Learning Flashcards
What is learning?
A relatively permanent change in behaviour that is due to some experience.
What is a neutral stimulus?
A stimulus that initially produces no response other than to focus attention.
True or false: Pavlov was originally studying digestion in dogs and hadn’t intended to study conditioning
In Pavlov’s experiment, if salivation is the UCR (unconditioned response), what are the UCS, CS and UCR
The UCS is the food (or rather the smell/sight of it), the
CS (conditioned stimulus) is the bell and the CR (conditioned response) is the salivation.
What is defined as “When a response is triggered by a similar stimulus to the original one”?
What was the method for Watson and Raynor’s Little Albert study?
Little Albert, an 11 month old baby, was brought to the lab. He played happily with a white rat but when a metal bar was struck this caused him to jump and develop a fear response. This was done several times while he played with the rat.
Who completed the 1898 study into the effect of consequences on learned behaviour in animals
Do the experiments of Pavlov and Watson and Raynor come under classical conditioning or operant condition?
Classical conditioning
What is a Skinner box?
It was a box created by Skinner to test animal behaviour. It contained a lever (to release food when pushed) and an electrified grid on the floor.
Which of these is the consequence for negative reinforcement?
- Pleasant
- Stops something unpleasant
- Unpleasant
Stops something unpleasant
What is punishment?
A consequence that weakens behaviour (makes it less likely to happen)
What is a phobia?
A phobia is a mental illness where a person experiences extreme anxiety and fear about a particular stimulus object.
What is systemic desensitisation?
Where the person with a phobia is exposed very gradually to the feared stimulus.
What is the purpose of aversion therapy?
The purpose of aversion therapy is to stop unwanted behaviour by associating it (through conditioning) with something unpleasant.
What is behaviour shaping?
An operant conditioning concept. Reinforcement can be used to create completely new behaviour by shaping random behaviour and building up a sequence of behaviours.
What is defined as “Learning that occurs as a result of reward or punishment”?
Operant conditioning