed
Sterling and Eyer
Allostasis - How the body maintains homeostasis with active daily changes
McEwen and Stellar
Allostatic Load - Cumulative cost to the body of repeated activation of stress response and how this affects health
Repeated Acute vs. Chronic Stress
Acute can be beneficial, they are short duration frequent stressors that make us stronger and less likely to be as stressed the next time. Chronic, unrelenting, continuous stress is not healthy and can be damaging.
Einstellung Effect
Developed by Luchins in mid 20th century - Predisposition for one method to solve problems at the expense of exploring others (just using medication to treat mental health disorders)
Top Down Stress approach
Use the brain to control the body like with music, meditation, faith, emotional focusing
Bottom Up Approach
Using the body to control the brain - Diaphragmatic Breathing, muscle relaxation, exercise, rest
Types of social Support
- Esteem Support
- Informational Support
- Social Companionship
- Instrumental Support
Esteem Support
Information that a person is esteemed and accepted (emotional support)
Informational Support
Help in defining, understanding and coping with problematic events
Social Companionship
Spend time with others
Instrumental Support
Provision of financial aid, material resources, and needed services
Cohen and Williams
Late 20th Century - Low social support linked to greater mortality. Also PTSD research.