Lec 13 Adrenal Hyperplasia Flashcards
What is the differential diagnosis of primary aldosteronism?
- solitary aldosterone secreting adenoma [1/3]
- bilateral nodular drenal hyperplasia [2/3]
- genetic disorder [1%]
- adrenal enzyme defect causing high mineralocorticoid secretion [11-hydroxylase deficiency or 170hydroxylase deficiency]
What is a syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess?
neither DOC [Deoxycorticosterone precursor to aldosterone] or aldosterone are elevated
cortisol either made in excess or not properly inactivated in kidney to cortisone and is acting as a mineralocorticoid [11 beta-HSD deficiency]
What is adrenal insufficiency?
addisons disease = destruction of all 3 paths of steroid production in adrenal gland
What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
enzyme deficiencies cause decreased levels of some adrenal steroids and increases of other proximal to the block
What are feedback mech of cortisol?
cortisol decreases CRH, ACTH, and adrenal cortisol secretion
What are things that cause increased aldosterone?
renin –> angiotensin –> aldosterone
- low volume
- high Na
- high K
What is effect of aldosterone excess?
- hypertension
- hypokalemia
- hyper-NA
- volume excess
What is escape phenomenon with hypertenison?
as high BP and volume in high aldosterone –> stimulates ANF [atrial natriuretic factor] in heart and modulates clinical effect
What percentage of cases of hypertension with hypokalemia are associated with primary aldosteronism?
up to 50%
What should you screen for in all patients with new onset or resistant hypertension?
primary aldosteronism
What is inheritance pattern of congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
autosomal recessive; usually accompanied by oversecretion of androgens with virilization
blockage of glucocorticoid synthesis stimulates ACTH and androgen overproduction
What is the most common defect in congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
21 hydroxylase deficiency
Where is the defect in 21 hydroxylase deficiency?
short arm of chr 6
How do you determine the source of excess aldosterone?
selective adrenal venous catheterization to compare local levels of aldosterone
What is treatment for aldosteronoma?
spironolactone or epleronone = aldosterone antagonists