Lean Production and quality managemet Flashcards
Lean production
Using resources as efficiently as possible to minimise waste and improve quality.
Producing goods and services with the minimum of wasted resources while maintaining high quality.
Simultaneous engineering
Product development is organised so that different stages are done at the same time instead of a sequence.
Cell production
Splitting flow production into self-contained groups that are responsible for whole work units
A japanese term meaning continuous improvement
Any process that has continuous improvement built in.
Quality product
A good or service that meets customers’ expectations and is therefore ‘fit for purpose’
Quality Standards
The expectations of customers expressed in terms of the minimum acceptable production or service standards
Flexible specialism
A manufacturing production system based on mass production,, but through flexible use of machines and employees it allows a wide variety in individual product specification.
Quality control
This is based on inspection of the product or a sample of products.
A system for improving quality based on inspection, normally using sampling.
Quality assurance
A system for making sure agreed standards are met at each stage of a process in order to ensure customer satisfaction.
What is ISO 900?
This is an internationally recognised certificate that acknowledges the existence of a quality procedure that meet certain conditions
Requirements to obtain the ISO 900 certificate (5)
- Staff training and appraisal methods
- Methods for checking on suppliers
- Quality standards in all areas of the business
- Procedure for dealing with defective products and quality failures
- After-sale service
Requirements to obtain the ISO 900 certificate (5)
- Staff training and appraisal methods
- Methods for checking on suppliers
- Quality standards in all areas of the business
- Procedure for dealing with defective products and quality failures
- After-sale service
Total quality management
An approach to quality that aims to involve all employees o, quality-improvement. It adapts its culture with the aim to ensure the best possible processes.
Involves management identifying the best firms in the industry and then comparing the performance standards-including quality- of these businesses with those of their own business.
This is to improve their own procedure.
Cell production
Splitting the flow production into self-contained groups, known as cells that are responsible for whole work units.
Key aspects of TQM (3)
Quality chains
Quality circles
Internal customers
Three stages of quality control
Correction and improvement
Name the processes lean production examines
Inventory control Employees roles Capacity management Efficiency Quality
Tools to help introduce lean production
TQM Kaizen Cell production Flexible specialisms simultaneous engineering Just in time
Common wastes in an organisation
nr of defects Excessive stock holding Excessive movement Over producing/supplying Excessive capacity Wasted time Wasted resources.