Learning aim A principles of Management Flashcards
A process of setting mutually agreed upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance
Management by Objectives
Leadership style changes according to the situation and in response to the individuals being managed (their competency and motivation)
Situational and contingency leadership
Is a structural approach based on the different management specialisms within a business
Functional Leadership
Is focused on and prioritises the needs of their team over their own personal needs. They are focused on achieving the organisations objectives and building the commitment of employees. They strive to change the culture of the organisation.
Transformational Leadership
Is focused on maintaining the existing structures and practises. They simply follow the organisations process and systems by dictating and assigning tasks to their team of employees.
Transactional Leadership
Emphasises the importance of leaders and managers having full control of three key areas to be able to effectively manage and lead a team, and ultimately achieve the objectives of the business. The three areas are: task, team, individual.
Action Centred Leadership
A model of leadership that sees leadership styles varying from leader centered (autocratic) to subordinate centered (democratic)
Leadership Continuum
When manager to establishes the organisations strategic objectives and then plan to achieve them. They take into account a wide range of factors & variables.
The core purpose of organising is to ensure the right people, are in the right place, at the right time, with the right resources, to execute their job and achieve the organisations objectives.
This is is focused on managing the people of the business rather than specific tasks. This includes managing individuals and teams in the moment, which is usually executed through a process of prioritisation.
Once all of the plans have been executed, resources organised and team members have been co-ordinated, it is crucial that the manager closely monitors the progress made against the original plans, budgets and targets.
The manager is able to evaluate where poor progress is being made against the original plans, budgets and targets. Once the manager has this information, it is crucial that they control the various elements to ensure the objectives of the business are achieved.
A leader that makes you feel enthusiastic or excited about something. An inspiring leader will lead from the front, spend time with employees, connecting with them and set high but achievable targets.
This is a leaders ability to energise their team. This is usually achieved when a leader is highly passionate about their role and demonstrates this on a consistent basis to their team.
A stakeholder is someone who has an interest in the business
- Influencing stakeholders means affecting their behaviour or actions
- Persuading stakeholders in a particular way can bring benefit to the business in the long term.
Influencing stakeholders
Future planning and business development.
The leader would look forward using their experience and knowledge of the business and its related market to produce and develop plans for the business to progress in the future and efficiently achieve the organisations objectives.
Determining best path to success
The norms, values, and beliefs that pertain to all aspects of doing business in a culture
Business Culture
An encompassing explanation of why the organization exists and where it’s trying to head.
A statement of the organization’s purpose - what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment
Mission Statement
The essence of the business’ identity
The culture of the business will influence the way in which the manager behaves, approach situations, communicate with various stakeholders, and manage employees.
Influences on culture - management practises
Once the business has taken into account the legal & regulatory requirements that must form the basis of their policies and procedures, the culture of the business will then influence the final and formal policies and procedures that are produced.
Influences on culture - policies and procedures
These structures have fewer levels in the hierarchy. Businesses which have a more open, creative, and innovative culture are much more likely to employ a holocratic/flat workforce structure.
Influences on culture - flat structure
These structures have many levels in the hierarchy, with a narrow span of control. A traditional hierarchical structure has a top down approach which typically involves one person being responsible for making key decisions for the business and its employees are just instructed & follow orders.
Influences on culture - hierarchical structure
Autocratic leaders tell people what to do, with little/no input from staff. You are likely to have low levels of motivation and only complete the tasks because it is your job, without any desire to go above and beyond or to improve the businesses processes etc.
Influences on culture - autocratic
Allowing workers a say in decision making. These organisations will have a more open culture, there is an opportunity to be creative and motivation is likely to be higher.
Influences on culture - democratic