Lec 5 Thyroid 1 Flashcards
What are clinical signs of hyperthyroidism?
- hypermetabolism
- appearance of hyperadrenergic state
What should you think if patient presents with new onset AFib?
think hyperthyroidism
What is effect of hyperthyroid on GI?
increased frequency of bowel movements but not diarrhea
What is etiology of graves disease?
anti-TSH receptor antibodies –> cause diffuse goiter and hyperthyroidism
What are 3 extra-thyroid signs of graves?
- graves eye disease
- pretibial myxedema: peau d’orange
- thyroid acropachy: clubbing and periosteal thickening
What do you see histologically in grave’s disease?
thyroid hyperplasia
white scalloping of colloid
What is graves opthalmopathy?
- orbitopathy
- bulging eyes
- red/inflamed
- asymmetrical
- diplopia
- lid swelling = periorbital edema
- can have visual loss from optic nerve compression
What is thyroid onycholysis? Underlying diagnosis?
plummers nails = in 3rd and 4th digit separation of nail from nail bed
sign of graves disease [not just hyperthyroid]
What is mech of action thioureas [propylthiouracil + methimazole]?
block thyroid hormone synthesis
What are signs of thyroid storm?
- fever
- confusion or coma
- hypotension
What are 3 types of autoimmune thyroid disease?
- graves
- hashimotos
- silent [postpartum] thyroiditis
What is toxic multinodular goiter?
have multiple autonomous hyperplastic nodules secreting thyroid hormone
What is etiology of toxic adenoma?
single autonomously functioning benign neoplasm
What is mech of postpartum thyroiditis?
occurs in months after pregnancy –> painless lymphocytic thyroiditis causing release of thyroid hormone stores followed by hypothyroid phase
have longterm future risk of other autoimmune thyroid disease [graves, hashimoto]
What is mech of DeQuervain’s subacute thyroiditis?
painful inflammation of thyroid after viral URI – > swelling and pain lasts months; transient thyrotoxicosis then transient hypothyroidism