Learning- Chapter 6 Flashcards
Who pioneered the idea of Classical Conditioning?
What is Classical Conditioning?
Learning by association.
What is a Neutral Stimulus?
A stimulus that doesn’t cause a response?
What is an Unconditioned Stimulus?
A stimulus that causes an automatic response.
What is an Conditioned Stimulus?
A learned stimulus.
What is a Conditioned Response?
A learned response.
What is Generalization?
Responding the same way to a stimulus that seems similar.
What is Discrimination?
To be able to tell the difference, and be able to respond differently to a stimulus that seems different.
What is Extinction?
When the conditioned stimuli no longer causes a conditioned response.
What is Spontaneous Recovery?
The revival of a response that was once extinguished.
What is Flooding?
Direct exposure to fear in a safe environment.
What is Systematic Desensitization?
Relaxation techniques, limited exposure, virtual reality.
What is Counter Conditioning?
A pleasant stimulus with the feared object.
Explain the “Albert and the Rat” experiment.
Albert had a friend with a lab rat, and scientists showed Albert, the rat and then banged pipes together to create a loud noise. Albert then was afraid of the rat, because he thought he was going to hear a loud noise. He was then afraid of the rat.
What is Operant Conditioning?
Learning from consequences, or the “Trained Rat Theory”.
Who pioneered Operant Conditioning?
B.F Skinner.
What is the Skinner Box?
Skinner would train animals, it was an Operant Conditioning Chamber.
What are the different kinds of Consequences?
- Positive Reinforcements.
- Negative Reinforcements.
- Positive Punishment.
- Negative Punishment.
What does a reinforcement do?
Increases a behavior?
What does a Punishment do?
Decreases a behavior.
Explain Positive Reinforcements.
It increases a behavior when it is applied. EX. money, candy, praise.
Explain Negative Reinforcements.
Increases a behavior when it is taken away. EX. Turning off an alarm, stop the buzzer in a car, put up an umbrella, to stop the wetness, parents believing lies.
Explain Positive Punishments.
Decrease a behavior when applied. EX. Detention, bad grades, tickets, fines.
Negative Punishments.
Decreases behavior when removed. EX. Free time, money.
What is a Fixed Interval Schedule?
An exact amount of time passes between reinforcements.
What is a Variable Interval Schedule?
Time varies between reinforcements.
What is a Fixed Ratio Schedule?
Reinforcement occurs after a fixed number of responses. EX. Buy 2, get 1 free.
What is a Variable Ratio Variable Schedule?
A reinforcement occurs after a varying number of responses. EX. Gambling, sports.
Explain Observational Learning.
Watching someone do something, and then mimicking it.
Explain Modeling.
You can watch someone do something enough, and you can learn how to to do it.
Who pioneered the idea of Observational Learning?
What is Latent Learning?
It is the idea of cognitive maps. Learning remains hidden until needed.
Who pioneered the idea of Latent Learning?