learning and memory Flashcards
group of mechanisms or processes by which experience shapes us, changing our brains and our behaviour
involves direct changes to the makeup of our brain
loss of memory (including an inability to form new long-term memories
HM is the most famous case study. He participated in studies over multiple decades. His amnesia followed surgical resection to control his epilepsy. after his surgery, HM could not form new long term memories.
amnesia damage
damage to regions of the medial temporal lobe including:
dentate gyrus
parahippocampal area
long term potentiation
the hippocampus receives via the entorhinal cortex highly pre processed input about the “items” encountered in the environment
exhibits this phenomenon which is repeated activation of pathways producing a long-lasting increase in signal transmission between neurons (facilitating AP firing)
after LTP, the same amount of presynaptic stimulation results in greater/stronger post synaptic potential (facilitates action potential firing)
synaptic plasticity
larger graded potentials facilitating APs firing can also come from: interneuron modulation, formation of new synapses
synaptic input can also be rearranged based on usage
midline diencephalic region damage
can also cause amnesia
particularly when the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus and the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus are damaged
what is midline diencephalic region damage caused by
korsakoff syndrome
chronic alcohol abuse
via and accident
retrograde amnesia
memory impairment for information acquired prior to the event that caused the amnesia
temporal extent can vary greatly, from minutes to decades
the greater the damage to hippocampal regions, the greater length of retrograde amnesia
impaired episodic memory
characterized by a temporal gradient where there is a greater compromise of more recent memories than more remote memories
gradients of retrograde amnesia suggest that memory may undergo a process of consolidation during the time after learning
anterograde amnesia
there is a deficit in learning new information after the onset of amnesia
typically occurs in association with at least some retrograde amnesia
episodic memory
memories of events of the past including autobiographical information of our experiences
autobiographical memories of specific episodes in our lives - re experiencing events
remembering your last bday
semantic memory
usually stays in tact for the basic perceptual, motor, linguistic, and intellectual competences a person had before the onset of amnesia
they also retain information learned early on in life about language, objects and the world in general
knowing that monkeys have tails
knowledge of facts, concepts and categories - generalizing knowledge
working memory
the ability to hold a limited amount of information on-line over the short term while information is being actively used or processed
unaffected after damage to hippocampus
HM had an intact working memory span, however once working memory was exceeded performance suffered
the ability to retain limited amounts of information for a short time while actively working with that info
- patients can show a selective impairment in working memory while at the same time, having intact long-term memory
- hippocampal damage patients with intact working memory and disrupted long-term memory suggest that the forms of memory rely on different brain areas
hippocampal damage and skill learning
even after hippocampal damage, skill learning is still possible
this is the acquisition (usually gradually and incrementally through repetition) of motor, perceptual or cognitive operations or procedures that aid performance
first demonstrated in HM via a mirror-drawing task
- even though he could not remember doing the task previously, his performance improved with increasing practice
dissociation in amnesia
skill learning occurs even when patients: cannot recollect the training events, cannot recall or recognize the material or have no insight into their improved performance
dissociation in amnesia is probably best illustated by the word-stem completion task
morris water maze
the dissociation between episodic memory and other forms of memory can be demonstrated in both rodents and nonhuman primates
rat swim to constant ledge but can not see because opaque water
put them in a different starting position they start to wander
explicit memory system
lost in amnesia
permits the conscious recollection of prior experiences and fact
implicit memory system
allows prior experience to affect behaviour without the individual consciously retrieving the memory or even being aware of it
declarative memory system
people know information and can use is flexibly outside of the the situation in which it was aquired
possible to retrieve semantic information without hippocampus
some aspects of semantic memory may rely on domain specific neocortical processors
anterior temporal lobe regions may play a role in retaining info that is not linked to a particular modality
procedural memory system
appears to support memory of “how” things should be done, allowing for the acquisition and expression of skill
how to do smt
skill memory
long term memories broken into
declarative (explicit) and non declarative (implicit)
declarative (explicit) memory is broken into
episodic and semantic
non-declarative (implicit) memory is broken into
skill learning, priming and conditioning