Learning aim D: Principles of Management Flashcards
The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
This theory suggests there are two different sets of factors which influence job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. These were:
Hygiene factors (extrinsic motivators)
Motivation factors (intrinsic motivators)
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
Motivational theory suggesting that employees are motivated by pay. This theory implied that employees required clear guidelines, close supervision, and high levels of control in order for them to be coerced to perform effectively in the workplace.
Taylor’s Theory (Scientific Management)
Theory suggests workers should: be given a say in what happens to them, have improved communication, be organised into teams and be given social facilities such as clubs or sports facilities. Managers should have a good relationship with staff.
Mayo’s Motivational Theory
Any form of money payment (salary, commission, pension etc)
Financial Rewards
A sum of money divided into 12 monthly payments.
Employees are paid according to the amount of time they work.
Time Based Payment
Employees are paid for each item produced that meets the desired quality standard
Piece Rate
Paid for time worked beyond the regular hours
Extra payment usually made for high levels of performance.
A range of employment options designed to help employees balance work and home life.
Flexible Working
A job enrichment strategy that involves moving employees from one job to another
Job Rotation
Collaborative efforts of people to accomplish common objectives
The role of employees are enhanced with greater responsibility, by increasing the range & complexity of tasks.
Job Enrichment
Employees are provided with greater levels of freedom and trust in their role, allowing them to make more influential decisions.
Empowerment and Autonomy
Employees are involved in decision making.
Involves the addition of extra, similar, tasks to a job. By widening the range of tasks that need to be performed, hopefully the employee will experience less repetition and monotony
Job Enlargement
Giving staff non-financial extras such as extra leave.
Employee Benefits and Perks
Telling workers what to do. Employees have no input in decision making.
Allowing staff input, more autonomy but the manager remains in control.
The process of increasing the knowledge and skills of the workforce to enable them to perform their jobs .
Methods used to motivate workers that do not involve giving any financial reward
Non-financial Rewards