Lec 13 Flashcards
Natural selection favors ANY gene copies that maximize the fitness of the individual
There is NO goal to natural selection and adaptation
there is NO doing things for the good of the species
Evolution acts on the INDVIDUAL
Evolution is just a generation–by-generation response to prevailing ecological conditions
Occurs when 2 individuals receive a net benefit from their joint interactions
Problems with the evolution of cooperation by natural selection
How can altruism (the sacrifice of one’s own fitness for the benefit of another individual’s fitness) evolve?
-Individuals should never sacrifice their own fitness
What about cheaters?
What is fitness at the genetic level?
Leaving as many copies of your genes in the next generation, regardless of who has them
Passing on genes to the next generation
A broader definition of tiness
Inclusive fitness
An organisms’ own survival and reproduction plus the survival and reproduction of individuals with whom the organism shares genes
Kin selection and inclusive fitness
Inclusive fitness = sum of direct and indirect fitness
Direct fitness = component of fitness gained from producing offspring
Indirect fitness = component of fitness gained by aiding related individuals
Kin selection = process by which characteristics are favored due to their effects on relatives
The coefficient of relatedness
The probability that an allele in one individual has a copy that is identical by descent in the other individual
If you help your relatives increase their fitness, is that altruism?
It depends on how much you help vs. how related you are
Hamilton’s rule
Altruism favored when relatedness benefit is greater than cost of a particular behavior
When does “altruism” happen under Hamilton’s rule?
Benefits outweigh costs when a gene increases in frewuncy regardless of who carries that gene
Imagine an action that kills the actor to save the recipients. The action should occur if it saves 2 siblings/offspring, 4 grandparents, 8 cousins, etc
Alarm calls
Seem altruistic - warns others of predators
ALarm calls only when around relatives
Alarm call only when costs are low
Still may be some “direct benefits” of alarm calling that we don’t udnerstand
You observe that male wild turkeys often form coalitions, where 2 males will cooperatively court a female. However, only the more dominant of the 2 males ever seems to mate. Why might the subordinate turkey still help with courtship?
He is related to the dominant male and he gets more fitness by helping his relative mate than if he tried to court females on his own
Eusocial insects and inclusive fitness
Eusociality involved division of reproductive labor, cooperative rearing of young, and overlapping generations
Evolved independently in several insect species, shrimps, and naked mole rats
Most often associated with hymenopterans (ants, bees, and wasps)
Eusoaicality and haplodiploidy
Eusociatily may occur in part becauwe of haplodiploidy
All males are haploig, and all females are diploid
Thsi means that full sisters have a relatedness coefficient of 0.75 - closer than their own offspring
by helping their mother produce more workers, they perpetuate more of thier genes than if they reproduced themselves
Problems with the evolution of cooperation by natural selection
How can altruism evolve?
-Individuals should never sacrifice their own fitness
If you are related to the individuals you are helping, it’s NOT true altruism - your genes will still benefit
What about cheaters?