lec 04 Flashcards
UNPAIRED VESSLES OF THE BODY Serve structures of the ____ (________). PAIRED VESSELS OF THE BODY Serve structures associated with the ____ ______ (_______.)
UNPAIRED VESSLES OF THE BODY Serve structures of the GUT (splanchnopleure). PAIRED VESSELS OF THE BODY Serve structures associated with the body wall (somatopleure.)
UNPAIRED ARTERIES OF THE ABDOMINAL GUT Foregut: _____ Artery (3 main branches) _____, ________, _____ Midgut: _________ Hindgut: _________
UNPAIRED ARTERIES OF THE ABDOMINAL GUT Foregut: Celiac Artery (3 main branches) Splenic, Left gastric, Hepatic Midgut: Superior Mesenteric Artery Hindgut: Inferior Mesenteric Artery
UNPAIRED ARTERIES OF THE ABDOMINAL GUT Foregut: _____ Artery (3 main branches) _____, ________, _____ Midgut: _________ Hindgut: _________
UNPAIRED ARTERIES OF THE ABDOMINAL GUT Foregut: Celiac Artery (3 main branches) Splenic, Left gastric, Hepatic Midgut: Superior Mesenteric Artery Hindgut: Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Branches of the Internal Iliac Artery (In order)? “ I Like Super Intense Icecream, Oh My Icecream Sucks”
Iliolumbar Lateral sacral Superior gluteal Inferior gluteal Internal pudendal Obturator Middle rectal Inferior vesicle Superior vesicle The old umbilical artery connects to end of internal iliac.
Branches of the Internal Iliac Artery (In order)? “ I Like Super Intense Icecream, Oh My Icecream Sucks”
Iliolumbar Lateral sacral Superior gluteal Inferior gluteal Internal pudendal Obturator Middle rectal Inferior vesicle Superior vesicle The old umbilical artery connects to end of internal iliac.
What does the femoral triangle consist of? - between what 2 muscles? -boundary?
N=Nerves A= Arteries V=Veins L= Lymphatics - sartorius and adductor longus -lingual ligament
Major Arteries of Leg:
External Iliac Artery
_____ Artery
Profunda _____
_____ _____ circumflex
____ ______ circumflex
_____ and
______ AA.
Descending branch
lateral _____
Major Arteries of Leg:
External Iliac Artery
Femoral Artery
Profunda femoris
Medial femoral circumflex
Lateral femoral circumflex
Popliteal and
Saphenous AA.
Descending branch
lateral femoral
Region of Popliteal Fossa
_____ artery
popiteal artery
Posterior Anterior
____ A. ____ A.
______ A.
Region of Popliteal Fossa
Posterior Anterior
Tibial A. Tibial A.
Peroneal A.
Anastomosing branches of Popliteal Artery:
Medial and lateral _____ ____ aa.
Medial and lateral _____ aa.
Medial and lateral ____ _____ aa.
Anastomosing branches of Popliteal Artery:
Medial and lateral superior geniculate aa.
Medial and lateral sural aa.
Medial and lateral inferior geniculate aa.
Anterior ____ Artery
Dorsalis ____ artery
Deep ____ artery
Anterior Tibial Artery
Dorsalis pedis artery
Deep plantar artery
BEFORE it passes the clavicle, the subclavian artery has 3 main branches:
_____ a.
________ trunk
_____ ______ a.
BEFORE it passes the clavicle, the subclavian artery has 3 main branches:
Vertebral a.
Thyrocervical trunk
Internal thoracic a.
6 banches of AXILLARY ARTERY.
“1 - 2 - 3”
1 before pectoralis minor
2 deep to pectoralis minor
3 beyond pectoralis minor
6 banches of AXILLARY ARTERY.
“1 - 2 - 3”
1 before pectoralis minor: supreme thoracic a.
2 deep to pectoralis minor: thoracoacromial a. and lateral thoracic a.
3 beyond pectoralis minor: anterior humeral circumflex a., posterior humeral circumflex a., and subscapular a.
Antebrachium – Major Arteries (Deepest Dissection)
____ Artery
____ Artery
____ Artery
Common ________ A.
Anterior Posterior
_______ ________
Artery Artery
Brachial Artery
Radial Artery
Ulnar Artery
Common Interosseous A.
Anterior Posterior
Interosseus Interosseus
Artery Artery
Manus – Major Arteries of Palmar Aspect
____ & ____ AA
Superficial ____
Common ____
_____ AA.
Ulnar & Radial AA
Superficial Palmar
Common Palmar
Digital AA.
What are portal systems?
A circulatory system (set of tubes) with a capillary bed at BOTH ends.