Learning Flashcards
Importance of studying learning
Helps improve learning which is used in all areas of life. Learn new skills or techniques.
Importance of studying forgetting
-Understanding how memory works and fails to work can inform ways to improve memory. For example, the sin of absent mindedness impacts encoding
-Chunking effectively increases the capacity of the STM as more information can be help per chunk.
- Link new ideas to old ideas to create cues for recall
- Loci method: tie info to objects on an imaginary journey
- Peg word method: link info to learnt lists of words or rhymes
- increases likelihood of recall as it will move into the LTM
- Maintenance: Low level repetition
- Elaborative: Complex repetition focusing on meaning, details and understanding
Forgetting curve
-The learning curve: Eddinghaus measured time taken to learn a list of nonsense syllables, more rehearsal = more learning
-Information is processed at different levels: Structural (physical/visual), phonological (acoustic), semantic (meaning)
-Deeper level = more meaningful and better recall
+Support: Ppts given questions to instigate level of depth then presented structural, phonological and semantic recall increases for deeper (semantic) processing
-Criticism: Not explanatory or objective and may not be due to effort of processing not depth
Aiding retrieval
- Context dependent forgetting: environment is the same at recall as encoding e.g. divers
- Cue dependent forgetting: cues present during encoding and recall e.g. scent and museum visit
- State dependent forgetting: internal state is the same at encoding as recall e.g. bipolar person couldn’t remember where they hid money during manic episode
- Mood dependent forgetting: feelings at encoding is the same at recall e.g. depressed mood = recall negative self info
Serial position effect
- Free Recall Task discovered the primacy and recency effect
- Distractor tasks eliminate recency effect