Leasing and letting Flashcards
How can properties be let?
- open market (by informal tender, subject to contract)
- private treaty
What different types of agreement are there to let properties?
Lease (exclusive possession)
Licence (permission to use)
Tenancy at will (unknown duration, in advance of lease)
Agreement for lease (lease subject to conditions)
What is the difference between a lease and a licence?
Lease grants exclusive possession of a demise for a consideration.
Licence gives permission to use, otherwise trespass.
LTA54 defines business tenancy
6 month fixed term or in occupation for over 12 months
How are social housing allocations governed?
Housing Act 1996 (part 6 allocations)
- LAs required to set up and maintain allocations scheme under part 6
- can contract out most of their allocation functions to other orgs such as private registered provider of social housing (PRPSH)
- LAs can maintain joint housing registers to PRPSHs called common registers
- most PRPSH tenancies that started after 15th Jan 1989 are assured or assured shorthold tenancies (before = secure tenancies)
- starter tenancies are periodic assured tenancies granted by PRPSHs to new tenants for 12-18 months; if trial successful, usually entitled to assured tenancy
What is the difference between occupational leases and long leasehold interests? Give an example of a long leasehold interest you have managed?
Occupation lease = lease occupied by tenant for business
Long leasehold interest = 99/125/250/999 years, investment or development purposes
Example: Lakes Medical Centre owned by Blackrock,
Wilburn St Basin flats owned by development vehicle
What are robust tenant selection procedures to assess covenant strength?
Anti-bribery / AML checks
Due diligence (simplified/standard/enhanced)
Identify tenant, beneficial owner
Assess purpose/nature of transaction, source of funds
risk assessment (inc reliance)
identify red flags
Companies House
Companies House info, accounts
3 years’ audited accounts
Rule of thumb turnover 3 x rent
Google! website
trade/LL references
business plan
updated SCC tenant application form
created matrix to evaluate bids (70% financial offer, 30% social value)
How do market trends affect value? How did covid affect industrial demand? Do you have another example?
Socioeconomic trends e.g. WFH/online shopping
Covid increased demand for industrial units as more people ordering items, logistics firms needed more space, move away from retail/office
Covid increased demand for suburban resi, gardens, homes with offices etc., less constrained by commuting
How do you adhere to “Code for leasing business premises, 2020”?
PS, 1st ed
Negotiations & HoTs:
- constructive and collaborative manner
- negotiate letting terms with fair balance with regard to respective commercial interests
- party unrepresented must make aware existence of Code and recommend pro advice
- HoTs subject to contract, inc:
ID, extent of premises
rights to be granted e.g. parking/telecom access
length of term, if contracted out
options for renewal, breaks
guarantor/rent deposit
rent amount, frequency of payment, if inc business rates
rent-free/other incentive
rent reviews frequency, basis
service charge/insurance liabilities
rights to assign, sublet, charge, share premises
initial permitted use, if changes of use allowed
rights to make alterations, reinstatement obligations
initial alterations or fit-out (if known)
conditions of the letting e.g. subject to surveys/board approval/planning permission
- lease renewal HoTs must comply except from any terms stated to follow T’s existing lease with reasonable modernisation
- inc plan
- fixtures
- rights necessary for use e.g. access/cabling
Term, renewal, break
- inc if excluded LTA54
- leases should require LL to repay overpaid after break
Rent deposits, guarantees
- deposit amount, time held, how returned
- whether security for rent or all T obligations
- in line with “Client money handling”
Rent, review
- either party to start RR process, time not of essence
Service charge, other costs
- indicate range of main services
- provide estimates service charge and insurance
- disclose known irregular events impact on SC
- in line with “S/C in commercial property”
- allow T to sublet/assign whole subject to consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed)
- allow corporate tenants to share premises with other companies in same group
- allow T’s to grant a bank a charge without consent
- state if LL requires assigning T to provide AGA;
any existing G is to guarantee the assigning T complies with AGA and/or the assignee is to procure a new G and/or rent deposit
- appropriate to length of term, condition, financial terms
- if limited to initial condition, agree SoC
Use, alterations:
- except where HoTs state reinstatement, lease should allow T to leave alterations unless reasonable to require removal
- LL’s should have no more control than necessary to protect value of their property
- for lease of entire bdg, LL should not require consent for internal non-structural alterations (need details)
- for multi-let bdgs, internal non-structural alterations consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed
Insurance, damage:
- LL to provide details of insurance on request
- either party to terminate unless LL agrees to rebuild at own cost (uninsured risk)/damage not reinstated within set period i.e. rent suspension period
- rent suspension to apply if premises damaged by insured risk or uninsured risk, unless act of T
How do your negotiations and HoTs adhere to the “Code for leasing business premises, 2020”?
PS, 1st ed
Negotiations & HoTs:
- constructive and collaborative manner
- negotiate letting terms with fair balance with regard to respective commercial interests
- party unrepresented must make aware existence of Code and recommend pro advice
- HoTs subject to contract, inc:
ID, extent of premises
rights to be granted e.g. parking/telecom access
length of term, if contracted out
options for renewal, breaks
guarantor/rent deposit
rent amount, frequency of payment, if inc business rates
rent-free/other incentive
rent reviews frequency, basis
service charge/insurance liabilities
rights to assign, sublet, charge, share premises
initial permitted use, if changes of use allowed
rights to make alterations, reinstatement obligations
initial alterations or fit-out (if known)
conditions of the letting e.g. subject to surveys/board approval/planning permission
- lease renewal HoTs must comply except from any terms stated to follow T’s existing lease with reasonable modernisation
How do you dhere to the principles of “Real estate management, 2016”
PS, 3rd ed
- conduct business honest, fair, transparent, pro
- carry out work with due skill, care diligence
- not to discriminate unfairly in any dealing
- all comms fair, clear, timely, transparent
- all marketing material honest, decent, truthful
- give realistic assessment of likely price/cost of occupancy/financial outcome of any issues, using best pro judgement
- all meetings, inspections, viewings in acc with client’s lawful and reasonable wishes, having due regard for safety of all parties
How do you act fairly and with integrity when letting properties?
“Code for leasing business premises, 2020”
PS, 1st ed
Negotiations & HoTs:
- constructive and collaborative manner
- negotiate letting terms with fair balance with regard to respective commercial interests
- party unrepresented must make aware existence of Code and recommend pro advice
“Real estate management, 2016”
PS, 3rd ed
- conduct business honest, fair, transparent, pro
- carry out work with due skill, care diligence
- not to discriminate unfairly in any dealing
- all comms fair, clear, timely, transparent
- all marketing material honest, decent, truthful
- give realistic assessment of likely price/cost of occupancy/financial outcome of any issues, using best pro judgement
- all meetings, inspections, viewings in acc with client’s lawful and reasonable wishes, having due regard for safety of all parties
How do you make your HoTs clear when letting properties?
“Code for leasing business premises, 2020”
PS, 1st ed
- HoTs subject to contract, inc:
ID, extent of premises
rights to be granted e.g. parking/telecom access
length of term, if contracted out
options for renewal, breaks
guarantor/rent deposit
rent amount, frequency of payment, if inc business rates
rent-free/other incentive
rent reviews frequency, basis
service charge/insurance liabilities
rights to assign, sublet, charge, share premises
initial permitted use, if changes of use allowed
rights to make alterations, reinstatement obligations
initial alterations or fit-out (if known)
conditions of the letting e.g. subject to surveys/board approval/planning permission
How do you adhere to “Real estate agency and brokerage, 2016”?
PS, 3rd ed
- honesty, diligence, don’t discriminate, comms timely, marketing truthful
- CoI, ToE, PII, CHP
- client money held separately, realistic assessment of rent/costs using pro opinion
- make scope of services clear to all; inspections etc. in line with client wishes with H&S
- AML, client money, insurance, complaints
- confidentiality: maintain for all matters become acquainted with during instruction
- data protection of personal info
- H&S / personal safety: risk assessments
Securing instructions:
- CoI check, AML check, check rights to dispose
- ToE, fees e.g. dual fee liability, penalties, cooling off
- sub-agents, obtain client authorisation
- property price/rent, realistic (likely lease terms, comps)
- inspect property, measure
- report clearly, keep records
- method of letting/sale, obtain legal/tax advice if needed
- agree marketing strategy, review regularly
- provide docs e.g. EPCs
- particulars describe property accurately, disclose material facts e.g. contamination
- property clearance if needed, appropriate waste disposal
- to let board
- viewings: info on parties, key records, leave secure, feedback
- Qs responses, advise all relevant issues, keep client informed
Acting for seller - agreeing lease:
- source and availability of funds
- keep records of offers
- confirm offers in writing asap
- details given should be sufficient for client to make informed judgement, each offer strength and weakness
- communicate with buyer: confirm notified client of offer stating amount and conditions, if other offers made advise party (don’t disclose amount unless client and bidder consent, if disclose should disclose to all interested parties)
- keep client informed of negotiations
- make sure contracts drawn up and agreed, take property off market
- when client agrees to accept offer, confirm terms in writing with both parties and legal advisors
- maintain regular contact with both parties
Acting for buyer:
- property search: understand reasons, use local knowledge and networks
- communicate with client: provide updates
- when client wants to make offer, contact seller and confirm offer and any conditions in reasonable time
- only release info re client’s circumstances with consent and only to assist in successful negotiations
- physical problems: inform client asap
- CoI: if acting for no, of buyers seeking similar properties, have disclosed and received agreement to continue, ensure acting in best interests of each client and actions don’t prejudice another / take timely actions in acc with sequence of receipt of requests from clients
- progressing purchases: send acceptance of offer to client, with consent confirm details of client, progress
Ending the instruction:
- written confirmation with date of termination and details of fees
- invoice: submit clearly, setting out all costs, send within reasonable time of instructions end (termination fee should be in ToE and amount)
- final receipt sent to client when invoice paid
- if completion does not take place, if negotiated a transaction may still be entitled to fee/commission, check ToE
- recovering outstanding debts: direct deduction from client account/from sale proceeds by a lawyer easiest way but must be with consent; send reminder and state if intend to charge interest and give reasonable period to pay; follow up with phonecall and agreed payment date; consider legal advice or negotiation e.g. payment plan/ADR
How do you adhere to “UK commercial real estate agency, 2016”? (Purple Book)
PS, 1st ed
- location, premises, measurement
- freehold/leasehold title (verify)
- services, facilities, amenities / proximity to
- fitness for purpose
- physical problems e.g. contaminated land, at risk of flooding, may inc asbestos
- history: age/ownership, date of alterations
- length of time available
- price
- for leases: liability for service charge, common repairs
- business rates
- planning permission/proposals for dev/change of use
- statutory restrictions on use
- restrictive covenants, easements, RoW
Methods of sale:
- recommend method, alternatives, risks, pros cons
- costs for both buyer and seller e.g. stamp duty
- by private treaty
- by tender
formal (binding)
informal (subject to contract)
- by auction (sale)
How would you adhere to “UK residential real estate agency, 2017”?
PS, 6th ed
Part 1 – principals that shape culture of fairness and transparency
Part 2 – develops these principles for UK market
The Real Estate Agency Code
Part 1
Part 2
1. Standards and ethics
Must comply with:
- Real estate management (3rd ed) PS
- Real estate agency and brokerage (3rd ed) PS
- Conflicts of interest (1st ed) PS
Bribery Act 2010
Equality Act 2010
Estates Agent Act 1979
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regs 2008 (when dealing with consumers)
Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regs 2008 (when dealing with businesses)
Data Protection Act 1998
RICS Rules of Conduct
Before securing instructions
Marketing the property (acting for seller/landlord)
Implementing the sale or lease (acting for the seller)
Acting for the buyer
Acting for the landlord: letting the property
Ending the instruction